BuddyLee said:
Got any third party candidates up your sleeve?
OK, one last thing before I log off for the night.
You have said that the deficit spending is what concerns you. Look at this logically and use your mellon to analyze this.
Kerry has promised the following, all from the debates.
-Add 2 full divisions to the Army + equipment
-Increase military spending
-Hire the manpower to inspect 100% of all cargo and containers inbound to USA
-Put more police and firefighters on the street.
- Fully fund No Child left behind
-Provide universal healthcare
-Create Jobs
-Give businesses tax cuts to keep jobs here
-Give additional middle class tax cuts
How is HE going to keep all these new spending plans WITHOUT deficit spending? By rolling back the tax cuts on the top 1% he will not come CLOSE to having the money to do 2 of any one of the 6 thing he has promised that I could remember off the top of my head.
Simple fact is he is lying. No ands ifs for buts. Top it off with the lies he tells about the draft, the lies he told in front of congress back in his post Vietnam days, the lies about stem cell research, the lies about abortion, and all the other things he has blamed on Bush and you have 1 man who has not 1 shred of decency and you feel comfortable about giving him the honor of being the President of the United States of America?
Like I said before, I would vote for a man with honor, decency who is wrong 25% of the time over and man that is morally bankrupt and claims to be right 100% of the time.
Bush is not elloquent, he does not hear voices like some like to exagerate but he is honorable and does what he thinks is right. If he did not have to deal with 3000 Americans being slaughtered who knows what his Presidency would look like right now. He has had a challenging 4 years and has not done all that bad. Agree or not he is honorable and deserves a chance to finish another term.
Think about all this tomorrow before you press the button. for me the choice is easy. If Kerry was a Republican I would not vote for him. I actually voted against Bush's father in 92 so I do have my own mind, I only ask you have yours.