These people are screwed up

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Denounce them...

Those idiots posting those types of replies on the DU are NUTS. They are NOT part of my political party.

Denounce them long and loud. Hold them responsible.

Just as Republicans Senators TOLD Richard Nixon he WILL resign.

Just as Trent Lott lost the coveted job of Senate Majority leader for saying stupid, offensive things.

Just as Republicans denounced David Duke.

Just as Republicans publicly shamed Tom Delay, the House and the Senate for going to far over the Schiavo case.

Just as Tim McVeigh was wished a speedy trip to hell by Republicans.

These forums are full of examples, day after day, time after time, of extreme rhetoric, of nutball positions, of idiotic statements and actions on the part of people in YOUR party. People who call the President of the United States, OUR President, the 'enemy'.

Denounce them.

Right now, in our Senate, Democratics are acting like the end of the world is nigh because 7 qualified people want to be judges. They are starting a political war because nut balls, people like Goerge Soros, call the tune for your party.

Denounce them. Long. Loud. Always.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
Denounce them long and loud. Hold them responsible.
Oh pish. Sparx can denounce them til he falls over dead and fat lot of good it will do. This is what the Democrat party is based on, otherwise they wouldn't have Howard Dean as chairman. Sparx is just in denial.

What's funny is watching moderate Democrats try and pretend that the DU is filled with a bunch of fringers when, in fact, the DU is the party base - people like Dems and Sparx are the fringe.


Kizzy said:

The issue with sex offenders, child sex offenders, is you cannot change their sexual preference. Many offenders who kill children as a result of sexual assaulting them started out showing their pee pee to people. :ohwell: The FBI has released reports on the escalation of their crimes, and it was the argument heard when the decision was made to make these list public information.

And your point being?

If you have the proof of a problem, then use it to increase the sentences for these people. It's not that hard of a concept to get. If they are a threat, then keep them locked up. It's the only sure way to keep them from commiting another crime.


vraiblonde said:
Oh pish. Sparx can denounce them til he falls over dead and fat lot of good it will do. This is what the Democrat party is based on, otherwise they wouldn't have Howard Dean as chairman. Sparx is just in denial.

What's funny is watching moderate Democrats try and pretend that the DU is filled with a bunch of fringers when, in fact, the DU is the party base - people like Dems and Sparx are the fringe.

I'm fringe??? :confused:


Sparx said:
The nerve you touched was the fact you want people to think this is part of the democratic party agenda. Those idiots posting those types of replies on the DU are NUTS. They are NOT part of my political party.

I find this interesting coming from you.

Why, you ask?

Because, sir, it is YOU who says things like: "Go to a Klan Rally and ask for a show of Republican hands versus Democrat hands." And then you use this as a justification to paint all republicans and conservatives as racists.

And once again I am dumbfounded and befuddled by the magnitude of your audacity.

The mind scarcely has the courage to boggle.


Toxick said:
I find this interesting coming from you.

Why, you ask?

Because, sir, it is YOU who says things like: "Go to a Klan Rally and ask for a show of Republican hands versus Democrat hands." And then you use this as a justification to paint all republicans and conservatives as racists.

And once again I am dumbfounded and befuddled by the magnitude of your audacity.

The mind scarcely has the courage to boggle.

If I may interject, I think that was in response to republicans classifying democrats all the same and he just did the same in return. There are all kinds of shades of grey in both party. There are somethings in the dem party I like and there are some in the republican party I like... I just align more with the dem party... doesn't mean one is good and the other bad... its just a preference...nothing I see as a set definition where you must meet all criteria to qualify. Same goes for the republican party.

During the Shivo saga, I was stunned and learned this lesson. I thought all republicans were for preserving Shivo's life as Bush was trying to do but that wasn't the case on here. I was just one lone dem here against the majority defending and I WAS THE ONE DEFENDING BUSH.. :ohwell: (BTW, I did later side with the majority, I learned that although she was receptive to pain which I interpreted to mean brain activity... I was wrong. I thought that way until fishing season came around when I started putting worms on hooks, they too were receptive and acted out from the pain of being hooked... and they CERTAINLY didn't seem to have much of a brain.)
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
dems4me said:
If I may interject, I think that was in response to republicans classifying democrats all the same and he just did the same in return.
Show me, my dear, where I said all Democrats are alike in my original post. Show me where I even referred to them as Democrats, other than to link to their website (which is the DEMOCRATIC Underground, that they named themselves and I had nothing to do with nor did ANY Republican).


vraiblonde said:
Show me, my dear, where I said all Democrats are alike in my original post. Show me where I even referred to them as Democrats, other than to link to their website (which is the DEMOCRATIC Underground, that they named themselves and I had nothing to do with nor did ANY Republican).

