Sounds exactly like a person that has never had to deal with senior management.
Those controls are in place for the rank and file, they do not apply to anyone with real pull (the people who if we are being honest should be following the tightest controls). Just like the CEO of the company that watches porn on his work laptop and ends up downloading a virus and causing all his workers to go through cyber-safe training while he continues on blithly, the president doesn't need to sign for crap and not a single person will call them on it.
That’s what I tried to say above, but the meaning got lost in my juvenile humor
Trump, as the top classifying / declassifing authority, can declare a pile of docs declassified. That’s it. From then on, they legally are no longer classified.
All the details of filling out numerous forms, checking all the databases, fall on his subordinates.
So even if docs are found that are not properly documented as unclassified, it will be an AO who will be blamed, and take the heat for not filing the correct form at the moment, and that’s much less juicy, and will disappear from news. Done. Swing and a miss.