I was listening to Hannity the other day, and he was talking to two of the guardsmen who guarded Hussein over in Iraq, and one of them said something that I thought was very telling. He told about his first meeting with Saddam Hussein. One of the other guards too him to Husseins door to introduce them, and Hussein came to the door and stuck his hand through to shake hands with the guard. The guard shook Hussein's hand, and Hussein said "it's a pleasure to meet you," and the guard responded without thinking and said "it's a pleasure to meet you too."
The guard said he thought about those words immediately afterwards and said to himself "why did I say that? It's not a pleasure to meet a guy like that. And why did I shake hands with him... he could have pulled my hand back through the little door and chopped it off", but I think that just shows the real difference between our troops and the Nazis, Soviets, or Pal Pot's guys. Our troops haven't been raised in an environment where you can burn your sister alive for dating the wrong guy, or where you have to step over rotting bodies in the street to go anywhere, or you watch your neighbors get systematically rounded up, deported, and executed.
For the most part our kids grow up with a good bit of the Golden Rule, having respect for others, and basic courtesy. And those who go into the military definately get a very healthy dose of discipline when it comes to dealing with other people, courtesy, professionalism, etc. So it comes as no surprise that the first response of one of our guys meeting Hussein would be a very courteous one. And that's the way I bet 99.9% of our troops deal with the insurgents and POWs. That's a far cry from the Nazis chuckling as they shot people in the head, after making them dig their own graves; or the Soviets working people to death in labor camps, or the Khmer Rouge torturing and killing teachers because they were seen as a threat.