This is none of my business...



I totally disagree with the comment that was made about him moving on too fast.

My father was out dating within 4-5 months of my mother’s death, and I was the only one in the world he would discuss it with. My mom and dad starting dating when she was 18, so he loved sharing his life with another person, most of the time and when he didn’t, well that is the ups and downs of relationships/marriage. I understood that and could relate to how he was feeling. He enjoyed having companionship to eat with, shop with, travel with, hold on to, go to the movies, discuss everything in general and even discuss financial discussions. Once you’ve had that in your life, it is hard when it is taken away and it does leave a void that only finding another person will fill.

Life is TOO short so I think it shows favorable on your grandmother that your grandfather has moved on. Your grandmother left him enjoying the companionship of a relationship/marriage so when it was gone he missed it and searched for it to be apart of it again.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I can't wait for a lull in the conversation... the reception.

I ALWAYS like to have SOMETHING to talk about!


"So, Frank, how's the new Fillie? Berhehrehehhhawaahahahah, eh?"

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said: the reception.

I ALWAYS like to have SOMETHING to talk about!


"So, Frank, how's the new Fillie? Berhehrehehhhawaahahahah, eh?"
Double-dog dare you. :killingme

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Ken... just might be the last thing I ever do.

No way can I do that to the kids.

Now, if we get the right people together for breakfast the next morn...someplace small and intimate...


New Member
Kizzy said:
I totally disagree with the comment that was made about him moving on too fast.

My father was out dating within 4-5 months of my mother’s death, and I was the only one in the world he would discuss it with. My mom and dad starting dating when she was 18, so he loved sharing his life with another person, most of the time and when he didn’t, well that is the ups and downs of relationships/marriage. I understood that and could relate to how he was feeling. He enjoyed having companionship to eat with, shop with, travel with, hold on to, go to the movies, discuss everything in general and even discuss financial discussions. Once you’ve had that in your life, it is hard when it is taken away and it does leave a void that only finding another person will fill.

Life is TOO short so I think it shows favorable on your grandmother that your grandfather has moved on. Your grandmother left him enjoying the companionship of a relationship/marriage so when it was gone he missed it and searched for it to be apart of it again.

:yeahthat: :bawl:


But wait, there's more...
You're best bet, if/when mom finds out, and you have a stance different than her on the matter, state your feelings once (if at all) and don't allow it to be brought up again. Otherwise, it'll cause a rift between you two when it has nothing to do with you both.


I had those issues with my grandmother making her snippy snide comments about my father dating and I said point blank what I stated above. Each and every time she brought it up I said - you've already heard my feelings and changed the subject.

Sucks to be caught up in. :boo:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
crabcake said:
it'll cause a rift between you two when it has nothing to do with you both.
Do you not read my posts about my mother??? :lol: If it's not a rift about this, it will be a rift about something else. It's what she does. Shoot, my aunts and sister are always thrilled when she's tiffing with me because it means she'll leave them alone for awhile.



But wait, there's more...
vraiblonde said:
Do you not read my posts about my mother??? :lol: If it's not a rift about this, it will be a rift about something else. It's what she does. Shoot, my aunts and sister are always thrilled when she's tiffing with me because it means she'll leave them alone for awhile.

In that case, why not call her up and tell her? :lmao: Maybe you'll get lucky and she won't speak to you for months! :really: