These people are screwed up


Board Mommy
PREMO Member

Hadn't been to the ol' DU in several weeks so I thought I'd pop in and see what the kids were up to. This is what they're talking about:
HAMILTON, N.J. - This township last night became the first municipality in New Jersey or Pennsylvania to prohibit registered sex offenders from moving within 2,500 feet - nearly a half-mile - of any school, playground, park or day-care center.
And this is the opinion of more than a few of them:

Sex offenders today, who tomorrow? Yes these perverts need to be monitored but what will stop them from banning other people once this precedent has been set?
We are in such a pickle weighing the rights of one who wants to get off sexually at the expense of a child, versus the saftey of that child. Where is the balance?
Rounding up undesirables, no matter what "type" they are, is, as a previous poster stated, a slippery slope.
And the be-all-end-all of liberal screwball beyond belief insanity:

It seems that it's easy to forget that they are people too! Does it mean we have to like what they do? NO! But if we can't love even the least of these then where do we stand in true, unconditional love?

I have a suggestion. Why doesn't everyone here VOLUNTEER to be side by side with a sexual offender once he/she is released? YOU can be their parolee 24/7? After all, it seems there is a vested interest here whereas most parole people only see it as a job.

THE SOCIETY and THE PEOPLE need to get involved not only with this IF they/we are so concerned about our children instead of isolating these people, blacklisting them, barb-wiring them off, but the rest of what is happening in our world!

Also, for what it's worth... I think it stinks to high heavens to be called out as supporting sexual offenders because you don't agree to whatever rules/regs/laws a certain group of people are trying to lay down to 'control' a certain group of OTHER people. This just so reminds me of the rush to war...

If you aren't with us you are against us! HOW unpatriotic you are NOT supporting our soldiers. Same garbage different scenario and I think that moving past the hate and aversion we have towards these people would do a lot of good for all of us.

We would be enlightened to find even a sliver of light within each and every soul to work on loving because the Creator lives in all things.


They think higher of sex offenders than their President, nice.


vraiblonde said:
We are in such a pickle weighing the rights of one who wants to get off sexually at the expense of a child, versus the saftey of that child. Where is the balance?

The very fact that this question is even brought up at all makes my little eyelid twitch.

vraiblonde said:
It seems that it's easy to forget that they are people too! Does it mean we have to like what they do? NO! But if we can't love even the least of these then where do we stand in true, unconditional love?

That anyone on this website brings up "unconditional" love is ironic beyond all human comprehension.

Unconditional -> Unless there's an (R) after your name, of course.

vraiblonde said:
I have a suggestion. Why doesn't everyone here VOLUNTEER to be side by side with a sexual offender once he/she is released? YOU can be their parolee 24/7? After all, it seems there is a vested interest here whereas most parole people only see it as a job.

I'd volunteer to move next to a sex offender. And I'd volunteer to smack them right in the god damned face with a shovel every day to remind them of what they did.

vraiblonde said:
Also, for what it's worth... I think it stinks to high heavens to be called out as supporting sexual offenders because you don't agree

Whoever wrote that last quote is a complete baffoon. This jackass should be sterilized for the benefit of society and sanity. I can't believe ANYONE can be that effing stupid and still be alive.


curiouser and curiouser
Hold on a minute...
Also, for what it's worth... I think it stinks to high heavens to be called out as supporting sexual offenders because you don't agree to whatever rules/regs/laws a certain group of people are trying to lay down to 'control' a certain group of OTHER people. This just so reminds me of the rush to war... this person saying that the fact that sexual assault is illegal is a means for our government to control us? So they disagree with the fact that sexual assault is a crime? And they're comparing sex abuse to going to war? What is wrong with people? :confused:


Lovin' being Texican
vraiblonde said:

Hadn't been to the ol' DU in several weeks so I thought I'd pop in and see what the kids were up to. This is what they're talking about:
And this is the opinion of more than a few of them:

And the be-all-end-all of liberal screwball beyond belief insanity:


Based upon the last quote, I suspect a closet libertarian has snuck onto the DU forum. Either that or a hopeful seminarian (no pun or double ententre' intended).


I hate that website. I use to go there and visit and read the stuff to my DH or visa versa, but those opinions and viewpoints are just not normal nor make no sense what so ever a good majority of the time.

I think the new law is fantastic. :yay: I think we need one in Maryland, and if the Dems are so fricken stupid to think that society is picking on sex offenders these bleeding hearts need to think again. Sex offenders are not going to reform, so forget it, it isn't going to happen. They have a sexual preference and there isn't anything that is going to change that. The behavior escalates too. I bet the little girl that was killed in that town was one of their children, they might feel differently.

We depend on a registry, society and parole/probation officers to keep an eye on these people.


Kizzy said:
Sex offenders are not going to reform, so forget it, it isn't going to happen

I personally believe that the sentence established at the end of a trial is the only legitimate punishment for a crime. These public lists and bans on where someone can live are simply political ploys established without any real proof of a threat. If there is truly evidence that sex offenders cannot be reformed, then bring it forward and get the sentencing guidelines changed to reflect it.


