The Washington Post...

Larry Gude

Strung Out not alone as an entertainment publication but, given that people think it's a newspaper, well, often times I'm asked why, as a conservative type person, I read what is so blatantly a rather leftward paper.

OK, not asked often, but once in awhile.

Alright, on occaision.

Fine. The only time I here about it is from Vrai and only then when the bill comes.

In any event, here's todays reason why I read the Washington Post:

Hydra-Headed Hybrids

hybrid vehicles are the main culprit in the ever-worsening traffic in the region's carpool lanes.

This kind of entertainment is cheap too, about a dollar a day to my mailbox.


Lovin' being Texican
Larry Gude said: not alone as an entertainment publication but, given that people think it's a newspaper, well, often times I'm asked why, as a conservative type person, I read what is so blatantly a rather leftward paper.

OK, not asked often, but once in awhile.

Alright, on occaision.

Fine. The only time I here about it is from Vrai and only then when the bill comes.

In any event, here's todays reason why I read the Washington Post:

Hydra-Headed Hybrids

This kind of entertainment is cheap too, about a dollar a day to my mailbox.

Another Ecco-Nazi gone bad!


Well-Known Member
Tom Toles pushes it over the top for me. As soon as this puppy is trained, I'm cancelling the Post.


Asperger's Poster Child
This is something from, which follows Washington-area media outlets. (The site had scuttlebutt on Dan Snyder buying 92.7 before the newspapers carried the story.)

DC Post Accused Of "Straight-Washing" - 2/11 - Kevin Naff, managing editor of the Washington Blade, says that the Washington Post all too often uses the terms "flamboyant," "eccentric," or "a lifelong bachelor" to sidestep questions of gay sexual orientation. The paper "employs endless winks and nods to convey what would be better spelled out," Naff argues.....
Wouldn't a liberal paper subscribe to the "not that there's anything wrong with that" belief? In this case, is the Post trying to bend over backward to not offend religious conservatives?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Tonio said:
Wouldn't a liberal paper subscribe to the "not that there's anything wrong with that" belief? In this case, is the Post trying to bend over backward to not offend religious conservatives?
Why mention it at all? Would they think to mention that someone was a heterosexual? If not, then no need to mention that they're gay. Maybe something like, "Joe's longtime partner, Jim, says..." like they'd do for a married person, but that's it.

It's interesting to note that liberal newspapers and magazines are much more likely to highlight a gay person's sexual orientation. Other publications don't bother because it's not central or important to the story.


Asperger's Poster Child
vraiblonde said:
Why mention it at all? Would they think to mention that someone was a heterosexual? If not, then no need to mention that they're gay. Maybe something like, "Joe's longtime partner, Jim, says..." like they'd do for a married person, but that's it.
Excellent point. It's not relevant unless it's a human interest story or it's relevant to the issue in question.

I think the Post's practice implies that all gay men fit the Christopher Lowell/Craig Wilson/Nathan Lane stereotype. I've only met three gay men in my life and none of them acted like prancing queens. Well, I didn't know at the time they were gay, so maybe my gaydar was never calibrated.


Well-Known Member
Tonio said:
I've only met three gay men in my life and none of them acted like prancing queens. Well, I didn't know at the time they were gay, so maybe my gaydar was never calibrated.
Dropped the soap, eh?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Tonio said:
I've only met three gay men in my life and none of them acted like prancing queens. Well, I didn't know at the time they were gay, so maybe my gaydar was never calibrated.
I've known many gay men throughout my life and every single one of them was obviously gay. Not that they pranced around with feather boas or anything, but you would spot them as gay men a mile away.

However most stories about someone who happens to be gay or lesbian, their sexuality has absolutely nothing to do with the story. Libby pubs also do this with black people, where their race is irrelevant to the story. They don't mention it if it's a white or hetero person, but blacks and gays definitely get labeled.


Well-Known Member
Tonio said:
This is something from, which follows Washington-area media outlets. (The site had scuttlebutt on Dan Snyder buying 92.7 before the newspapers carried the story.)

Wouldn't a liberal paper subscribe to the "not that there's anything wrong with that" belief? In this case, is the Post trying to bend over backward to not offend religious conservatives?

The Post is less and less about news and more about stirring up crap. Instead of solid fact, way too often the source of an article is "our unnamed source".


Asperger's Poster Child
vraiblonde said:
However most stories about someone who happens to be gay or lesbian, their sexuality has absolutely nothing to do with the story. Libby pubs also do this with black people, where their race is irrelevant to the story. They don't mention it if it's a white or hetero person, but blacks and gays definitely get labeled.
Very true. By using code words, the Post implies that gayness is something shameful..

I think it's cool that Monty Python, Howard Stern, and Don & Mike are all gay-friendly but make jokes about the gay stereotypes, because the stereotype itself is funny. That's my idea of politically incorrect humor.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Why has my...

...dumb as a post thread turned into a gay-dar threrad?

