Boy: get off the "Hacking Scandal and the releasing of info by Comey" Grow up, and learn what the Electoral College is about...The popular vote was only in two of the most Blue states, and did not matter, Mr Trump WON!! Get over it and do "something else" constructive with your time and efforts. There is not a damn thing you or all the liberal crybabies can do about this... He will be here for the next 4 years and let see just what he will do! Sure he is bound to make mistakes, but considering what we have had in the past 8 years, he is 100% better. Your rants and raves are just stupid, and mean nothing!! Get are like the bleeding heart Entertainers from Hollywierd, think you know it all and know absolutely NOTHING!! And why should I pay attention to theirand your opinions anyhow...? They are there to "ENTERTAIN" me and the general public!!, and yes they are entitled to their opinions...But really the idiots saying to blow up the White House, or Assinate Mr. Trump? That is just absolutely over the line and too much! Get it??