New Member
vraiblonde said:

Hadn't been to the ol' DU in several weeks so I thought I'd pop in and see what the kids were up to. This is what they're talking about:
And this is the opinion of more than a few of them:

And the be-all-end-all of liberal screwball beyond belief insanity:


I can't believe, even from you, that you think all democrats believe this way. You know better and should be ashamed of yourself. You must be getting really bored to put this crap on this forum instead of where it should be, in the political forum. Your just a hateful, simple, pitiful, biatch trying to stir up sh!t where there trully is none.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Nickel said:
Hold on a minute... this person saying that the fact that sexual assault is illegal is a means for our government to control us? So they disagree with the fact that sexual assault is a crime? And they're comparing sex abuse to going to war? What is wrong with people? :confused:

It is best to go see for yourself. Reading, directly, for yourself what our fellow citizens think is, well, just go check it out.


Warron said:
I personally believe that the sentence established at the end of a trial is the only legitimate punishment for a crime. These public lists and bans on where someone can live are simply political ploys established without any real proof of a threat. If there is truly evidence that sex offenders cannot be reformed, then bring it forward and get the sentencing guidelines changed to reflect it.


The issue with sex offenders, child sex offenders, is you cannot change their sexual preference. Many offenders who kill children as a result of sexual assaulting them started out showing their pee pee to people. :ohwell: The FBI has released reports on the escalation of their crimes, and it was the argument heard when the decision was made to make these list public information.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Sparx said:
Your just a hateful, simple, pitiful, biatch trying to stir up sh!t where there trully is none.

...a bit close to home?

These people speak for themselves. They are among the most politically active folks in the country. They are dead serious and they represent millions of voters in this nation.

Your reactions are fascinating.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

If there is truly evidence that sex offenders cannot be reformed,

Sex offenders, like homosexuals and heterosexuals are born with a preference. For me, personally, I think it's a variable and I don't know how hard wired our preferences actually are. I used to like ONLY brunettes. But you try and tell a homosexual they chose their preferences. They'll tell you they were born that way.


If we just accept that argument, it is simple to see why on the one hand that wanting to have sex with children is not the persons fault, they were born that way and therefore deserving of compassion and, on the other hand, why some people might need see it that way because what happens if we actually say desiring children is not a biological fact but something you can be 'cured' of?

Get it?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Sparx said:
I can't believe, even from you, that you think all democrats believe this way. You know better and should be ashamed of yourself. You must be getting really bored to put this crap on this forum instead of where it should be, in the political forum. Your just a hateful, simple, pitiful, biatch trying to stir up sh!t where there trully is none.
:lmao: Duly noted.

Did I touch a nerve, Sparx? :lol:

The Democrats have taught you well, young padawan.
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Big Wheelin'
I don't understand why it seemed unheard off to limit how close a sex offender could live to a school or other child related building. If a person who commits other crimes, they are usually given a related punishment (abusers cannot live near abusees, alchoholics cannot go near bars, etc.) Why is that so bad. It limits there mind to get active.
I personally feel that they should visit toxick every day. I would provide the shovel....


New Member
vraiblonde said:
:lmao: Duly noted.

Did I touch a nerve, Sparx? :lol:

Yeah as a matter of fact you did but not the way you would like to think. I personally feel sex offenders should shot in the street like the dogs they are. The nerve you touched was the fact you want people to think this is part of the democratic party agenda. Those idiots posting those types of replies on the DU are NUTS. They are NOT part of my political party.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Sparx said:
The nerve you touched was the fact you want people to think this is part of the democratic party agenda. Those idiots posting those types of replies on the DU are NUTS. They are NOT part of my political party.
This is a typical trick of the Democrats - they do something heinous, then start going off on anyone who gives it some publicity. I note that you only had harsh words for me, not the people that actually wrote those remarks.

And whether you like it or not, these people ARE part of your political party. In fact, they sound just like your DNC chairman.

What part of "Democratic Underground" don't you understand?



Sparx said:
I can't believe, even from you, that you think all democrats believe this way. You know better and should be ashamed of yourself. You must be getting really bored to put this crap on this forum instead of where it should be, in the political forum. Your just a hateful, simple, pitiful, biatch trying to stir up sh!t where there trully is none.

Dear Sparx,

I like you and have had discussions with you and have met in person... it sincerely bothers me that you would call vria a biatch. There is no need for name calling. If we have a message to deliver to the republicans on here, it should be done so in a mature, well-fashioned argument or factual debate, not resorting to name calling :frown: Once again, I feel disinfranchised. :frown: While I do agree our opinions should not be lumped together, just the same as thinking all republicans wanted to put the tubes back in Shivo, I think you can attract more flies with honey than name calling. :frown:

One very disappointed Dem. :frown:
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New Member
Warron said:
I personally believe that the sentence established at the end of a trial is the only legitimate punishment for a crime. These public lists and bans on where someone can live are simply political ploys established without any real proof of a threat. If there is truly evidence that sex offenders cannot be reformed, then bring it forward and get the sentencing guidelines changed to reflect it.
Another: "Touch a little close to home?"


New Member
dems4me said:
Dear Sparx,
I like you and have had discussions with you and have met in person... it sincerely bothers me that you would call vria a biatch. There is no need for name calling. If we have a message to deliver to the republicans on here, it should be done so in a mature, well-fashioned argument or factual debate, not resorting to name calling :frown: Once again, I feel disinfranchised. :frown: While I do agree our opinions should not be lumped together, just the same as thinking all republicans wanted to put the tubes back in Shivo, I think you can attract more flies with honey than name calling. :frown:One very disappointed Dem. :frown:
:clap: :clap: