There is NO SUCH THING as a "Christian Terrorist"


Obama, I think, has a more calculated intent, more deliberate.

Results are the same. We'd probably do better to judge people that way, on what they do, and less on what we think is in their hearts and minds. Simpler that way and a damn sight more effective.

The one thing Bush didn’t do was pander to the PC crowd. In fact, it really didn’t exist much then. Obama is the king of PC. It’s really at the core of what he does… everything is someone else’s fault and that someone else is the rich or the white population. Bush wasn’t a divider. Obama has done everything in his power to divide us among racial and economic classes. As much as Bush was destructive in growing government, debt, and failed wars; I think this doesn’t come close to how destructive the intention dividing of the American people has been.


Well-Known Member
There it is again... This is just a blatant lie. Christians do NOT feel killing abortionists is justified. There is no jihad by Christians to kill abortionists. There is no Christian version of ISIS or al Qaeda threatening with terror against abortion doctors to convert to our way of thinking or die. If any of this were true, I assure you abortion clinics would be going up in flames every day. You have a few nutcases that go on their own, claim they are killing abortion doctors in the name of Christ; that's it! This pales in comparison to the likes of al Qaeda and ISIS.

What would make these PP attackers feel they are doing "God's work"?

I believe there's a group of anti-abortion nutters called "God's Army". Why do you think that is?


Lem Putt
There it is again... This is just a blatant lie. Christians do NOT feel killing abortionists is justified. There is no jihad by Christians to kill abortionists.

You are taking that as me saying ALL Christians when I clearly was addressing those that have a fundamentalist view AND believe killing abortionists is justified. Are you denying that there are some who believe that way?


Well-Known Member
There it is again... This is just a blatant lie. Christians do NOT feel killing abortionists is justified. There is no jihad by Christians to kill abortionists. There is no Christian version of ISIS or al Qaeda threatening with terror against abortion doctors to convert to our way of thinking or die. If any of this were true, I assure you abortion clinics would be going up in flames every day. You have a few nutcases that go on their own, claim they are killing abortion doctors in the name of Christ; that's it! This pales in comparison to the likes of al Qaeda and ISIS.

well that sounds familiar......
but :killingme

The one thing Bush didn’t do was pander to the PC crowd. In fact, it really didn’t exist much then. Obama is the king of PC. It’s really at the core of what he does… everything is someone else’s fault and that someone else is the rich or the white population. Bush wasn’t a divider. Obama has done everything in his power to divide us among racial and economic classes. As much as Bush was destructive in growing government, debt, and failed wars; I think this doesn’t come close to how destructive the intention dividing of the American people has been.

PC didn't exist back prior to obama? are you kidding me? Rip VanWinkle is that you?


Lem Putt
Well, I'd argue that, although I get your point, the U.S. isn't 1000 years old. For us, the problem is only a few decades old. Your point is taken only to the extent that we fail to recognize who these people are; but your point does not answer to the problem we face and that we had better learn how to deal with it, because it isn't going to just go away if we leave their land and leave them alone.

But you said this was caused by us going to their land and bombing them. That is not what this is about. If you don't believe me just read what they say. We don't have to guess what they want, they are happy to tell us.


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
There it is again... This is just a blatant lie. Christians do NOT feel killing abortionists is justified. There is no jihad by Christians to kill abortionists. There is no Christian version of ISIS or al Qaeda threatening with terror against abortion doctors to convert to our way of thinking or die. If any of this were true, I assure you abortion clinics would be going up in flames every day. You have a few nutcases that go on their own, claim they are killing abortion doctors in the name of Christ; that's it! This pales in comparison to the likes of al Qaeda and ISIS.

Thank you. It really is distressing to see that otherwise reasonable people don't seem to see this. :yay:


PREMO Member
There is nothing twisted about ISIS/Al queda/fundamentalist group of your choosing's 'interpretation' of the Quoran. They are spot on and very literal. Fundamentalists Muslims see the West not only as infidels who do not believe in Islam NOR our own faiths. They see us as corrupting of their world, which we are. We see it as liberalizing, or like to, in our pursuit of profit but they see it as an attack.

IMHO Chris will never get it ... he had a bad experiences with some Christian Hypocrites, therefore they are all the same


Well-Known Member
You are taking that as me saying ALL Christians when I clearly was addressing those that have a fundamentalist view AND believe killing abortionists is justified. Are you denying that there are some who believe that way?
Fundamentally, Christians are to love, not kill, our enemies. So calling people who kill abortionists "fundamental" Christians is inaccurate.

Fundamentally, Islam supports killing infadels.


Well-Known Member
Fundamentally, Christians are to love, not kill, our enemies. So calling people who kill abortionists "fundamental" Christians is inaccurate.

Fundamentally, Islam supports killing infadels.

'fundamentally', yeah killing the infidels is in both books. there is also contradictory info about the subject in both books.

Yes, they're not Christian. They may think they are, they may claim to be, but fundamentally they are not.

thats exactly what muslims say about terrorists. :shrug:


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
really? this has been gone over a million times. Are you areguing that the bible does not contain passages about killing the unbelieving scum on the other side?

I guarantee there's nothing in the New Testament. It even suggests you bless the people who are killing you. While they're doing it. Gives examples.

The Old Testament has lots of commands for killing, but not for being "infidels". God makes it abundantly clear that even his OWN people were deserving of his wrath - and he showed it to them. Often.


Well-Known Member
I guarantee there's nothing in the New Testament. It even suggests you bless the people who are killing you. While they're doing it. Gives examples.

The Old Testament has lots of commands for killing, but not for being "infidels". God makes it abundantly clear that even his OWN people were deserving of his wrath - and he showed it to them. Often.

yep, typical answer. you refernece the conflicting information but cant explain away the OT, it is the foundation for christianity.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
yep, typical answer. you refernece the conflicting information but cant explain away the OT, it is the foundation for christianity.

Yes, typical RESPONSE from you - no examples. You do get the idea that the Old Testament and the New Testament are different, correct?

You do get the whole "you have been told... but I tell you.." approach that Jesus used often, in his ministry? The Old Testament was given to a lawless people, and they followed it.
They were told there would come a time when they would not NEED the law, just as children don't need rules from their parents.

Jesus came to teach them the whole POINT of why there are laws - he explained that there were rational, reasoned times to BREAK the law, such as healing a man on the Sabbath.
That you have laws, but they're not necessary when the law is already on your heart. That mercy triumphs over judgment. These are all direct quotes.

So the New Testament is the *fulfillment* of the Old Testament.

I'm often reminded of the passage in Douglas Adams "Hitchiker's Guide" where Arthur Dent prayed there was no afterlife - but then realized it was a logical impossibility. God is so often judged as though he both existed - and does not exist.