This boggles the mind



There are a lot of left-handed compliments in that article, especially from Schumer. I think the real message is that McAuliffe is out, but the Dems don't want to come out and say he's a failure as that would imply their whole platform for the past four+ years was a failure. Since the Democratic party as a whole lives in pretty much the World's second biggest "Glass House" (second only to the United Nations), it wouldn't be prudent for them to throw too many "stones" at McAuliffe. It's better to allow him to exit the stage gracefully and find work as a consultant somewhere than to vilify him and risk him shining a defensive spotlight on all of the ills of the Democratic party. So it's really Mutually Assured Destruction on a political scale.

The game will be to make polite comments about keeping him on, doing his "great" job, while desperately trying to find someone to replace him. And McAuliffe will politely decline any and all offers to stay on (because he's been directed to do so), and will keep the chair warm for the next sucker.


Dancing Up A Storm
I read the article, and I wasn't really surprised by any of the talk being thrown around. Several candidates are in the running, blah, blah, blah.

However, the last time I paid any attention to the issue, I thought I read that Howard Dean pretty much had it wrapped up.

So they've backed off on his nomination?


Lovin' being Texican
Bruzilla said:
Since the Democratic party as a whole lives in pretty much the World's second biggest "Glass House" (second only to the United Nations), it wouldn't be prudent for them to throw too many "stones" at McAuliffe.

Like, maybe the Democratic party really is in terminal "melt down" mode. Which, by the way, makes them even more dangerous.


Well-Known Member


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Larry Gude

Strung Out
I think it is perfectly reasonable...

...that Terry stay on. I fully support this.

He wasn't mean and tough enough last time. He's gotta go out there and KILL some people next time. Maybe buy a wood chipper and throw opponents in there. He should get a mask to. Maybe some tats. Pierce his testicles with Kerry/Edwards pins.

Go, Terry, go! Hate! Burn! Slash!

Only with more feeling this time. Give us more Moore, more Streisand, more Belefonte, more Reverend Al, more Howard, more Alec Baldwin, more Springsteen, more John Stewart and Maher, more Soro's, more DU, more moveon.

Let's get serious! SEETHE! RAGE! KILL!!!!!!!!!


Lenny said:
Like, maybe the Democratic party really is in terminal "melt down" mode. Which, by the way, makes them even more dangerous.

How would that make them even more dangerous? They've been in meltdown mode since 2000, and all they did in 2004 was make themselves look foolish.


New Member
What's the only worse thing than McAuliffe as DNC chair? Howard Dean as DNC chair. These two things are somewhat related (senior Democrats in Washington don't want Howard Dean making decisions for the party in the years to come).


Dancing Up A Storm
rraley said:
What's the only worse thing than McAuliffe as DNC chair? Howard Dean as DNC chair. These two things are somewhat related (senior Democrats in Washington don't want Howard Dean making decisions for the party in the years to come).
Actually, approving Howad Dean for the head of the DNC might be the best thing to ever happen to the party.

It could finally open the eyes of the sane portion of the party faithful that they are indeed headed in the wrong direction.

Gosh, I can still hear that scream of his after Iowa(?): Yeeehaaaah!!! :lmao: