Thieves operating in the 7th. district.


Patch Tuesday

I haven't heard anything about anybody "operating" out of Jefferson Island/St. Catherine Island much less MS-13. I asked someone else about this "rumor" and he laughed at me and said it was one crazy premise but it was the first he had heard about it.

Several years ago the Quade boys were having themselves a little crime spree and they were getting to and from the victim's via boat. They would cruise/paddle up do the B&E and float away. Pretty much all of the 7th remembers what happened to them, so you'd figure that would be a deterrent to any would thieves but there is no accounting for stupidity.

As far as I know the places hit were on Golden Thompson Rd., Hatchet Thicket, and Morris Point Rd. They had dogs tracking at one place and the trail led directly to (fill in the blank) .

Stay vigilant, lock up EVERYTHING, ladies do not leave your purses in your car overnight, and keep the personal protection of your choice close by.

For the benefit of us newbies to Seventh District history, what's the story on the "Quade boys?" What did they do, what happened to them etc?

Are they the River Rats mentioned in this story?

"The River Rats made fools out the the cops, which wasn't hard to do in the early nineties. The cops spent more time chasing fresh donuts and playing cop then actually being a cop. The River Rats were actually about three or four independent groups of crack-head white boys in Ridge, Hollywood and the Seventh District who operated by boat, breaking into occupied homes and then slipping away by water while the dumb cops showed up and brought out K-9 dogs and chased each other through the briars and woods while the laughing burglars quietly rowed down stream. Finally the cops figured it out but dealing with the lazy crab cops with guns was yet another story."



They call me ... Sarcasmo
I can't speak about the happenings in Ridge and Hollywood but that pretty much sums it up. One of them was caught and subsequently jailed, the other one caught lead as he was breaking into Chaptico Market and they found his body in the swamp off 238 (Chaptico end) next spring.:yay::yay:


New Member
7th Dist

I believe someone has the wrong last name. It was one of the "Bowles" brothers who was shot in Chaptico not a Quade.


Would THIS face lie?
I say fill their a$$ with some rocksalt through a 12 gage!!!

ROCKSALT....You being a little easy there aren't ya? That stuff just stings a little....Hows about some 00 Buckshot? :lmao: Sting em might just pizz em off.....With 00 Buck, they might think the next time.....


For the benefit of us newbies to Seventh District history, what's the story on the "Quade boys?" What did they do, what happened to them etc?

Are they the River Rats mentioned in this story?

Welcome to St. Mary's Today Online Edition!

"The River Rats made fools out the the cops, which wasn't hard to do in the early nineties. The cops spent more time chasing fresh donuts and playing cop then actually being a cop. The River Rats were actually about three or four independent groups of crack-head white boys in Ridge, Hollywood and the Seventh District who operated by boat, breaking into occupied homes and then slipping away by water while the dumb cops showed up and brought out K-9 dogs and chased each other through the briars and woods while the laughing burglars quietly rowed down stream. Finally the cops figured it out but dealing with the lazy crab cops with guns was yet another story."


And what Quades would this be? :tap:

Patch Tuesday

And what Quades would this be? :tap:

I think your question is in response to this quote that has since had a name correction from "Quade" to "Bowles"...

I haven't heard anything about anybody "operating" out of Jefferson Island/St. Catherine Island much less MS-13. I asked someone else about this "rumor" and he laughed at me and said it was one crazy premise but it was the first he had heard about it.

Several years ago the Bowles brothers were having themselves a little crime spree and they were getting to and from the victim's via boat. They would cruise/paddle up do the B&E and float away. Pretty much all of the 7th remembers what happened to them, so you'd figure that would be a deterrent to any would thieves but there is no accounting for stupidity.

As far as I know the places hit were on Golden Thompson Rd., Hatchet Thicket, and Morris Point Rd. They had dogs tracking at one place and the trail led directly to (fill in the blank) .

Stay vigilant, lock up EVERYTHING, ladies do not leave your purses in your car overnight, and keep the personal protection of your choice close by.



New Member
For the benefit of us newbies to Seventh District history, what's the story on the "Quade boys?" What did they do, what happened to them etc? :coffee:
You're making fun of a mans sign on his property (property he owns, not rent) that lives close to where young Mr. Bowles learned how we deal with these types. He was shot but not by the po po either.

The Bowles body was found almost a year later by accident.

I dare you to come down here & fukc around. Maybe they'll find your body sooner .....maybe not. :evil:

Patch Tuesday

You're making fun of a mans sign on his property (property he owns, not rent) that lives close to where young Mr. Bowles learned how we deal with these types. He was shot but not by the po po either.

The Bowles body was found almost a year later by accident.

I dare you to come down here & fukc around. Maybe they'll find your body sooner .....maybe not. :evil:

Talk about genetic deficiencies...
