The View


Horse Poor
Mingiz, I've been riding my new appy around the farm and drive around. Got him down to that deer stand on Physic Hill trail when someone started shooting guns and it scared him bad. I was yelling to whomever that there were horses and riders and they shouldn't be shooting on a Sunday but they didn't stop. I think I'm going to need another rider with me next time I go down that way:) He is slow and sweet and I like him lots. He is a big baby boy that loves attention. I just wish Spec treated him better. You should hear Spec cry when I'm riding Bandit. I can hear him from everywhere on the farm. I can't do any four hour rides anymore so I'm sticking to short ones. I love the woods and taking in the scenery and marvel at nature at it's best. I've also been hitching Show Boy up every night it isn't too hot and driving him around. He is doing so well and is such a huggable spotted boy. I'll be bringing him up to Western Branch Farm soon to drive around there. Gots to go pick up my kids from drill practice and then take the daughter to the mall for her birthday. How was the trip to CA?

Well the trip to CA was good. Plane ride back a little rough at times.Now I'm just trying to get this farm back into order. I'm trying to get the yard back in order and we started repairing the back wall on the barn. So after that is done. I'm going to start painting fence and then barn. I'm in the process of selling my big trailer and going a little newer and bigger..Glad to hear that your getting a ride in. Great that Showboy is going good.Maybe you'll can take him to the fair parade this year...Well back to the grind. Are you going to Doo's tomorrow night for B-Day? If so give me a call so we can meet up or plan some thing...


I love her wild,wild hair
Hey Been Spur'd, haven't heard from you in a while. The farm looks great!!

Howdy Regina Falangy, what a coincidence that I saw you at lunch yesterday after wondering who you were:) You guys looked very happy and I'm happy for you in your new adventure. Can't wait to come visit you there and help cut grass:) It's going to be GREAT!!! Let me know it there is anyway I can help out to make things on this end go smoother. I love when dreams can be fulfilled. Good luck and happy trails......... into the sunset!