They were wrong...


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
I'm dealing with the terrible 10's right now....

Just found out that my son announced to his Sunday school class that he didn't believe in God. :banghead:


Sweet and Innocent

My brother and sister who are twins [16 years old] don't get along too well. They love each other and all, but HATE that they are twins and even worse, that people KNOW they are twins :killingme

My son lost his first tooth last night! He's so excited for the tooth fairy. :lol:


Oooh, tonight is going to be fun! :yahoo: Congratulation on his first tooth!


Having Fun!
Good question! I called my mother and said 'I guess a quarter doesn't cut it anymore, huh?'...

I'm not sure what I'm going to do - Advise from the seasoned moms/dads please!

Last going rate in my house was $1 for each and a $5 for each of two front teeth.


my kids pediatrician told me that the terrible two's is actually not just when they are two, it is a two year time period usually between 1 1/2-3 1/2! I believe it, my youngest is 2 1/2 one year to go :yahoo:

Oh I gave my oldest $10 for the first tooth and he has gotten $5 for each tooth after


Last going rate in my house was $1 for each and a $5 for each of two front teeth.

We did something similar with ours. Two of my kids had silver crowns on their back teeth and we would give 2 or 3 dollars per tooth lost or 5 dollars for silver ones cause the tooth fairy thought those were more special. Our kids couldn't wait to lose those crowns! :lmao:


In My Opinion
we just started the 11th year of the terrible twos.

I hear that we can look forward to the glorious 18


New Member
It's his first tooth, I thought it was special, I gave him $5. For the others, I'll do $1/each. The front teeth, as someone else suggested, will get more.

He got up this morning, the first thing he did was come get me to check under his pillow. He was so excited. I'm taking him to the Dollar Store today, per his request, to spend his tooth money. :yay: