This is Biden's DoJ going after a political opponent


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
But this signals that they're terrified of Trump - they know if he'll win in 2024. There's no other reason for them to continue to go after him and try to take him out of the running other than they know they can't take him out at the ballot box. And they also know that he's not a novice this time; he knows fully what he's getting into and heads will be rolling. It'll make his first term look like a clambake complete with Frankie and Annette doing the Watusi.

So we have another chance to get this country back on track, but I don't have a lot of faith in my fellow Americans to get behind it. Definitely not the stupid Democrats, but there are an awful lot of mindless drooler Republicans who let Rob Reiner and Taylor Swift influence them as well.


Well-Known Member
This??After the FBI said they found nothing at mar a Lago?



PREMO Member

Could DOJ's Special Counsel Actually Fire up Support for Donald Trump?

“WSJ at Large” host Gerry Baker said on Fox News Friday:

How [Trump] chooses to use this for his own political opportunity will become also quite a big issue in the course of the next few weeks. The question to me politically is whether President Trump actually takes this and leverages it to his advantage. [Emphasis mine.]

Trump didn’t waste much time in blasting the counsel, telling Fox News Digital:

I have been going through this for six years — for six years I have been going through this, and I am not going to go through it anymore. And I hope the Republicans have the courage to fight this.

Get this: back in the 1970s, Smith was a federal prosecutor who helped investigate The Donald for possible fraud charges. The case closed—wait for it… without charges. So if Trump has somewhat of a case of a persecution complex, you’d certainly understand why. This guy Smith has been after him for fifty years.



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
They appoint these "special prosecutors" and the newsbots are all like, "Oh this is the most ethical person in the world! He's so perfect! We should build a statue in his honor! A church even!" Then he turns out to be a corrupt shitbag just like the rest of them.

PROTIP: When a Leftist newsbot or politician extols the virtues of someone, just remember that they are measuring that person by themselves and their cronies, not by any normal standard. "Compared to us the guy's a saint." Like that.


Well-Known Member
I don't know Smith , but damn. How much time and money has been spent to get Trump and he is still on his feet. In my lifetime I have never seen a man so put upon by so many.
They have gone after his family, his taxes, his property, his marriages.

They cannot go after his record as a President it was too good and they know it.
And the preposterous thing about all this is the criminal they have in the White House that they and the media know about and do nothing.


Well-Known Member
Dear Jesus,

Please keep Hillary and Nancy alive long enough for them to be the Dem nominees for Prez and VP in 2024.

Satan can wait another couple years to claim their souls.


I'll call the The Ant-Teepha ticket. Aunt Bea and Aunt Clara.


Well-Known Member
Dear Jesus,

Please keep Hillary and Nancy alive long enough for them to be the Dem nominees for Prez and VP in 2024.

Satan can wait another couple years to claim their souls.


I'll call the The Ant-Teepha ticket. Aunt Bea and Aunt Clara.
Hillary will be replacing Harris soon, then FJB will resign and we will have 10 years of a bigger crook in office.

black dog

Free America
Bird Dog
President Trump 2024 unfortuanly ....not going to happen

Maryland needs to learn to vote more better.


Well-Known Member

Here is what weaponizing the government actually looks like:

Kelly told the Times that Trump repeatedly pressed for IRS investigations of his perceived enemies and asked to “get the I.R.S. on” former FBI Director James Comey and his deputy Andrew McCabe, who became acting director after Trump fired Comey.

Kelly said he dissuaded Trump from continuing to press the investigations due to legal and ethical concerns.

However, reports surfaced earlier this year that the IRS had conducted intensive audits of both Comey and McCabe.

Out of 10,000 American's audited that year Mccabe and Comey were both chosen.



Board Mommy
PREMO Member

Here is what weaponizing the government actually looks like:

Kelly told the Times that Trump repeatedly pressed for IRS investigations of his perceived enemies and asked to “get the I.R.S. on” former FBI Director James Comey and his deputy Andrew McCabe, who became acting director after Trump fired Comey.

Kelly said he dissuaded Trump from continuing to press the investigations due to legal and ethical concerns.

However, reports surfaced earlier this year that the IRS had conducted intensive audits of both Comey and McCabe.

Out of 10,000 American's audited that year Mccabe and Comey were both chosen.

John Kelly is a proven liar and has aligned himself with a large number of proven liars and political hacks. You believe him because you want to believe him, not because he has a reputation for honesty or integrity.

Your cult masters have used the IRS to not only target Trump but Republicans in general, and I don't notice you being all stompy over that.



Well-Known Member
John Kelly is a proven liar and has aligned himself with a large number of proven liars and political hacks. You believe him because you want to believe him, not because he has a reputation for honesty or integrity.

Your cult masters have used the IRS to not only target Trump but Republicans in general, and I don't notice you being all stompy over that.

Again. Your bias is showing


The Forbes article doesn't show what you say it does.

  1. "In January 2010, the Supreme Court in Citizens United held it unconstitutional to ban free speech by corporations, unions and other organizations."
Do you believe this has anything to do with Trump? Or in any way makes your case? Its a supreme court decision the author of the list ahs somehow decided is relevant which shows you there list is nonsense