How is...
I saw that and wondered how many hours of paid police time went into practice.
It is or was impressive, but is it really worth it for a police agency to spend all those hours practicing? not worth it? Isn't this just a continuation of the things we learn as kids from school and sport, team work, cooperation, group goals? I mean, one of the great failings of our Iraq adventure is we took the Iraqi army, 3-400,000 mostly young men and out them out of a job, out of a paycheck and out of a purpose. That is an extreme example, but it serves to illustrate the point. People, especially groups of people, need things to do.
I am not saying we should have started an Iraqi motorcycle drill team, but had they been kept as a structure, drilling, training, painting rocks, it would have served a larger good for the society.
So, how do we define 'worth' it? If the motorcycle thing was a point of pride you had to earn to be on, sure, it was worth it. If this was in addition to being good cops, doing good patrol work, sure, it was worth it. Was it INSTEAD of patrolling? Were they needed to write tickets, investigate crimes, patrol neighborhoods? Then we have a problem.
Big questions.