The yoots


Board Mommy
PREMO Member

A majority of the young voters (69 percent) who support Biden over Trump said they're doing so in "opposition to Donald Trump" getting another term as opposed to "support for President Biden and his policies."

Translation: "I'm a ****ing idiot, have no idea what I'm talking about, and Tik Tok tells me what to say when someone asks about my voting practices. Now go 'way! 'Batin'!"


Well-Known Member
We noticed.

How come he failed miserably the first time by losing the house, the senate, his second term and incresing the national debt by $ 8 billion while cutting taxes for the wealthy.

And where is his promised ACA health care replacement and infrastructure week. How about that Border Mexico would pay for?

Oh yeah and how about when he tried to get Pence killed.

We've seen the results of his disaster of a term.

Why do you keep doubling down on a constant loser?


Well-Known Member
How come he failed miserably the first time by losing the house, the senate, his second term and incresing the national debt by $ 8 billion while cutting taxes for the wealthy.

And where is his promised ACA health care replacement and infrastructure week. How about that Border Mexico would pay for?

Oh yeah and how about when he tried to get Pence killed.

We've seen the results of his disaster of a term.

Why do you keep doubling down on a constant loser?
Class, this is called lies, propaganda, & PROJECTION

All brought to you by one of our resident Marxist retards


Well-Known Member
People had better stop voting for people because they dislike the other person running.
Use what little brain you are equipped with, forget personalities.
What is good for your family, what is good for this country, what can be done to make it better.

Stop looking at the person and look at that person's record.
Any person that compares Trumps Presidency with Joe Biden's and votes for joe Biden is a moron of the highest order.

Go ahead vote for another 4 years of this dipsht EV and environmental manure., vote for a weak military and open borders, vote with pro Palestinian marchers.. See what happens.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
How come he failed miserably the first time by losing the house, the senate, his second term and incresing the national debt by $ 8 billion while cutting taxes for the wealthy.
And what was he up against? Consolidated effort by the deep state intelligence operations, social media, the never Trumpers, and regular media to thwart any effort and to disrupt anything attempted.
And where is his promised ACA health care replacement and infrastructure week. How about that Border Mexico would pay for?
ACA reform was defeated by Paul Ryan and John McCain. Another example of Never Trumpers that would rather damage the nation due to their pettiness.

The border wall would have been paid for by Mexico, you just don't get how it would work. Mexico would be paying for it, not by transferring any gold or writing a check. They would be stuck with the costs that our states and cities are contending with now due to unfettered entrance.
Oh yeah and how about when he tried to get Pence killed.
We've seen the results of his disaster of a term.
Who is the we you speak of?
Why do you keep doubling down on a constant loser?
The only constant loser is you.


Well-Known Member
And what was he up against? Consolidated effort by the deep state intelligence operations, social media, the never Trumpers, and regular media to thwart any effort and to disrupt anything attempted.

ACA reform was defeated by Paul Ryan and John McCain. Another example of Never Trumpers that would rather damage the nation due to their pettiness.

The border wall would have been paid for by Mexico, you just don't get how it would work. Mexico would be paying for it, not by transferring any gold or writing a check. They would be stuck with the costs that our states and cities are contending with now due to unfettered entrance.


Who is the we you speak of?

The only constant loser is you.

As soon as someone says Deep state reasonable people tune out. There is no deep state. Even if there was Trump was the president. ( you say Biden is all powerful and responsible for all the charges and things against Trump) Yet somehow Trump didn't have the same power?
A lowly Gov't employee managed to overpower the Presidents will? If thats the case that is yet another failure of Trump.

Trump literally said he only said he was going to Prosecute Hillary so you would vote for him and then he didn't pursue it.

He controlled the house and senate for a period of time and could have done anything he wanted. All he did was apss tax breaks for billionires. Kinda shows you his priorities no?

If ACA reform was defeated by Ryan and Mccain why did Trump run on overturning and replacing it? And continue saying he would replace it for years?

Please explain further this great Mexico wall payment system because nothing you said made sense as to how that would work. What so you mean stuck with the costs?

With all that said point to three of Trump major accomplishments and legislation he passed that improved anyones lives other than wealthy billionaires.

Most Presidents who lose the House and Senate dont get a second term.


Well-Known Member
People had better stop voting for people because they dislike the other person running.
Use what little brain you are equipped with, forget personalities.
What is good for your family, what is good for this country, what can be done to make it better.

Stop looking at the person and look at that person's record.
Any person that compares Trumps Presidency with Joe Biden's and votes for joe Biden is a moron of the highest order.

Go ahead vote for another 4 years of this dipsht EV and environmental manure., vote for a weak military and open borders, vote with pro Palestinian marchers.. See what happens.

