The right to leave


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PREMO Member
Bruzilla said:
So... what the hell is our "American Culture?"

What this pinhead fails to notice that this vaunted American culture that he/she is so terrified of losing to a hybridization of cultures is in fact already a hybridization of cultures.
And yet the world over is ALSO whining about American "cultural imperialism". We're spreading *our* (non-existent) culture through Hollywood, fast-food, cable television etc. I've had some bristling discussions with individuals the world over, complaining about this "hyrbridization" of American culture that you are claiming does not exist. It does. Some would go to war over it, if they could.

It's not so much that it already exists as a "hybridization" of culture. Largely, this has been the influence of time. Nobody came into town and declared that McDonald's and Wendy's were Euro-centric and therefore needed to be renamed Taco Bell or Mohammed's. It wasn't long after 9-11 that in some jurisdictions, people were being told they couldn't display *the American Flag* because such a display would be insulting to some people. I don't mind the Irish celebrating their holidays or the Italians celebrating theirs - or any ethinicity celebrating their heritage. It's when *I'M* told I can't celebrate my OWN because it offends some other group that came here later.

I do not ever expect - although it's a nice benefit of being a native speaker of English - to go to a foreign nation - begin to live there - and insist that there should be language assistance for me and my English-speaking brethren at all ATM's, schools and any other public venues. Is there a nation on *Earth* that would put up with such? And I'm not talking, as a matter of wisdom via commerce. It's totally understandable, that if you want to corner a niche in a market, you might want to make sure you get everyone you can. No, I'm talking about change as a consequence of legislative fiat. From public outcry (complaining).

Can you imagine a million Russian Jews moving to Israel - and insisting that the Palestinian establishments publish menus and such in Russian - to accommodate them? Or, say, Katrina victims deciding they'd be better off in Mexico, setting up huge enclaves in a few cities - and demanding from the government that schools teach in English? And that cultural displays be re-done, so as not to offend them?

Why in Ghu's name do we permit this kind of silliness?

I agree with the author on at least one point - even if this nation never becomes "Christian" - or becomes some OTHER religion entirely - to deny its Christian past by some kind of cultural whitewash IS offensive, to me. I don't celebrate Christmas so much as a Christian festival - in reality, it's steeped in paganism, in its roots. Same goes for Halloween (Easter more or less corresponds to the approximate time of year it celibrates, despite all of the pagan cultural symbols that have become attached to it).

The Christian heritage and roots of this country have already been laid. I fully recognize that, at some point in the future, we could have a nation that is mostly Buddhist, or Zoroastrian, or Confucian. But it was founded by Christians. That can't be undone.

In any case - we do have an American culture. It may be trite, and it may be pop culture - but it exists largely enough for those in other nations to complain LOUDLY about its intrusion upon their own.


Super Genius
SamSpade said:
I don't mind the Irish celebrating their holidays or the Italians celebrating theirs - or any ethinicity celebrating their heritage. It's when *I'M* told I can't celebrate my OWN because it offends some other group that came here later.
I agree with that except for the last four words. It doesn't matter which group got here earlier or later...all are equally free.


Routinely Derailed
bresamil said:
It is a good post to me because I agree with what's being said. I especially agree with the portion that tells immigrants to adjust, because that is what our ancestors who immigrated here did. When I travel to a foreign country, I make every attempt to master the phrases I will need in the language of that country as I will need to communicate with the people to live there. If I were to move there I would expect to only speak their language.
Well said, Bres!

I've seen this same op/ed piece a number of times over the past few years (at least portions of it that haven't changed), and I still agree with it. Having been an "alien" in Europe, where I had to adjust to them and try to speak their language, I know how it feels when the shoe's on the other foot, and I do NOT think it's necessary or appropriate to adjust to everybody's whines.

And I don't have to repeat how I feel about the issues involving Christmas, etc. - you all know how I feel.


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PREMO Member
ylexot said:
I agree with that except for the last four words. It doesn't matter which group got here earlier or later...all are equally free.
I guess it offends me more if a group arrives in my country and decides that, as a consequence of the freedom my nation provides them - that they can consequently tell me what to do.

I'm a gracious host, in my home - but I'll be damned if any guest presumes to prevail on my good nature and order me about in my own home.

This is my country - and whether they like it or not, I was here before them. It's my home. I'm willing to extend a welcome to anyone who comes - that's what freedom means to me. It also means that *I* am free, too. I'm just as free as they are, and no one comes here and abridges my freedom for the sake of their need to not be offended. In that event, they can haul their butts back where they came from.

This sort of thing has happened throughout history, and it is, effectively, a slow invasion. An "invading" people arrive, and rather than assimilate or join another culture - they extend their own. This is the real "cultural imperialism" - not the willing adoption of American pop culture - which occurs everywhere - but the defiant behavior of groups such as the Muslims in Europe, who in many cases have chosen NOT to assimilate - and are slowly making their presence as antagonists.


Working for the weekend
SamSpade said:
I guess it offends me more if a group arrives in my country and decides that, as a consequence of the freedom my nation provides them - that they can consequently tell me what to do.

I'm a gracious host, in my home - but I'll be damned if any guest presumes to prevail on my good nature and order me about in my own home.

This is my country - and whether they like it or not, I was here before them. It's my home. I'm willing to extend a welcome to anyone who comes - that's what freedom means to me. It also means that *I* am free, too. I'm just as free as they are, and no one comes here and abridges my freedom for the sake of their need to not be offended. In that event, they can haul their butts back where they came from.

This sort of thing has happened throughout history, and it is, effectively, a slow invasion. An "invading" people arrive, and rather than assimilate or join another culture - they extend their own. This is the real "cultural imperialism" - not the willing adoption of American pop culture - which occurs everywhere - but the defiant behavior of groups such as the Muslims in Europe, who in many cases have chosen NOT to assimilate - and are slowly making their presence as antagonists.

:yay: well said


Routinely Derailed
SamSpade said:
I guess it offends me more if a group arrives in my country and decides that, as a consequence of the freedom my nation provides them - that they can consequently tell me what to do.

I'm a gracious host, in my home - but I'll be damned if any guest presumes to prevail on my good nature and order me about in my own home.

This is my country - and whether they like it or not, I was here before them. It's my home. I'm willing to extend a welcome to anyone who comes - that's what freedom means to me. It also means that *I* am free, too. I'm just as free as they are, and no one comes here and abridges my freedom for the sake of their need to not be offended. In that event, they can haul their butts back where they came from.

This sort of thing has happened throughout history, and it is, effectively, a slow invasion. An "invading" people arrive, and rather than assimilate or join another culture - they extend their own. This is the real "cultural imperialism" - not the willing adoption of American pop culture - which occurs everywhere - but the defiant behavior of groups such as the Muslims in Europe, who in many cases have chosen NOT to assimilate - and are slowly making their presence as antagonists.
:yay: I'm with ya 100%!