There, Their, They're. Then, Than.


aka Mrs. Giant
spicy said:
Do you not realize the difference between a typo and using the wrong word? Just because a typo may turn the right word into the wrong one doesn't mean its not a typo...
People who annoy you? N-_-G-G-E-R-S?
You have been reported.


spicy said:
I haven't made the mountain. I made a little molehill post, informative, helpful, for people who do not know the difference. Honestly it doesn't really bother me. But as soon as I see such, I mark that person as an idiot and I don't take anything that they say seriously anymore. Trust me, i'm not the only one. Which is why I offered some informative tips on how to use the words. Sure, I'm not stupid I realize what I just set myself up for, so if you want you can just save your time and not post it. Either way I don't care.

So you judge a person by the way they spell? That's pretty shallow wouldn't you say?


New Member
migtig said:
You have been reported.

Reported for what? Have you even read this thread? Maybe if you had you would see that i meant naggers. Oh well I can only imagine what you were thinking I meant.


New Member
Pete said:
And the dozen or so grammatical errors and misspellings you have committed while pointing out what idiots we are are, don't really count.

BTW you did not capitalize the "I" in "I'm" idiot.

Pretty much you are right, they don't really count. Anyway Pete I was kidding about the guy behind you crack. You seem like a decent sensible guy. Sorry to have offended you.


Iron City
Pete said:
And the dozen or so grammatical errors and misspellings you have committed while pointing out what idiots we are are, don't really count.

BTW you did not capitalize the "I" in "I'm" idiot.

Pete, if he used properly placed commas, that would be helpful as well. Does that also make him an idiot and we don't have to take anything he says seriously anymore?


New Member
Bay_Kat said:
So you judge a person by the way they spell? That's pretty shallow wouldn't you say?

If it's just a typo, then, as I have said, no. If its chronic misspelling, or misuse of a word, then, yes. And no I don't think it's shallow. The only thing I have to judge these people by is what they post here on the forums so...there you go.


mrweb said:
Pete, if he used properly placed commas, that would be helpful as well. Does that also make him an idiot and we don't have to take anything he says seriously anymore?
I dunno, I am just a simpleton......uh I mean simple man. Yea that's it, simple man. :yay:


aka Mrs. Giant
spicy said:
Reported for what? Have you even read this thread? Maybe if you had you would see that i meant naggers. Oh well I can only imagine what you were thinking I meant.
You are an idiot. To make a post like that confirms you are an idiot if I had any doubt of that left after reading your first post. Your continuous whining and crying over proper use of words while consistently inaccurately spelling, using terrible punctuation and atrocious grammar, makes me want to :smack: you. So since you are ignorant and want to insist with your arrogance that you are better than us all, has lead me to believe you are a bigot. There isn't that fine of a line from bigot to cross to be a racist. If I were to use the urban dictionary then I have proof positive that you are a racist.


spicy said:
If it's just a typo, then, as I have said, no. If its chronic misspelling, or misuse of a word, then, yes. And no I don't think it's shallow. The only thing I have to judge these people by is what they post here on the forums so...there you go.

I've only been a member since January, I got used to the "chronic misspellings and misuse of words" most of the time I think it's just funny. Sometimes it's like nails on a blackboard, but you shouldn't try to change that or judge someone on how they spell or what words they use.


New Member
migtig said:
You are an idiot. To make a post like that confirms you are an idiot if I had any doubt of that left after reading your first post. Your continuous whining and crying over proper use of words while consistently inaccurately spelling, using terrible punctuation and atrocious grammar, makes me want to :smack: you. So since you are ignorant and want to insist with your arrogance that you are better than us all, has lead me to believe you are a bigot. There isn't that fine of a line from bigot to cross to be a racist. If I were to use the urban dictionary then I have proof positive that you are a racist.

HAHA!! Are you seriously going to cite the URBAN dictionary? HAHA That is quite seriously hilarious. I RARELY laugh out loud at anything I see posted on the internet, but let me tell you this one got me going. I seriously still cannot believe you just used the urban dictionary as a reference.

