the White Supremacist Black Church


PREMO Member
Blacklist America and the White Supremacist Black Church
The Southern Poverty Law Center’s blacklists must be stopped.

Color of Change has rolled out its version of the Southern Poverty Law Center blacklist. The race-baiting group, co-founded by CNN’s Van Jones, put up a petition demanding that credit card companies stop taking “blood money” by “processing funds for over 100 white supremacist hate groups.”


How does an African-American church come to be listed as a “white supremacist” group? The answer lies with the Southern Poverty Law Center and the left’s dangerous witch hunt for “hate groups”.

The unacknowledged origin of the Color of Change blacklist is the Southern Poverty Law Center. Color of Change took the SPLC’s sloppy and malicious blacklist and made it sloppier and more malicious.

The Southern Poverty Law Center’s hate map groups together Christian organizations opposed to gay marriage, critics of unlimited immigration and counterterrorism investigators with black separatists and Neo-Nazis. Color of Change eliminated the groups and accused everyone of being white supremacists.

It’s easier that way.

Tellingly, Color of Change left off the black separatists like Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam and the New Black Panther Party despite their violence and racist views. The Nation of Islam solicits donations through PayPal and the New Black Panther Party takes MasterCard, Visa and American Express. But Color of Change has no interest in petitioning credit card companies to have them banned.