Wow, 2A, you do have an interesting history in your ancestry! Cool.
It would be interesting to find out more about your mother's ancestry regarding lineage and your descendency through her side. You may find the following info interesting as I did when I learned about this just a couple of years ago and
note that it is written from the Orthodox perspective of Judaism:
The Jewish Mother: (excerpt)
"The original and current Jewish definition of a born Jew is someone whose mother is Jewish. Even though the Torah forbids a Jewish woman to marry a Gentile man, if she does, her children will still be Jewish.
The Torah also forbids a Jewish man to marry a Gentile woman, and if he does, his children by that woman will not be Jewish.
This annoys a great many people who wish to consider themselves Jewish, despite their non-Jewish mother. It is not my intention to annoy anyone. It is my intention to explain Judaism, and not to rationalize any dilution or changes in Jewish Law."
Who is a Jew, according to the Torah?