Sorry... :smooch: You didn't. First and foremost, you didn't do anything at all to deserve the verbal assailing that Sparx handed you. I was referring to Toxic who jumped into the past (outside of this thread)... if anything I thought you'd be happy I finally agreed with you on the Shivo thing after weeks of debate with you :blushing: :huggy: Slowly but surely Vria... You were right and I was wrong :frown:


curiouser and curiouser
Larry Gude said:
It is best to go see for yourself. Reading, directly, for yourself what our fellow citizens think is, well, just go check it out.
:yay: Will back in 6 days. :lol:


Nickel said:
:yay: Will back in 6 days. :lol:

There you are!!!! I've been waiting for the past 10 minutes now for you to show up.....

Goodnight :dance: :cheesysmiley4Nickle: :howdy:



curiouser and curiouser
Sparx said:
Those idiots posting those types of replies on the DU are NUTS. They are NOT part of my political party.
And that's all Vrai's post implied. Go back, reread it, she didn't say much, but quoted a lot. She didn't say "Damn, democrats are dumb", she said basically "look at what those guys at the DU have to say". Jump to conclusions much? :shrug:


curiouser and curiouser
dems4me said:
There you are!!!! I've been waiting for the past 10 minutes now for you to show up.....

Goodnight :dance: :cheesysmiley4Nickle: :howdy:

You forgot to say "and....scene :drama:"



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
dems4me said:
You were right and I was wrong :frown:
See? That didn't hurt a bit, now did it? :biggrin:

Sparx is just feeling defensive. If I were politically aligned with people like those at the DU, I would probably feel defensive as well.


curiouser and curiouser
I went to DU's website, and 2 seconds later I got a pop-up ad. If those crazies install spyware on my computer and track my internet purchases and steal my credit card number I'm gonna be ticked. :mad:


vraiblonde said:
See? That didn't hurt a bit, now did it? :biggrin:

Sparx is just feeling defensive. If I were politically aligned with people like those at the DU, I would probably feel defensive as well.

Notice I waited until the deadest hour of the forum day... :lol:


New Member
Nickel said:
I went to DU's website, and 2 seconds later I got a pop-up ad. If those crazies install spyware on my computer and track my internet purchases and steal my credit card number I'm gonna be ticked. :mad:
They'll only use your credit card for higher taxes so the NEA can sponser another crappy piece of Fugly art in front of a Govt. bldg. somewhere.....

Download and install spybot software. Then run a scan.


curiouser and curiouser
Larry Gude said:
It is best to go see for yourself. Reading, directly, for yourself what our fellow citizens think is, well, just go check it out.
My observations, then I'm done with that nonsense :lmao:
1. Not very user friendly.
2. They can say bad words.
3. From the rules:
1. Who We Are: Democratic Underground is an online community for Democrats and other progressives. Members are expected to be generally supportive of progressive ideals, and to support Democratic candidates for political office. Democratic Underground is not affiliated with the Democratic Party, and comments posted here are not representative of the Democratic Party or its candidates.
Wimps. :lmao:
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dems4me said:
If I may interject, I think that was in response to republicans classifying democrats all the same and he just did the same in return.

Sweet ol' Dems... giving everyone the benefit of the doubt. However, I'm afraid that's not the case. (see page 2) (see page 3)

I think there are more of those. I remember getting irritated by that inflammatory assinine assertion on several occasions. I don't feel like digging them up, though. If you don't agree with me after reading the above links, you never will, anyway.

dems4me said:
There are all kinds of shades of grey in both party. There are somethings in the dem party I like and there are some in the republican party I like...

Don't look at me - I'm an Independant/Libertarian. There are things on both sides of the aisle that make me want to puke in the nearest politician's lap.

What sets my teeth on edge about the left side of that aisle, however, and the reason I identify more with Republicans is the magnitude and frequency of the hypocrisy resounding from the left.