Theft Of Freon


Well-Known Member
Just wanted to make everyone aware, i just recieved word that in Mechanicsville the police have recieved over 14 reports of freon theft.

suposedly they are using it to huff and get high with. :dead:

just thought you all would want to be aware


New Member
Yes, this happened in my neighborhood. The guy stole our freon which caused our heat pump compressor to blow up and we had to shell out $4,200 for a new heat pump. He pretty much hit every house in our neighborhood. He got caught when a homeowner came home and found him passed out in their yard.


Well-Known Member
millertc said:
Yes, this happened in my neighborhood. The guy stole our freon which caused our heat pump compressor to blow up and we had to shell out $4,200 for a new heat pump. He pretty much hit every house in our neighborhood. He got caught when a homeowner came home and found him passed out in their yard.

wow that is crazy. :crazy:

did you have to come up with the money or did you go through your h/o policy?

what people will do now a days for a buzz. it is sad :frown:


What neighborhood? My mother's heat pump is not putting out cool air! I wonder? :confused:


New Member
I had to come up with the money. I did not want to turn it in to h/o incase they increased my yearly fee and then I would have a history of filing a claim. It is the Shannon Run neighborhood. Your mother should get it checked either way. If the freon is low and the heat is on the emergency heat kicks on and if the A/C is on the air does not blow cool.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
lovinmaryland said:
suposedly they are using it to huff and get high with.
Okay, that made me laugh out loud :roflmao:

Seriously? Somebody is such a loser that they'd steal freon to catch a buzz???? That's right up there with the bums that drink rubbing alcohol to get drunk.


millertc said:
I had to come up with the money. I did not want to turn it in to h/o incase they increased my yearly fee and then I would have a history of filing a claim. It is the Shannon Run neighborhood. Your mother should get it checked either way. If the freon is low and the heat is on the emergency heat kicks on and if the A/C is on the air does not blow cool.

Nope, Wicomico Shores. But I had her turn it off anyway and had her call the heat and air guy. Hopefully he can fix it. It's just weird that it's not working, it's a brand new unit! :shrug: Hopefully there's nothing wrong with it. Thanks! :howdy:


New Member
vraiblonde said:
Okay, that made me laugh out loud :roflmao:

Seriously? Somebody is such a loser that they'd steal freon to catch a buzz???? That's right up there with the bums that drink rubbing alcohol to get drunk.

Yeah, we were shocked too. We could not believe the guy was 39. Everyone thought maybe it was a bored teenager. They never suspected it was a 39 year old father of 2. Very sad. I feel sorry for his wife and kids. Hope he gets the help he needs. He is lucky it did not kill him.


New Member
Mousebaby said:
Nope, Wicomico Shores. But I had her turn it off anyway and had her call the heat and air guy. Hopefully he can fix it. It's just weird that it's not working, it's a brand new unit! :shrug: Hopefully there's nothing wrong with it. Thanks! :howdy:

Yeah, good idea to keep it off until they check it out. At least she will get it looked at before it gets really hot. Good luck to her.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
millertc said:
We could not believe the guy was 39.
Good lord. I'd have thought it was teenagers, too.

Hope he gets the help he needs.
Not me. I hope he has a nice fat insurance policy, and he keels over from huffing stolen freon, and his wife and kids can be in fat city. :yay:


New Member
lovinmaryland said:
Just wanted to make everyone aware, i just recieved word that in Mechanicsville the police have recieved over 14 reports of freon theft.

suposedly they are using it to huff and get high with. :dead:

just thought you all would want to be aware

OMG! I live in Mechanicsville, how do you know if it's stolen? Do you just wait for the a/c to not work or should I have someone come check it?


New Member
mommarock said:
OMG! I live in Mechanicsville, how do you know if it's stolen? Do you just wait for the a/c to not work or should I have someone come check it?

Well, some people found rubber gloves next to the unit and valve covers missing or screwdrivers at the units but the biggest tip off was a guy passed out next to the unit..... :lmao:

Seriously though, we only found out because our electric bill was almost $500.00 and when the heat was on it was blowing cold. When the guy came out we found vavle covers missing and the unit was empty. You would need gauges to test the freon.