They were such good friends...


New Member
GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. - In 25 years of interviews with his hometown paper that could only be released upon his death, President Ford once called Jimmy Carter a "disaster" who ranked alongside Warren Harding and said Ronald Reagan received far too much credit for ending the Cold War.

"It makes me very irritated when Reagan's people pound their chests and say that because we had this big military buildup, the Kremlin collapsed," Ford told The Grand Rapids Press.

The best president of his lifetime, Ford said, was a more moderate Republican: Dwight D. Eisenhower.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I'm not trying to be mean to Gerald Ford - I'm sure he was a nice person. But he's the accidental dude. Accidentally became VP, then accidentally became Pres. He wasn't elected to either position by the people of the United States, and lost his chance to actually *get* elected (to friggin' Jimmy Carter, no less).

So I'm not particularly interested in his opinion.


Well-Known Member
vraiblonde said:
I'm not trying to be mean to Gerald Ford - I'm sure he was a nice person. But he's the accidental dude. Accidentally became VP, then accidentally became Pres. He wasn't elected to either position by the people of the United States, and lost his chance to actually *get* elected (to friggin' Jimmy Carter, no less).

So I'm not particularly interested in his opinion.

Mayaguez? East Timor? I liked him as a person, but he was about as effective as Jimmy Carter as a President.


I think the thing I appreciate about Ford is he respected the presidency to the point that, even though he had opinions about presidents (especially sitting presidents), he kept his mouth shut; unlike Carter and Clinton who appear to have very little repsect for anything other than their agenda.


New Member
PsyOps said:
I think the thing I appreciate about Ford is he respected the presidency to the point that, even though he had opinions about presidents (especially sitting presidents), he kept his mouth shut; unlike Carter and Clinton who appear to have very little repsect for anything other than their agenda.

Carter: If you don't free those hostages, we won't light our National Christmas Tree.

Iran: Oh my, I'm so scared. Free them...

Notice not even 4 hours after REagan took office, Iran freed those hostages.