THE Right Brain vs Left Brain test


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
She was turning counter-clockwise and all my concentration couldn't make her turn clockwise.

I am a reality-based person :yay:


New Member
To me she goes left for a bit then she goes right. I took a test to see if I was right or left brained, and I am both.


You're a LOON :)
I looked and she was going counter clockwise... then I went back and read all the responses and looked at her again. She then was clockwise.. then back to counter So I turned the laptop so DH could see and he said clockwise but I was watching her going counter. So I looked away and she was going clockwise. Maybe I am crazy


Loving My Life...
You could?

I can usually "force" myself to see "both" pictures, this one for instance


(you can either see the vase or 2 men's faces).

but with the dancer i could only see her (and her nip's) turn counter-clockwise and couldnt see any way she would turn clockwise

I see both, but the vase sticks out more to me...


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
She went both ways for me as well, although the first impression was counter clockwise. With practice, I could make her go any way I wanted.

I'm primarily a leftie - writing, eating etc. - but I'm rightie in sports related things - throwing, batting, golf.

I've met other people like this - fine motor skills, leftie, gross motor skills, rightie. Gets kinda hairy when it comes to tools, because some tools require both, and I'm ambidextrous on those - like screwdrivers - but some are mostly fine motor - like scissors - but then some really require strength - like a hammer or saw - and I'm all rightie on those.


The trick is in the forward foot.

To see her spinning clockwise, visualize that her right foot is forward. To revert to widdershin, visualize her left foot foreward.

There's a bit of logical left-brained analysis for you.


Holy crap :yikes:

I was able to force myslef into seeing her spin the other way, but now i cant get her to swing back to counter-clockwise

i'm no longer practical or safe, i'm a risktaker :faint:

Extra credit.... see if you can see her swiveling back and forth at 180 degrees instead of rotating around 360, so she's always facing you or always looking away.


Active Member
"THE Right Brain vs Left Brain test ... do you see the dancer turning clockwise or anti-clockwise?

If clockwise, then you use more of the right side of the brain and vice versa.

Most of us would see the dancer turning anti-clockwise though you can try to focus and change the direction; see if you can do it."

Right Brain v Left Brain | Herald Sun

When I first opened the page she was going counter clockwise. Then a pop-up opened up and covered her, when I closed the pop-up she was spinning clockwise. Kinda freaky.


Well-Known Member
When I first opened the page she was going counter clockwise. Then a pop-up opened up and covered her, when I closed the pop-up she was spinning clockwise. Kinda freaky.

similar thing for me...but instead of a pop up i just clicked on another page...then when i went back, still clockwise...

i'm right handed...can't do a dam thing now to get her to go counter-clockwise lol.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

...her right leg is extended and she is turning from her left to her right, clockwise. How could anyone see it different?