The Weather Outside is Frightful.....


Indy Bound
Ok, I was here at work at 630, no one else is here except for a few others. The roads weren't that bad where I am so I am wondering if everyone out b/c schools are closed, or just b/c they want to be. Is there anyone else out here but me?

I am from Pittsburgh so this is nothing to me but those of you who are from here seem to be scared of the snow.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Not alone. I came to work too.

We need a good Buffalo/Erie/Wisconsin kind of snow storm to get everyone around the DC area to totally snap! :lmao:


I'm here too, just reading the threads and drinking coffee.

The roads are a bit slick but no where near as dangerous as the idiots on them. :really:


Indy Bound
Oh I agree. Today will be really boring. I am here looking at Ebay doing some Christmas shopping. As you can see I am earning my paycheck. Hey I have it made, I get paid to surf the net on days like this. You can't beat that.


Originally posted by jeneisen
Hey I have it made, I get paid to surf the net on days like this. You can't beat that.

:lol: Yeah, I know just how it is.


New Member
Yup I got here at 6:30 am also. There were about 10 cars in the lot. Only one other person showed up in my group.

John Z

if you will
Nope, I stayed home. Mighta made it in fine, but I drive 42 miles to Pax, so I said that I deserve another day off. 3 days of work this week were too grueling. :cheers:


Originally posted by John Z
Nope, I stayed home. Mighta made it in fine, but I drive 42 miles to Pax, so I said that I deserve another day off. 3 days of work this week were too grueling. :cheers:

I drove 47 miles to DC without a problem.


Nothing to see here


Originally posted by jeneisen

I am from Pittsburgh so this is nothing to me but those of you who are from here seem to be scared of the snow.

I'm from Michigan originally, and plenty used to snow. But don't forget that down here:

1) they don't have the equipment or system for dealing with it--it can take days for individual neighborhoods to get cleared
2) people aren't used to driving in it, making accidents more likely
3) the storms we get here tend to be wet and slick, which can actually be more hazardous than the snowstorms further north--power outages as a result of weather are much more common here


I stayed home today. I don't like driving in the ice. My car slid about 5 feet coming out of my apt. parking lot so I decided to telecommute today. It isn't like I don't have enough to do. I am actually catching up on documentation and stuff. I do have to work tomorrow though.


New Member
The weather outside is frightfull

Since I'm originally from Southern California and have no business hazarding the public by driving in snow, I'm sitting next to fire and enjoying an unexpected day off. I thought about going into work, but used my better judgement. In addition to not causing the local authorities or fellow motorist to have to worry about me driving on roads that I may or may not be able to drive on, I don't have to spend an unproductive day at work sitting around, drinking coffee and shopping on the internet, while debating the judgement of whoever decided that we needed to remain open.

So it cost me a day off? Big deal. An accident, whether my fault or not, would cost me even more time off from work, in the way of hospital time, or just dealing with automobile repairs.

To those who are from northern climates I commend you for your effort and experience. Some of us had the good common sense to stay the hell outta the way.


New Member
Darn the luck... last year, my senior year at Great Mills, when we wouldn't have had to make up the snow days, there weren't any. Or maybe there was one. But geez, it's early in the season for a snow day. I'm very happy for all the students there. :cheers:

At stupid NYU, however, the 6-8 inch forecast just means "wear your boots when you're walking to class." :mad:


Dancing Up A Storm
Originally posted by pilot
I'm from Michigan originally, and plenty used to snow. But don't forget that down here:

1) they don't have the equipment or system for dealing with it--it can take days for individual neighborhoods to get cleared
2) people aren't used to driving in it, making accidents more likely
3) the storms we get here tend to be wet and slick, which can actually be more hazardous than the snowstorms further north--power outages as a result of weather are much more common here
:cool: Out of the three listed, #2 is the most telling around here that I've noticed. On any given day(I live off RTE 235 and Chancellors's Run), the siren at the firestation goes off 4, maybe 5 times a day. Throw in a rainstorm and you can double that easy. Dump a few inches of snow and watch out! The
autobody shops around literally lick their chops when rain or snow is forecasted.
No offense RangerJohn, but what you said makes sense. There are a lot of people driving in this area that shouldn't have access to a set of carkeys. They don't seem to know how to drive in these kinds of conditions. Maybe they're too aggressive, too much in a hurry, whatever. I think that is what concerns me most when we get a snowfall


Ever notice that most of the wrecks in slick/snowy weather are cause by some ******* in some kind of truck or SUV that thinks they can go 70 mph?


New Member
We are relocating to southern Maryland in 2 weeks. My parents live on the Delmarva Peninsula, where I grew up. We have lived in Md years ago. My husband grew up in Pittsburgh and we went to college in Morgantown so we're no strangers to serious snow.

The problem is : we've been living in Florida for over 9 years. Our street worthiness and street smartness when it comes to common snow sense isn't first nature anymore. And we're older now, making our reflexes slightly slower. Still I think we'll manage fine after a brief refresher.

We were told that in southern Md there are only serious snowfalls about once every five years or so.??? I am not sure how to interpret this info. As I recall, we usually had 2-3 snowdays off per year as a kid.

Our new home is located in Saint Leonard. Anyone know how many inches of snow they received this week? I heard there will be 2 more waves of snowy weather passing through within the next 2 weeks?

More importantly, since grass seed was just thrown down a couple weeks ago, will our yard be nothing more than a muddy mess after the snow?


Heretic , no, I noticed most of the wrecks are either cars not being equiped with good tires with enough treads, terrible drivers, cars with wide tires i.e. corevettes/camaro/firebird, cars with rear wheels drive, cars without clear windows, cars without working lights on, cars without tire chains, and so forth.
Most of the time, if I am driving on the interstate and I see many cars ( I mean MANY) being buried in the ditch or on the median then there's a possibilities that I would see few tractor trailers veer off the highway, too. It all depends on where and who is out there driving and what kind of nasty weather.
Last year I drove on I-70 and the police had to stop us from going any further for few hours. What happened was the salt/plow dump truck got stuck on the black ice at the bottom part of the hill right on I-70 at two o'clock in the afternoon under blue sky and sunshine but it was freezing though.
I have been living up north around Rochester/Buffalo. Been to Niagra/Toronto/Montreal. I have a cabin up in the mountain in WV. I have been to Lake Tahoe in Sierra Nevada mountain range last March with snowy weather just about every day for one week. I like the huge snow blower attached to the front bumper of the dump truck and they can really blow all of the snow on the side of road right on top of old snow whether it's four feet high or 15 feet high! I have seen it all except for north pole and south pole. :biggrin: In Rochester Ny, they don't wait for the snow to come down and they get busy spreading salt. Have you seen those blue flame torches attached to the rear of the dump truck to melt the ice at nighttime? Awesome sight! I love the way the Rochester snowplow trucks work together to plow in unison as a team on the interstates. Down here in SOMD .. umm .. what can I say.