There's no 'D' in Inigoes...


mizteresa1965 said:
I've always said "In-i-goes", "Out-i-goes"............that's always helped me remember.


"Comes out loose."

Might have to say that out loud to appreciate it.


Main Streeter
spicy said:
Just a friendly lesson in Proper spelling -OR- how not looking like an idiot to people who know better.

St. Inigoes. It's almost like you're saying 'In it goes.' But you say it fast and drop the t. I know we can do it if we come together and try! Inigoes! Yay! No relation to the cash crop of colonial times! Today maybe a few people will know the difference!

I've been hear people say St. InDigoes for years. Thanks for bringing this up. Another one I hear is when people say Realitor. There is no I in that word. It's Realtor pronounced REAL*TOR. It's actually a registered trademark.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
When I lived in Hollywood, MD 20636, I would get the operator that would tell me that wasn't a California zip code. Dur.


Nothing to see here
spicy said:
Just a friendly lesson in Proper spelling -OR- how not looking like an idiot to people who know better.

St. Inigoes. It's almost like you're saying 'In it goes.' But you say it fast and drop the t. I know we can do it if we come together and try! Inigoes! Yay! No relation to the cash crop of colonial times! Today maybe a few people will know the difference!

Just like the tards that say Ka Will La instead of Ka Why La... :jameo:


curiouser and curiouser
aps45819 said:
:lol: you get the same thing living in California,
Receptionist: And the city?
You: California
Receptionist: No, the city, not the state.
You: The city IS California
Unrelated, but nevertheless...When we had the Audi, Dustin called Autozone looking for a part.

Chickie on the phone: Make and model please
Dustin: Audi A4
Chickie: Okay, but what's the make?
Dustin: Audi
Chickie: Yeah, but what's the make. Like, Ford, Toyota?
Dustin: Audi
Chickie: (mumbling in the background, asking for help)
Chickie: Okay, what's the model?



Nickel said:
Unrelated, but nevertheless...When we had the Audi, Dustin called Autozone looking for a part.

Chickie on the phone: Make and model please
Dustin: Audi A4
Chickie: Okay, but what's the make?
Dustin: Audi
Chickie: Yeah, but what's the make. Like, Ford, Toyota?
Dustin: Audi
Chickie: (mumbling in the background, asking for help)
Chickie: Okay, what's the model?

:lmao: maybe i was saying it "wrong" we were in west virginia at the time right?


New Member
I'll just come right out and admit it... I'm horrible at the whole correct pronunciation thing. My two worst offenders are crayon (which I pronounce "crown") and Washington (to which I seem to add this mysterious 'R' in there, pronouncing it as "Warshington"). I know... I suck. :blushing: