This is infuriating



Penn said:

"This isn't a Republican vs Democrat thing; it's about senior Democrats who are so over-invested in their hatred of a passing administration that they've signed on to the nuttiest slurs of the lunatic fringe.

It would be heartening to think that Durbin will himself now be subjected to some serious torture. Not real torture, of course; I don't mean using Pol Pot techniques and playing the Celine Dion Christmas album really loud to him. But he should at least be made a little uncomfortable over what he's done -- in a time of war, make an inflammatory libel against his country's military that has no value whatsoever except to America's enemies.

Shame on him, and shame on those fellow senators and Democrats who by their refusal to condemn him endorse his slander."

I most assuredly agree.:patriot:

I agree.. this guy is a freakin jerk!


Super Genius
Durbin Apologizes
"Some may believe that my remarks crossed the line," the Illinois Democrat said. "To them I extend my heartfelt apologies."

His voice quaking and tears welling in his eyes, the No. 2 Democrat in the Senate also apologized to any soldiers who felt insulted by his remarks.

"They're the best. I never, ever intended any disrespect for them," he said.
...and the Oscar goes to...Senator Durbin!


Dancing Up A Storm
There's some talk about having him censured, even resigning his post as the #2 Democrat in the party.

Think it'll fly?


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Penn said:
There's some talk about having him censured, even resigning his post as the #2 Democrat in the party.

Think it'll fly?
Trent Lott praises Strom Thurmond, it gets convoluted into a racist remark - he resigns.

Durbin calls Americans a bunch of Nazis - naaah, he'll keep his job.


Super Genius
Penn said:
There's some talk about having him censured, even resigning his post as the #2 Democrat in the party.

Think it'll fly?
Of course not. Haven't you learned the double standard yet? Democrats can make stupid and blatantly inflamatory statements with no repercussions because they apologize a few days later after defending their statements. Republicans can make seemingly innocuous statements that few people even notice, much less are offended by, explain and apologize immediately, and get crucified for it *cough*Trent Lott*cough*.


I was listening to Hannity the other day, and he was talking to two of the guardsmen who guarded Hussein over in Iraq, and one of them said something that I thought was very telling. He told about his first meeting with Saddam Hussein. One of the other guards too him to Husseins door to introduce them, and Hussein came to the door and stuck his hand through to shake hands with the guard. The guard shook Hussein's hand, and Hussein said "it's a pleasure to meet you," and the guard responded without thinking and said "it's a pleasure to meet you too."

The guard said he thought about those words immediately afterwards and said to himself "why did I say that? It's not a pleasure to meet a guy like that. And why did I shake hands with him... he could have pulled my hand back through the little door and chopped it off", but I think that just shows the real difference between our troops and the Nazis, Soviets, or Pal Pot's guys. Our troops haven't been raised in an environment where you can burn your sister alive for dating the wrong guy, or where you have to step over rotting bodies in the street to go anywhere, or you watch your neighbors get systematically rounded up, deported, and executed.

For the most part our kids grow up with a good bit of the Golden Rule, having respect for others, and basic courtesy. And those who go into the military definately get a very healthy dose of discipline when it comes to dealing with other people, courtesy, professionalism, etc. So it comes as no surprise that the first response of one of our guys meeting Hussein would be a very courteous one. And that's the way I bet 99.9% of our troops deal with the insurgents and POWs. That's a far cry from the Nazis chuckling as they shot people in the head, after making them dig their own graves; or the Soviets working people to death in labor camps, or the Khmer Rouge torturing and killing teachers because they were seen as a threat.


Super Genius
vraiblonde said:
I'm curious if there's anyone in America, outside of a handful of screwball Leftists and Bush-bashers, that are disturbed about treatment of prisoners at Gitmo? Or Abu Ghraib? You'd think the news dudes would be taking one of their infamous polls about it, and I suspect the reason they don't is because the answer isn't the one they're looking for.
Ask and ye shall receive...
June 22, 2005--A Rasmussen Reports survey found that 20% of Americans believe prisoners at Guantanomo Bay have been treated unfairly. Seven-out-of-ten adults believe the prisoners are being treated "better than they deserve" (36%) or "about right" (34%).
There are some other interesting results from the poll as well.


Dancing Up A Storm
willie said:
I suppose it depends on which side of the page you read this (right or left) but is 7 out of 10 36%?
I saw the same thing at first, then I added the 34% of those thinking "they're being treated just right" and came up with 70%. :cheers:


Lovin' being Texican
Penn said:
I saw the same thing at first, then I added the 34% of those thinking "they're being treated just right" and came up with 70%. :cheers:

It's new math.

Seven-out-of-ten adults believe the prisoners are being treated "better than they deserve" (36%) or "about right" (34%).


This Space for Rent


  • gulag.jpg
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Lovin' being Texican
A little late to the debate

Just found this today.


  • Dick Durban interrogation kit.gif
    Dick Durban interrogation kit.gif
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I'm thinking that Durbin and the Dems are doing to Democrats what Frist and the Republicans did to the Republicans with the Terri Schiavo case. Maybe both dumbass actions will cancel each other out.


Lovin' being Texican
vraiblonde said:
"...but don't want to be called a Nazi by a Senator from Illinois?"


Used to live in Illinois. Being called names by a Democrat from Illinois is no big whiff.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
I like how Ann Coulter, in her column today, caught that "if anyone was offended" part of his sometimes tearful apology.

"<!--StartFragment --> (He then offered the typical Democrat "if/then" non-apology: i.e., "if my remarks offended anyone," based on the rather remote possibility any sentient, English-speaking adult who didn't hate America could have heard them and not been offended.) ".