Show me three accomplishments Trump was able to push through legislation that improved anyones lives who wasn't a billionaire.
Talk to Tommy Tuberville about a weak military you lying hypocrite.

You cry about a weak military and about aiding Israel and Ukraine. You cant have it both ways.


Well-Known Member
Show me three accomplishments Trump was able to push through legislation that improved anyones lives who wasn't a billionaire.
Talk to Tommy Tuberville about a weak military you lying hypocrite.

You cry about a weak military and about aiding Israel and Ukraine. You cant have it both ways.
MY taxes went down and I'm not even close to being a millionaire.


Well-Known Member
MY taxes went down and I'm not even close to being a millionaire.

Yes. but you are stupid enough to not realize that is how it was designed and that for lower income earners the benefits you enjoyed will expire in 2025. Not true for billionaires and high earners.



Well-Known Member

You tune out after a two-syllable word, so don't lie.

More insults with no substance. All you are capable of other than deliberate lies.

WASHINGTON (AP) — Former President Donald Trump once predicted that a special prosecutor appointed during his administration would uncover “the crime of the century” — a conspiracy to sink his 2016 campaign.

Yet here are the results of the three-year probe by prosecutor John Durham: two trial acquittals — the latest on Tuesday — and a former FBI attorney sentenced to probation.

That has fallen far short of Trump supporters’ expectations that Durham would reveal a “deep state” plot behind the U.S. government’s investigation into ties between Russia and Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign.

The outcome has led to scrutiny over the purpose of Durham’s appointment by former Attorney General William Barr, who tasked him with sussing out misconduct in the Trump-Russia probe. It also has raised questions about whether or when the current attorney general, Merrick Garland, might move to rein in Durham’s work or hasten its completion.

“You really measure the success of an investigation by what it uncovers in terms of pernicious activity, and he’s uncovered nothing,” said Stephen Saltzburg, a George Washington University law professor and former senior Justice Department official.


Well-Known Member
Yes. but you are stupid enough to not realize that is how it was designed and that for lower income earners the benefits you enjoyed will expire in 2025. Not true for billionaires and high earners.

One bunch relies on the stupid

ACA Architect: 'The Stupidity Of The American Voter' Led Us To Hide Obamacare's True Costs From The Public​



Well-Known Member
One bunch relies on the stupid

ACA Architect: 'The Stupidity Of The American Voter' Led Us To Hide Obamacare's True Costs From The Public​

I believe it is just the opposite.
They hid the true cost of Obamacare because Americans were too smart to accept if they knew the truth.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
As soon as someone says Deep state reasonable people tune out. There is no deep state. Even if there was Trump was the president. ( you say Biden is all powerful and responsible for all the charges and things against Trump) Yet somehow Trump didn't have the same power?
A lowly Gov't employee managed to overpower the Presidents will? If thats the case that is yet another failure of Trump.
No, it is the unreasonable that tune out and there is a deep state, the unelected senior bureaucrats entrenched within various agencies that will either thwart or ignore the Presidents desires/directives. Nowhere has the term lowly been used other then when speaking directly about you.

And care to show me where I said anything close to what you spew out.
Trump literally said he only said he was going to Prosecute Hillary so you would vote for him and then he didn't pursue it.
Yep, he said it, probably wanted to do it, but couldn't because first thing that happened with in the Justice was Sessions recusing himself from anything and everything. This was important because there was only about a year or less under the statutes of limitations as to what Hillary had done. I know you don't understand that though.
He controlled the house and senate for a period of time and could have done anything he wanted. All he did was apss tax breaks for billionires. Kinda shows you his priorities no?
Don't know what orifice you pull this out of but you again are wrong.
If ACA reform was defeated by Ryan and Mccain why did Trump run on overturning and replacing it? And continue saying he would replace it for years?
Are you really that stupid (rhetorical as I know you are). Ryan would never bring a full repeal to the floor and what he finally did get passed McCain shot down with his hyper-dramatic thumbs down on the chamber floor.
Please explain further this great Mexico wall payment system because nothing you said made sense as to how that would work. What so you mean stuck with the costs?
Pretty simple. The wall would have cost $21.6 billion to build. Doing so would have cut down the invasion we are dealing with significantly. And the remain in Mexico process would leave the burden on the side of the border. Currently, it is estimated our annual fiscal burden of providing essential services and benefits to illegal aliens costs American taxpayers nearly $151 billion each year. If the majority of that group was left over there our savings for them being there would pay for the construction, right?
With all that said point to three of Trump major accomplishments and legislation he passed that improved anyones lives other than wealthy billionaires.
Accomplishments, the JCTA as it helped a lot more than billionaires no matter what you think or say; Energy independence; No new wars.
Most Presidents who lose the House and Senate dont get a second term.
And if elected, this would be his second first term as he wouldn't have a second term.