Why is no one commenting or asking why I posted the editorial?

Why are you people not curious?

Here's the deal; The Post was one of any number of members of the cacaphony screaming against the evils of oil and that we ALWAYS have to do SOMETHING no matter how little the impact may or my not be for it is MOTHER earth we speak of.

So, now, what's happening? Free people being free people, folks are responding to the benefits of being able to use a hybrid to not only be good greenies but to use the stupid azz HOV.

So, OF COURSE, now that SOME people are exercising this option, taking ADVANTAGE, we can't have that anymore!

These people are in mind, spirit and inclination all a bunch of freaking socialists.



This Space for Rent
Larry Gude said:
...dumb as a post thread turned into a gay-dar threrad?

Why is no one commenting or asking why I posted the editorial?

Why are you people not curious?

Here's the deal; The Post was one of any number of members of the cacaphony screaming against the evils of oil and that we ALWAYS have to do SOMETHING no matter how little the impact may or my not be for it is MOTHER earth we speak of.

So, now, what's happening? Free people being free people, folks are responding to the benefits of being able to use a hybrid to not only be good greenies but to use the stupid azz HOV.

So, OF COURSE, now that SOME people are exercising this option, taking ADVANTAGE, we can't have that anymore!

These people are in mind, spirit and inclination all a bunch of freaking socialists.




Asperger's Poster Child
Larry Gude said:
Here's the deal; The Post was one of any number of members of the cacaphony screaming against the evils of oil and that we ALWAYS have to do SOMETHING no matter how little the impact may or my not be for it is MOTHER earth we speak of.

So, now, what's happening? Free people being free people, folks are responding to the benefits of being able to use a hybrid to not only be good greenies but to use the stupid azz HOV.

So, OF COURSE, now that SOME people are exercising this option, taking ADVANTAGE, we can't have that anymore!

These people are in mind, spirit and inclination all a bunch of freaking socialists.
Other than a possible error in fact, the editorial didn't get my goat. The Post claims that the HOV lanes were designed to reduce pollution. I thought the HOV lanes were designed to cut gas consumption, which is why hybrids can use the lanes. I don't know if this is true. But for some reason, I didn't see the error as part of a socialist agenda to have govenment take over the means of production. I assumed the error was just ignorance.


Come Play at BigWoodys
I dont think the posts story is too off base. I know that my manager in the office travels from the south up 95 to suitland every day and picks up slugs for the commute and he says that every day more and more hybrids are in the HOV. I think 66 has gotten worse from a couple of buddies that live in Manassass.

BTW: Have they dropped the tax break on em in VA? I know they had said something about that and I think that move is more stupid.


Iron City
Larry Gude said: not alone as an entertainment publication but, given that people think it's a newspaper, well, often times I'm asked why, as a conservative type person, I read what is so blatantly a rather leftward paper.

OK, not asked often, but once in awhile.

Alright, on occaision.

Fine. The only time I here about it is from Vrai and only then when the bill comes.

In any event, here's todays reason why I read the Washington Post:

Hydra-Headed Hybrids

This kind of entertainment is cheap too, about a dollar a day to my mailbox.

Larry, I get my news from many sources, the Times, Post, Drudge, St. Marys Rag, WSJ, etc, consider the sources, and form my own opinion without crying about how left or right of center one news source may be. Yes the Washington Post leans left, but don't you agree that the Washington Times leans just as far to the right?
I read the Washington ComPost every day, Mon-Fri, with occasional glances on the weekend. I have not bought the ComPost in atleast 4 years (ever since they went online). If the Times had better comics, I would not read the ComPost at all.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
mrweb said:
Larry, I get my news from many sources, the Times, Post, Drudge, St. Marys Rag, WSJ, etc, consider the sources, and form my own opinion without crying about how left or right of center one news source may be.
You're just special :huggy:

I, on the other hand, refuse to read Leftist media. If a news source leans right, great - so do I!


Asperger's Poster Child
mrweb said:
Larry, I get my news from many sources, the Times, Post, Drudge, St. Marys Rag, WSJ, etc, consider the sources, and form my own opinion without crying about how left or right of center one news source may be. Yes the Washington Post leans left, but don't you agree that the Washington Times leans just as far to the right?
Personally, I think bias is more obvious (and more irritating) when it's in the spoken word as opposed to the printed word. I can't stand Bill O'Reilly because he has a self-righteous, condescending tone. On the left, I heard Amy Goodman once on D.C.'s Pacifica station, the one that plays a lot of jazz, and she was even more self-righteous. (The way she talked about unelected oligarchs, I think now that she and JPC might make a cute couple...not. ) For me, listening to both of these talkers is like having an icepick shoved into my eardrum.

And Larry, I can't speak for the others here, but I don't have a strong opinion one way or the other about HOV lanes. I never thought of HOV as belonging to any political stance. It's possible that I might feel differently if I lived in an HOV area.