I don't care for shows where I'm even sort of rooting for bad guys, which is why I'm conflicted about The Americans. The Sopranos, I'm not rooting for any of them so it's okay to enjoy the seediness of it all. I wanted to like Carmella but I hate her. I also wanted to like the shrink, but she's a freaking nut. I'm basically waiting for when they all get killed - I was sort of sorry to see Big Pussy get killed but wished Richie's passing had been more drawn out and painful. I want to see Christopher killed, and I really really want to see Tony get killed but I know it doesn't happen on screen. I was hoping that that horrible Livia would die in a prolonged fire, but I know that's not how it happens, darn it.
I'm interested in the human nature aspect of it all, but basically I'm just waiting to see all these awful people die.
Big Pussy gets killed?
j/k - actually I am in season #1 watching it for the 1st time. We are a few episodes to the end.
Have you watched Breaking Bad? That is a show where I found myself rooting for the bad guys.