The weather's changing...


9/11 - Never Forget!
...and we're all gonna die!

Story on la nina.

"We're seeing a shift to the La Nina, it's clearly in the data," NOAA Administrator Conrad Lautenbacher said. La Nina, a cooling of the mid-Pacific equatorial region, has not officially begun because it's a process with several months with specific temperature thresholds, but the trend is obvious based on satellite and ocean measurement data, he said.
Translation: Temperature changed a little bit, but it could happen!
"La Nina is the evil twin sister of El Nino, so it's good or bad depending on where you live," Weaver said.
Translation: Weather will be different in different parts of the country!
"There are winners and losers, people tend to concentrate on the losers," Lautenbacher said.
Translation: There will be nice weather and there will be bad weather but the news media will only report the bad stuff 'cause that's all George W. Bush's fault.


Oh my gotttt ... :jameo: We need to contact Algore and get his advice on how to stop it! He ought to be easy to find... Just look for the one kissing Oscar. :love:


mv = margaritaville
PsyOps said:
Oh my gotttt ... :jameo: We need to contact Algore and get his advice on how to stop it! He ought to be easy to find... Just look for the one kissing Oscar, and the one with the glow from his house. :love:



This Space for Rent
El Nina and El Nino are well studied and known phenomenon that have nothing to do with the climate change crowd. They have existed as far back as they can verify.


mv_princess said:
OMG... did you hear what he spends on electric and gas for his mansions? I think they said it was over $35,000 a year. No to mention is use of limousines and private jets carting him all over the world promoting his hypocrisy. Then they claim he is fixing that with "carbon offsets" (whatever the heck that is). I don't think you can find a better definition of hypocrite than in Algore and all the libs that are creating these BS programs like "carbon offsets" and "carbon credits" to defend his deliberate abuse our environment. They have no shame.



He's putting in solar panels too. Does that not count for anything or is he still an azz clown?


Super Genius
oldnavy said:
He's putting in solar panels too. Does that not count for anything or is he still an azz clown?
He's still an azz clown. Want to make a difference? REDUCE YOUR USAGE!


oldnavy said:
He's putting in solar panels too. Does that not count for anything or is he still an azz clown?
It's my take that the awareness of Gore's hypocrisy has come to light and because of that he had to make some life adjustments. So he is scrambling to get his our "Green Friendly" and to get his advisors to create BS programs like these "carbon offsets" to cover his azz. So the question is, why didn't he do al this years ago. Why now is Gore compelled to correct his environmental woes?

He's still an "azz clown".


Well-Known Member
aps45819 said:
:yeahthat: Ride a bike. I get around 40 mpg and I don't spare the throttle :lol:

Me too, but I'm betting your bike is going to pull away from my saturn at a red light. :lmao: