this is a test of the forum banning system.


In My Opinion
Oh come on Im the king of banning on all the other sites Ive been to. you have to let me see a banning thats polite,, not just the normal F-Off when you try to log on...

Fishn Guy

That's Dr. Fishn to you..
Should I leave pictures of randomly deformed penises here? Is that what the banning thread is for? I can hook you up....
Not that I have anything like that around or anything.....

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
I wanna be able to see the red cards. Can you make it so we can see when people get infactioned???? See, the way it is now, it's only fun for you, Vrai, but if everyone could see the red cards, it would be fun for everyone. Make it so.


In My Opinion
Im still waiting for my red card............Im hoping I can get it without having to be mean to anyone.......... DONT MAKE ME BE MEAN


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
Can you make it so we can see when people get infactioned???? See, the way it is now, it's only fun for you, Vrai, but if everyone could see the red cards, it would be fun for everyone. Make it so.
