This is DECLAS


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Isn't the President HIMSELF an object of national security and as such, his person alone needs to be secured for as long as he lives.
As such I would think ANY PLACE he lives is already a secure place.

Except maybe if the FBI comes along and says, everybody out, we want to search Melania's underwear drawer.


Well-Known Member
Isn't the President HIMSELF an object of national security and as such, his person alone needs to be secured for as long as he lives.
As such I would think ANY PLACE he lives is already a secure place.

Except maybe if the FBI comes along and says, everybody out, we want to search Melania's underwear drawer.
Again, this has nothing to do with security for classified documents. They were certainly secure enough.
Tis is just part of the plot to interfere with an election they know they will lose.
It is also an effort to find out what he saved that might come back to bite them in the ass if he is re-elected. Right now whatever he has cannot harm them because they own the justice department, but if he is elected again----KATIE BAR THE DOOR.
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So who signed for these documents? When were they signed for? Why wasn't somebody notified when they weren't returned? Are Whitehouse procedures that lax?
Sounds exactly like a person that has never had to deal with senior management.

Those controls are in place for the rank and file, they do not apply to anyone with real pull (the people who if we are being honest should be following the tightest controls). Just like the CEO of the company that watches porn on his work laptop and ends up downloading a virus and causing all his workers to go through cyber-safe training while he continues on blithly, the president doesn't need to sign for crap and not a single person will call them on it.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Sounds exactly like a person that has never had to deal with senior management.

Those controls are in place for the rank and file, they do not apply to anyone with real pull (the people who if we are being honest should be following the tightest controls).
Friend I quoted was a senior military officer with considerable time in DC.

As for the controls being for the rank and file and not for leadership, that is a whole different Pandora's Box that needs to be fixed.


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
Since we're sort of on the subject, what's up with the TACAMO letters on the roadside North of St. Andrews light on 235?


Well-Known Member
Sounds exactly like a person that has never had to deal with senior management.

Those controls are in place for the rank and file, they do not apply to anyone with real pull (the people who if we are being honest should be following the tightest controls). Just like the CEO of the company that watches porn on his work laptop and ends up downloading a virus and causing all his workers to go through cyber-safe training while he continues on blithly, the president doesn't need to sign for crap and not a single person will call them on it.
That’s what I tried to say above, but the meaning got lost in my juvenile humor :(
Trump, as the top classifying / declassifing authority, can declare a pile of docs declassified. That’s it. From then on, they legally are no longer classified.
All the details of filling out numerous forms, checking all the databases, fall on his subordinates.
So even if docs are found that are not properly documented as unclassified, it will be an AO who will be blamed, and take the heat for not filing the correct form at the moment, and that’s much less juicy, and will disappear from news. Done. Swing and a miss.


Well-Known Member
bringing down Trump.jpeg


Well-Known Member

When FBI Raids are actually good news.​

"It’s noteworthy that it was Trump himself who informed us of the raid. There were no leaks to the media ahead of time nor during the execution of the warrant, and by the time he posted his statement, the FBI had more or less come and gone from the property. The Corrupt Media had completely missed out on the opportunity for footage they have been lusting to get for over five years. Lulz."

As Vrai, and others of us, have pointed out, there are always leaks. Always. To the point where "journalists" while Somalia went off should have qualified for a beach-landing medal, as they hit the beachhead before the Marines.


PREMO Member
He cant keep copies legally as the documents don't belong to him.

Next you will claim the documents belong to him.


SHOCKER! WaPo Sheepishly Admits the FBI Found No Nuclear Secrets, or Anything Else, in Mar-a-Lago Raid

There is nothing funnier than watching leftist Punchinellos beclown themselves over the latest “We’ve got Trump NOW!” hijinks.

Remember when the FBI raided Trump’s home supposedly looking for “nuclear secrets” a few months back? Guess how that turned out?

I’ll let the quislings at the Washinton Post spell it out:

Federal agents and prosecutors have come to believe former president Donald Trump’s motive for allegedly taking and keeping classified documents was largely his ego and a desire to hold on to the materials as trophies or mementos, according to people familiar with the matter.

In other words, Trump was keeping souvenirs, as everyone else does.
Funny how WaPo sat on that story until after the midterms, right?

But wait, there’s more!

That review has not found any apparent business advantage to the types of classified information in Trump’s possession, these people said. FBI interviews with witnesses so far, they said, also do not point to any nefarious effort by Trump to leverage, sell or use the government secrets. Instead, the former president seemed motivated by a more basic desire not to give up what he believed was his property, these people said.