This is how Senile Joe gets away with not debating


Well-Known Member
I really doubt most politicians could, out of everyone I work with I am the only one that can identify all 50 states on the map and you know what that means? Not much other than I loved geography in middle school.

Truthfully, does anyone really need to know where Idaho, Wyoming, the Dakotas, or Maine, or Delaware are?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Trump Still doesn’t understand how a bill becomes law and he’s been president for 3.5 years.

Do you honestly believe that or are you just being a dumb troll? Option #3 is that your media masters said it on the TV and you're just repeating it.

Pick one.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
I think one of the debates should be replaced with a televised quiz show where the candidates have to demonstrate their knowledge.
CNN will rig it so every Biden questions answser is "Corn Pop" or "Dog-Faced, Pony Soldier"


Well-Known Member
Do you honestly believe that or are you just being a dumb troll? Option #3 is that your media masters said it on the TV and you're just repeating it.

Pick one.

Well how many times has he lost in court on his EO's?

How many bills has he worked with congress to get passed successfully?

It's not hard to figure out he is very very bad at his job.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Well how many times has he lost in court on his EO's? No more than average.

How many bills has he worked with congress to get passed successfully? Giving Democrats what they want is not "Working with congress"

It's not hard to figure out he is very very bad at his job. Seems to be doing just fine to me. Good Economy pre-virus bullshit, good immigration intervention, good military policies, good trade policies...

Seems to me you just like to bitch when things are good.


Well-Known Member
How many has Trump Published Vs Won Vs Lost ?

169 Issued

:bawl: YOU can ONLY Answer The Question The Way I WANT

"More than 90 percent of the Trump administration’s deregulatory efforts have been blocked in court, or withdrawn after a lawsuit, according to a running tally maintained by the Institute for Policy Integrity, a nonpartisan think tank sponsored by the New York University School of Law.
In cases involving the environment, immigration, disabled individuals, affordable housing, student loans and other matters, Trump has been blocked from stripping protections guaranteed by previous administrations."

Two-thirds of the cases accuse the Trump administration of violating the Administrative Procedure Act (APA), a nearly 73-year-old law that forms the primary bulwark against arbitrary rule. The normal “win rate” for the government in such cases is about 70 percent, according to analysts and studies. But as of mid-January, a database maintained by the Institute for Policy Integrity at the New York University School of Law shows Trump’s win rate at about 6 percent.



Well-Known Member
No, I want you to tell me, not just gobble and puke.

I already did through facts and figures. I know you are allergic to those and prefer to regurgitate whatever crap Trump tweets or whatever you feel at that exact moment but facts, figures and numbers don't lie.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member