There is talk that McAuliffe


This Space for Rent
Will be ousted!


That would be the icing on the cake.

They also are starting to think not identifying and putting their stances closer to rural and moderate America has killed them they past 4 years.


Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Yeah, Tom Daschle needs a job. :lmao: That will really give them new direction.


FromTexas said:
Will be ousted!


That would be the icing on the cake.

They also are starting to think not identifying and putting their stances closer to rural and moderate America has killed them they past 4 years.

Did you think any different? I am only suprised a Terry McCaustic lynching wasn't the opening act for Kerry's concesion speech.

I think it was Toxic that pointed out the Democratic party morphing itself instantaniously into a more paletable party is just putting a disguise on a pig. It did not work for Kerry when he was strutting around in cammo carrying a shotgun he voted to ban or bad mouthing a war he voted to authorize. Only today Nancy Pilosi was quoting scripture on a TV interview. :duh:

While part of me would take great pleasure in the Democratic party melting down to a puddle of toxic waste, the better part of me hopes that they will get their crap together and cut out the far left leaning socialist segment and reorganize into a vialble party with good ideas. If they melt into a laughable bunch of hate mongers like the DU and urbanpancake the GOP will run unchecked. Any party running virtually unoposed is not a good thing. One thing is for sure despite what the current Democrat party thinks we are not a nation of rubes who need to be lectured and provided for like children. We are smart and will see a chamelion for what it is; A liberal in sheeps clothing.


This Space for Rent
Oh, I saw it coming, but it is nice to actually hear them talking about it. After all, they revere his ability to gain more money for the party than anybody else they had. So I kind of wondered about them making the smart move and kicking him to the curb.

They need to re-embrace some of their southern roots (besides David Duke :wink:). What they really need to do is kick the New England agenda off their list.

You can't tell me it isn't starting to feel a lot like Christmas. :lmao:


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
I hope they keep him.

He's done a great job these last three election cycles. :yay: :yay:


FromTexas said:
Oh, I saw it coming, but it is nice to actually hear them talking about it. After all, they revere his ability to gain more money for the party than anybody else they had. So I kind of wondered about them making the smart move and kicking him to the curb.

They need to re-embrace some of their southern roots (besides David Duke :wink:). What they really need to do is kick the New England agenda off their list.

You can't tell me it isn't starting to feel a lot like Christmas. :lmao:
The Southern Democratic party of old was conservative. About the time old Strom broke away and tried the Dixiecrat thing they slowly began drifting left.

The problem with them embrasing their southern roots is the last prominent southern Democrat delivered the keynote speech at the Republican Convention :lol:, the only thing they have left are New England eletist.
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This Space for Rent
Pete said:
The Southern Democratic party of old was conservative. About the time old Strom broke away and tried the Dixiecrat thing they slowly began drifting left.

The problem with them embrasing their southern roots is the last prominent southern Democrat delivered the keynote speech at the Republican Convention, the only thing they have left are New England eletist.

Exactly the problem they are facing now. They may want to, but I don't know they can find some of those older values. They definitely can't look to the likes of their California/West Coast Dems for that... the ones I would see trying to push to the forefront with a disengagement of their New England brethren. Edwards could possibly engage a southern comeback but the problem is he isn't really "southern" as we mean it.


FromTexas said:
Exactly the problem they are facing now. They may want to, but I don't know they can find some of those older values. They definitely can't look to the likes of their California/West Coast Dems for that... the ones I would see trying to push to the forefront with a disengagement of their New England brethren. Edwards could possibly engage a southern comeback but the problem is he isn't really "southern" as we mean it.

The Democratic party embrace something "old" ? Shirley you jest? that is simply not acceptable for a progressive cadre of intellectuals.

I think Edwards foray into the Kerry/Edwards ticket exposed him as the lap dawg type. I cannot get the video clip of him standing there telling a group of swooners that when John Kerry is President people like Chris Reeves will get up and walk.

Besides as I pointed out in another thread if you look back and see Presidential candidates mostly are not DC insiders. You have to go back to Nixon. They need a dashing Governor.


I myself would like to see the Democratic Party become more moderate but towards the left (we don't want the political parties to look the same now do we). But at the same time I don't think it's fair for them to embrace an agenda that might leave some Americans behind. I think the Democratic Party has a lot going for it. They just need to become more focused, and shed light on the issues that they are truly for, and share some views with the rural south. I don't want them to adopt any agenda that may leave behind their base that has followed and supported them for the last eight years. I think the Democratic Party has done a lot in protecting farmers and rural folks. They just need to emphasis more on this segment of the population, which I admit they have neglected in the last four years. The party still has a lot of true southern Democrats, they just have to work with them and bring them back to the party and shore up this vital base. It can happen, it will just take some time which we have plenty of.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
UrbanPancake said:
The party still has a lot of true southern Democrats, they just have to work with them and bring them back to the party and shore up this vital base.
Yep, like Zell Miller that was so p!ssed off at where the party was heading that he was a key speaker for the Republican's convention. That in itself says a lot about how the party has offended their base.


Ken King said:
Yep, like Zell Miller that was so p!ssed off at where the party was heading that he was a key speaker for the Republican's convention. That in itself says a lot about how the party has offended their base.

There was also a lot of former Republicans that endorsed Kerry. Your point?

Believe me, southern Democrats want to embrace their party, it's just Democrats need to become clear, and decisive when it comes to issues that plague southern states. I think it will happen. I also think that Republicans need adopt a more humane social agenda if they want to win some northern states.

This is kind of funny, after seeing Bush speak on television when he addressed the Nation, it seems that he may abandon his base of evangelicals after they voted for him. Why shouldn't he? He doens't need them anymore, he got what he wanted. I think Bush will be different this term and he will adopt a more socially acceptable policy, somewhat like Reagan did in his second term.


New Member
UrbanPancake said:
I myself would like to see the Democratic Party become more moderate but towards the left (we don't want the political parties to look the same now do we).

I'm not too sure which way is left or right in your mendacious world, but to me if a democrat wants to be more moderate he would move right. If he wants to be extreme he goes left.


Active Member
UrbanPancake said:
I myself would like to see the Democratic Party become more moderate but towards the left (we don't want the political parties to look the same now do we).

UrbanPancake (from another post) said:
I may not have agreed with all of Kerry's policies (I'm a liberal leftist, and Kerry was a moderate)...

It sounds like you would be left out if the Democratic party became more moderate. That's what you want?

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
My point was a reiteration of yours (actually a concurrence), that long time southern Democrats have become disillusioned by the current activity of the party. No spin, just agreement, but I guess you are so p!ssed off at Kerry’s losing that you can’t see anything but attack.


Gooseneck said:
It sounds like you would be left out if the Democratic party became more moderate. That's what you want?

No, I wouldn't be left out. Yes my social views are very leftist. But my economic views are actually very moderate. I don't think I would be left out. It's not like I would join a third party and throw my vote away, and like I said they could become moderate but lean towards the left, and I will repeat myself again, we don't need two parties who agree on everything. If that was to happen then we would have a single party system that would become very powerful.


Ken King said:
My point was a reiteration of yours (actually a concurrence), that long time southern Democrats have become disillusioned by the current activity of the party. No spin, just agreement, but I guess you are so p!ssed off at Kerry’s losing that you can’t see anything but attack.
Ken what he is talking about is disguising his party to appeal to people. Sounds underhanded to me. It amazes me how Democrats shriek about the Evengelicals out of one side of their mouths then try to court the south out of the other side. They are one and the same.

Also I am confused how they connect the dots that the only segment of the population that is against the Gay Marriage issue. Do they honestly think that Evengelicals are the only ones who think homosexuality is perverse?
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Pete said:
Ken what he is talking about is disguising his party to appeal to people. Sounds underhanded to me. It amazes me how Democrats shriek about the Evengelicals out of one side of their mouths then try to court the south out of the other side. They are one and the same.

Also I am confused how they connect the dots that the only segment of the population that is against the Gay Marriage issue. Do they honestly think that Evengelicals are the only ones who think homosexuality is perverse?

I don't think I mentioned one thing about Gay Marriage. And you equate southerners and evangelicals as the same? I don't think they're the same. By the way Democrats don't endorse Gay Marriage. They support a states right to decide. They also oppose the FMA. I guess the Republicans who also oppose the FMA and support civil unions are in favor of Gay Marriage?


Enjoying life!
UrbanPancake said:
I myself would like to see the Democratic Party become more moderate but towards the left (we don't want the political parties to look the same now do we). But at the same time I don't think it's fair for them to embrace an agenda that might leave some Americans behind. I think the Democratic Party has a lot going for it. They just need to become more focused, and shed light on the issues that they are truly for, and share some views with the rural south. I don't want them to adopt any agenda that may leave behind their base that has followed and supported them for the last eight years. I think the Democratic Party has done a lot in protecting farmers and rural folks. They just need to emphasis more on this segment of the population, which I admit they have neglected in the last four years. The party still has a lot of true southern Democrats, they just have to work with them and bring them back to the party and shore up this vital base. It can happen, it will just take some time which we have plenty of.

Where did you quote this from? Don't make us find it, and we will...