Why not?
Agreed. I find it amusing that most all organized religions have a common central belief and just call it something different. It's all the extra human add-ons and embellishments that make the religions unique.Why not?
Agreed. I find it amusing that most all organized religions have a common central belief and just call it something different. It's all the extra human add-ons and embellishments that make the religions unique.
We will never co-exist. It is human nature for groupings of folks to think themselves superior and to overpower those they consider weaker. If you look at the variances in religions it all ties in to power and control... politics if you will. If it isn't religion it will be some other form of governance that leads one group to attempt to dominate and often destroy others. It's nature.So what would your answer be? How would we all co-exist according to kwilla?
Why not?
If you look closely, one of those religions strongly believes that, even in this day & age...YOU NEED TO SUBMIT TO M's WILL...or be stoned to death by him, his friends...& ALL of YOUR male family members.
That's why not
We will never co-exist. It is human nature for groupings of folks to think themselves superior and to overpower those they consider weaker. If you look at the variances in religions it all ties in to power and control... politics if you will. If it isn't religion it will be some other form of governance that leads one group to attempt to dominate and often destroy others. It's nature.
Maybe it's because each of those religions makes claims that are totally at odds with the other religions that are on there?
We will never co-exist. It is human nature for groupings of folks to think themselves superior and to overpower those they consider weaker. If you look at the variances in religions it all ties in to power and control... politics if you will. If it isn't religion it will be some other form of governance that leads one group to attempt to dominate and often destroy others. It's nature.
We will never co-exist. It is human nature for groupings of folks to think themselves superior and to overpower those they consider weaker. If you look at the variances in religions it all ties in to power and control... politics if you will. If it isn't religion it will be some other form of governance that leads one group to attempt to dominate and often destroy others. It's nature.
This phrase comes to mind "My imaginary friend is better than yours".
OR..."My God has a bigger d*ck than your God!" -George Carlin
We will never co-exist. It is human nature for groupings of folks to think themselves superior and to overpower those they consider weaker. If you look at the variances in religions it all ties in to power and control... politics if you will. If it isn't religion it will be some other form of governance that leads one group to attempt to dominate and often destroy others. It's nature.
We will never co-exist. It is human nature for groupings of folks to think themselves superior and to overpower those they consider weaker. If you look at the variances in religions it all ties in to power and control... politics if you will. If it isn't religion it will be some other form of governance that leads one group to attempt to dominate and often destroy others. It's nature.
so we'll co-exist when we're all dead or there's nothing left on this world to live for? :shrug:Actually.... we could co-exist but only if all temptation is taken out of the picture.
so we'll co-exist when we're all dead or there's nothing left on this world to live for? :shrug:
Revelation 20:1 And I saw an angel coming down out of heaven, having the key to the Abyss and holding in his hand a great chain. 2 He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil, or Satan, and bound him for a thousand years. 3 He threw him into the Abyss, and locked and sealed it over him, to keep him from deceiving the nations anymore until the thousand years were ended. After that, he must be set free for a short time.
With Satan and his gang locked up in the Abyss.... there will be none to whisper in your ear that your worship is better than theirs.