The Tudors


Movie Fan
The Tudors is a ten-part mini-series on Showtime depicting the reign and marriages of King Henry VIII from the creator of the Academy Award-winning Elizabeth. It stars Jonathan Rhys Meyers, who won a Golden Globe for his performance as Elvis Presley in the 2005 CBS telefilm and co-starred in Match Point, Mission: Impossible III, and Vanity Fair. Jeremy Northam, Sam Neill, and Gabrielle Anwar also star.

I have no idea how faithful this mini-series is to historical fact, but it is highly entertaining and involving... a well-crafted ride offering a potent blend of violence, sexual tension, and political intrigue. It premieres April 1st at 10pm EST on Showtime. Episodes one and two can be watched in their entirety online here

Highly recommended.


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curiouser and curiouser
I really wanted to watch, but we don't have Showtime and I wasn't going to pay for it just to watch one series. I'll definitely catch it when the first season hits DVD. :yay:

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
I know this is an old thread, but I just started watching this show on DVD and am HOOKED. :yay:


I know this is an old thread, but I just started watching this show on DVD and am HOOKED. :yay:

Thanks I was looking for something new to watch. This is perfect for me. :yay:

I just got a new stationary bike Friday and enjoy watching shows while peddling.


professional daydreamer
As one who is well read on the era, and the Tudor monarchy, I can say without a doubt there is a great deal of artistic Liberty taken in production of this period program. To thei credit, that have made it more interesting. Not that it was needed, but they have created a program that will suck you in with intrigue, deciept, magnificent costume, and beautiful sets and surroundings.

If you like The Tudors, you'll love Outlander, on starz and Netflix.

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
As one who is well read on the era, and the Tudor monarchy, I can say without a doubt there is a great deal of artistic Liberty taken in production of this period program. To thei credit, that have made it more interesting. Not that it was needed, but they have created a program that will suck you in with intrigue, deciept, magnificent costume, and beautiful sets and surroundings.

If you like The Tudors, you'll love Outlander, on starz and Netflix.

I figured there had been some poetic license taken, but the production itself is so opulent and the story so compelling I find myself immersed in the world they created.

I will definitely check Outlander out. Hopefully the first seasons are out on DVD as I don't have Starz or Netflix.


professional daydreamer
I figured there had been some poetic license taken, but the production itself is so opulent and the story so compelling I find myself immersed in the world they created.

I will definitely check Outlander out. Hopefully the first seasons are out on DVD as I don't have Starz or Netflix.

Yes. Season 1 parts 1 and 2, and season 2. I streamed it as soon as it was a available, the. Bought the DVD's as soon as I saw them in the store. Outlander is my new addiction. I've also read the 8 (soon to be 9) books. 2 or 3 times each. Really looking forward to number 9 in the Outlander series. There is also a John Gray series, one of the characters in Outlander. There is a new release I'm getting for Christmas-The Virgins. Whereas the Outlander series is mostly about, and through the eyes of Claire, The Virgins is a pre-qual about Jamie and Ian.

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Yes. Season 1 parts 1 and 2, and season 2. I streamed it as soon as it was a available, the. Bought the DVD's as soon as I saw them in the store. Outlander is my new addiction. I've also read the 8 (soon to be 9) books. 2 or 3 times each. Really looking forward to number 9 in the Outlander series. There is also a John Gray series, one of the characters in Outlander. There is a new release I'm getting for Christmas-The Virgins. Whereas the Outlander series is mostly about, and through the eyes of Claire, The Virgins is a pre-qual about Jamie and Ian.

Thanks! I just reserved the first two seasons of Outlanders at the library and can hardly wait for them to come in. I am going to start on the books, too, once I finish the DVDs and also the other stories you mentioned. :yay: