As long as the Democratic Party wants to BE the way they've been for the last umpty-ump years, I'm all for McAuliffe remaining. He remains the perfect picture of what the party has been, and will continue to be, at least if people like THIS guy have anything to do with it.
To them, it's not that they were too harsh, out of touch, too shrill or did anything wrong. They just didn't do it ENOUGH.
They need to get a grip - there was an all-time RECORD turnout - and Bush won handily. RECORD TURNOUT. Bush wins. They can no longer afford to say to themselves "it's just a tiny group of conservative whackos". It's the country. That's what they want.
McAuliffe will keep them in this tailspin. Fine. A new party can emerge then.
Maybe a new third party.
But keep McAuliffe if they intend to be honest about their intentions.
To them, it's not that they were too harsh, out of touch, too shrill or did anything wrong. They just didn't do it ENOUGH.
They need to get a grip - there was an all-time RECORD turnout - and Bush won handily. RECORD TURNOUT. Bush wins. They can no longer afford to say to themselves "it's just a tiny group of conservative whackos". It's the country. That's what they want.
McAuliffe will keep them in this tailspin. Fine. A new party can emerge then.
Maybe a new third party.
But keep McAuliffe if they intend to be honest about their intentions.