Here's from
v., nagged, nag·ging, nags.
To annoy by constant scolding, complaining, or urging.
To torment persistently, as with anxiety or pain.
To scold, complain, or find fault constantly: nagging at the children.
To be a constant source of anxiety or annoyance: The half-remembered quotation nagged at my mind.
One who nags.

[Probably of Scandinavian origin; akin to Old Norse gnaga, to bite, gnaw.]

nagger nag'ger n.
naggingly nag'ging·ly adv.

Therefore a NAGGER is one who NAGS.
But seriously thanks for the laugh.


aka Mrs. Giant
spicy said:
HAHA!! Are you seriously going to cite the URBAN dictionary? HAHA That is quite seriously hilarious. I RARELY laugh out loud at anything I see posted on the internet, but let me tell you this one got me going. I seriously still cannot believe you just used the urban dictionary as a reference.

Heres from
v., nagged, nag·ging, nags.
To annoy by constant scolding, complaining, or urging.
To torment persistently, as with anxiety or pain.
To scold, complain, or find fault constantly: nagging at the children.
To be a constant source of anxiety or annoyance: The half-remembered quotation nagged at my mind.
One who nags.

[Probably of Scandinavian origin; akin to Old Norse gnaga, to bite, gnaw.]

nagger nag'ger n.
naggingly nag'ging·ly adv.

Therefore a NAGGER is one who NAGS.
But seriously thanks for the laugh.
Again, this is a public forum. I use street talk. I am insulted by your vocabulary. I am even more highly offended that you keep using the word, even after being directed towards the error of your ways.

Also I am offended for the fact there has been no apology issued for your vocabulary.

However, most telling, is your lack of denial that you are indeed a bigot and a racist.


migtig said:
You are an idiot. To make a post like that confirms you are an idiot if I had any doubt of that left after reading your first post. Your continuous whining and crying over proper use of words while consistently inaccurately spelling, using terrible punctuation and atrocious grammar, makes me want to :smack: you. So since you are ignorant and want to insist with your arrogance that you are better than us all, has lead me to believe you are a bigot. There isn't that fine of a line from bigot to cross to be a racist. If I were to use the urban dictionary then I have proof positive that you are a racist.
STAND BACK! Hurricane Mig is blowing ashore. :jameo::jameo:



curiouser and curiouser
migtig said:
Again, this is a public forum. I use street talk. I am insulted by your vocabulary. I am even more highly offended that you keep using the word, even after being directed towards the error of your ways.

Also I am offended for the fact there has been no apology issued for your vocabulary.

However, most telling, is your lack of denial that you are indeed a bigot and a racist.
Are you serious? :roflmao:

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
spicy said:
Pretty much you are right, they don't really count. Anyway Pete, I was kidding about the guy behind your crack. You seem like a decent sensible guy. Sorry to have offended you.

spicy said:
If it's just a typo, then, as I have said, no. If it's chronic misspelling, or misuse of a word, then, yes. And no, I don't think it's shallow. The only thing I have to judge these people by is what they post here on the forums so...there you go.

If I had to judge you based purely on your misuse of common words and punctuation, plus grammatical errors, I'd say you're an idiot.

But if I judged you on content, I'd say you're fairly well-educated and have something to contribute to the forums.

Judge people based on the content of the message and don't get stuck in the weeds of pettiness. Some of the smartest people I know are spelling and grammar challenged to say the least. But they are mechanics, engineers, and the like who can do things I can only imagine and envy them for their abilities and brilliance.


spicy said:
Yeah I don't get either why the possessive of it doesn't have the apostrophe. Just accept it for what it is I guess.

I hated Grammer ............


spicy said:
It was an informative post. And it's already clarified things for a few people. And probably for more that haven't posted.

Yes it did clear things up .......... I still sucked @ grammar loved English Lit though :razz:


jazz lady said:
If I had to judge you based purely on your misuse of common words and punctuation, plus grammatical errors, I'd say you're an idiot.

But if I judged you on content, I'd say you're fairly well-educated and have something to contribute to the forums.

Judge people based on the content of the message and don't get stuck in the weeds of pettiness. Some of the smartest people I know are spelling and grammar challenged to say the least. But they are mechanics, engineers, and the like who can do things I can only imagine and envy them for their abilities and brilliance.
Remember this next time you catch a Peteism. :nono: