This is like waiting for Christmas!


Football addict
Pete said:
HUGE mistake. The man has no principles. As you get older you will learn that "principles" are not just some corney saying, they are real. I would rather vote for a man of principle who is wrong 25% of the time than a man without principles who claims he is right 100% of the time.

Vote your way but I am saying the man has had 20 years in the Senate to affect the nation and has not done it. If Bush had not had to deal with the slaughter of over 3000 Americans 7 months after taking office and inheriting a recession things might be a little rosier but real men have to prioritize.
If anyone could have changed my mind it would have been you, Vrai, Sam and the like. You have changed my opinion on many issues but not the one I intend to vote for.


BuddyLee said:
If anyone could have changed my mind it would have been you, Vrai, Sam and the like. You have changed my opinion on many issues but not the one I intend to vote for.
Don't be bought off by pie in the sky promises. He has not had to walk the walk, he just talks the talk. I can sit here all night and be critical of Bush but I was not sitting there agonizing over the decisions. Anyone can complain and rail about decisions AFTER they have been made and played out.

I guarentee that IF Kerry wins he will not come through with 5% of what he has promised. It is all a pipe dream spun to get a lackluster candidate in office, then figure out the real deal after.

Asnswer this question, How can you be a honorable man and vote for a candidate that bold faced lied to your generation and said Bush was going to institute the draft after Bush himself on national TV in the debates said "As long as I am President there will be no draft"? How can you vote for a liar? He is purposly trying to scare you into voting for him via a bona fide lie. If that honor? When will you know if he is actually telling the truth?
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Be about it
We both have long drives tomorrow b/c we neglected to update our voter regs. Not sure how we forgot, but we did. Husband is going up to PG county after work, and I'll trek to Plum Point middle in Calvert. :yay:
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Football addict
Pete said:
Don't be bought off by pie in the sky promises. He has not had to walk the walk, he just talks the talk. I can sit here all night and be critical of Bush but I was not sitting there agonizing over the decisions. Anyone can complain and rail about decisions AFTER they have been made and played out.

I guarentee that IF Kerry wins he will not come through with 5% of what he has promised. It is all a pipe dream spun to get a lackluster candidate in office, then figure out the real deal after.
I bet the Dems said the same exact thing about Bush around this time four years ago and look at what he's accomplished. Case in point, you cannot judge someone for a job they have not yet held. You may however 'predict' what will happen based on their past.


BuddyLee said:
I bet the Dems said the same exact thing about Bush around this time four years ago and look at what he's accomplished. Case in point, you cannot judge someone for a job they have not yet held. You may however 'predict' what will happen based on their past.
Exactly my point. Bush accomplished what he set out to do. Medicare prescription drug coverage; 8 years of Democratic Presidency didn't do it but he did. No child left behind, no it is not fully funded other things came up but he DID IT when the prior 8 years of Democratic Administration did not. Tarrifs on steel dumping from Japan and Europe and wood dumping from Canada, 8 years before him that administration ignored it until the steel mills closed down. Inherited a recession and the dot com bust and is getting things going again. I bought a house at 5.5 % interest, I could have NEVER dreamed of that 5 years ago, NEVER !! Home ownership at its highest level EVER !! All that while coping with a devestating attack on our own soil. Bush has been sold way short by the Democratic machine. I am sad so many are buying the lies.

Look at the yahoo news story on Kerry's last dsay campaigning. He belittles Bush's guard service yet Bush has NEVER said an ill word about Kerry's 4 months and out in Vietnam.

The man is a shyster, a bona fide shyster and he has lied your vote right out of you.


Boy was going to bed tonight and we turned on the TV and I was laying down with him. TLC was on and it was a show about a hospital maternity ward. The case they were showing was a 14 year old who had an infection and was delivering a baby at 25 weeks. THIS is the crap Kerry's party created. An entitlement driven society who demands a living from the government for doing nothing. YOUR back is where the living those people are going to get from the government is coming from. 14 years old, pregnant and well on her way to a lifetime of YOUR money. That is the compassion the Democrats oooze about. In their healthcare plan you will be sitting for 3 hours in a government run medical facility waiting for little 14 year old Shakira and her premie to get done with there free healthcare before you get seen. Democrats create their own constituency, hook them on the dole and then scare them that if you do not vote for us the mean old republicans will take it away. It is sick.


Football addict
Pete said:
Exactly my point. Bush accomplished what he set out to do. Medicare prescription drug coverage; 8 years of Democratic Presidency didn't do it but he did. No child left behind, no it is not fully funded other things came up but he DID IT when the prior 8 years of Democratic Administration did not. Tarrifs on steel dumping from Japan and Europe and wood dumping from Canada, 8 years before him that administration ignored it until the steel mills closed down. Inherited a recession and the dot com bust and is getting things going again. I bought a house at 5.5 % interest, I could have NEVER dreamed of that 5 years ago, NEVER !! Home ownership at its highest level EVER !! All that while coping with a devestating attack on our own soil. Bush has been sold way short by the Democratic machine. I am sad so many are buying the lies.
One would hope he would accomplish as much and more with his spending spree.

I'm sorry but I cannot vote for a man who mismanages the budget while other countries are on the move. A $236 billion surplus to a $374.2 billion deficit. :nono:


BuddyLee said:
One would hope he would accomplish as much and more with his spending spree.

I'm sorry but I cannot vote for a man who mismanages the budget while other countries are on the move. A $236 billion surplus to a $374.2 billion deficit. :nono:
Deficit spending is one of many methods to reignite an economy that went pop when the dot com busted the stock market. Surplusses and deficits are caused when tax revenue, go read your macro economics book. Adding liquidity, spuring spending, all leads to increased revenue.

It is easy to bank a surplus when you are not having to fight a war and the stock market didnt tumble.

I am not exactly happy about the spending but hey lesser of 2 evils.

BTW you have not answered my question above how you can as an honorable man vote for a candidate who stone faced lied to your generation. How can you vote for a liar?


Football addict
Pete said:
Deficit spending is one of many methods to reignite an economy that went pop when the dot com busted the stock market. Surplusses and deficits are caused when tax revenue, go read your macro economics book. Adding liquidity, spuring spending, all leads to increased revenue.

It is easy to bank a surplus when you are not having to fight a war and the stock market didnt tumble.

I am not exactly happy about the spending but hey lesser of 2 evils.

BTW you have not answered my question above how you can as an honorable man vote for a candidate who stone faced lied to your generation. How can you vote for a liar?
Got any third party candidates up your sleeve?


BuddyLee said:
Got any third party candidates up your sleeve?
OK, one last thing before I log off for the night.

You have said that the deficit spending is what concerns you. Look at this logically and use your mellon to analyze this.

Kerry has promised the following, all from the debates.

-Add 2 full divisions to the Army + equipment

-Increase military spending

-Hire the manpower to inspect 100% of all cargo and containers inbound to USA

-Put more police and firefighters on the street.

- Fully fund No Child left behind

-Provide universal healthcare

-Create Jobs

-Give businesses tax cuts to keep jobs here

-Give additional middle class tax cuts

How is HE going to keep all these new spending plans WITHOUT deficit spending? By rolling back the tax cuts on the top 1% he will not come CLOSE to having the money to do 2 of any one of the 6 thing he has promised that I could remember off the top of my head.

Simple fact is he is lying. No ands ifs for buts. Top it off with the lies he tells about the draft, the lies he told in front of congress back in his post Vietnam days, the lies about stem cell research, the lies about abortion, and all the other things he has blamed on Bush and you have 1 man who has not 1 shred of decency and you feel comfortable about giving him the honor of being the President of the United States of America?

Like I said before, I would vote for a man with honor, decency who is wrong 25% of the time over and man that is morally bankrupt and claims to be right 100% of the time.

Bush is not elloquent, he does not hear voices like some like to exagerate but he is honorable and does what he thinks is right. If he did not have to deal with 3000 Americans being slaughtered who knows what his Presidency would look like right now. He has had a challenging 4 years and has not done all that bad. Agree or not he is honorable and deserves a chance to finish another term.

Think about all this tomorrow before you press the button. for me the choice is easy. If Kerry was a Republican I would not vote for him. I actually voted against Bush's father in 92 so I do have my own mind, I only ask you have yours.


Nothing to see here
BL,(and all you other somewhat undecideds) you made a comment that 4 yrs ago Bush promised something or another...You can't go back to statements that were made before 9/11. 9/11 changed everything, Bush has done excedingly well considering the turmoil this country has gone thru. Have you noticed how evasive Kerry has been about his 'plans"??? The governor of New Mexico(Richerson/D) was asked tonight point blank to expand on Kerry's plans, all he said was "Well, Kerry has a plan" and then nothing. There is no substance to anything Kerry is spouting, all he wants is your vote. He put his Vietnam service front and center during his campaign, but did he release his service record by signing form 180(or whatever it was)...All you know about him is his senate record and his word. His senate record is public info, there's nothing there. His whole campaign is "Trust me"; get older before your time, Buddy, and realize that "Trust me" isn't enough.


Super Genius
otter said:
BL,(and all you other somewhat undecideds) you made a comment that 4 yrs ago Bush promised something or another...You can't go back to statements that were made before 9/11. 9/11 changed everything, Bush has done excedingly well considering the turmoil this country has gone thru. Have you noticed how evasive Kerry has been about his 'plans"??? The governor of New Mexico(Richerson/D) was asked tonight point blank to expand on Kerry's plans, all he said was "Well, Kerry has a plan" and then nothing. There is no substance to anything Kerry is spouting, all he wants is your vote. He put his Vietnam service front and center during his campaign, but did he release his service record by signing form 180(or whatever it was)...All you know about him is his senate record and his word. His senate record is public info, there's nothing there. His whole campaign is "Trust me"; get older before your time, Buddy, and realize that "Trust me" isn't enough.
I was actually expecting Kerry to give details of his plans yesterday which would give the Republicans very little time to refute them. I guess he truely has no plans whatsoever.


Bush was being interviewed last night on Fox, and Kerry declined. Which was repeated several time during the broadcast. Hummm


Super Genius
Kizzy said:
Bush was being interviewed last night on Fox, and Kerry declined. Which was repeated several time during the broadcast. Hummm
Actually, the Bush interview was a replay of an interview he did with O'Reilly about a month ago.


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
Dymphna said:
Don't bet on it. It's a hot race and tons of people will be voting. I predict greater voter turnout then any election on record, in every state across the board. Besides, a lot of people don't understand the electoral college business. They don't realize it's a state by state thing and their vote only counts as much as it'll swing the state, not the country as a whole.

For this reason, I think a lot of the pollsters will be taken by surprise. They usually poll "likely voters" but there will be people voting this time, that in years past didn't bother to drag their butts outta the house.
As if to prove my point here...

My parents have been married for 38 years. Mom says she can't remember the last time my father voted. He registered last month and was in line for the polls by 6:45 this morning.


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
Dymphna said:
As if to prove my point here...
And another one...
My SIL said she hasn't voted since she was 18. That would be 10 years ago. She didn't know she was even registered anymore. She's moved 3 times since then, not counting going off to college and gotten married. Turns out, she is still registered. The sample ballot showed up in her name at her dad's house. She went off to vote.