Vrai's been through them both...
Read Arrogance by Bernard Goldberg. I still have to find Bias by the same author.
...and all the others along the lines of media bias including the one that explains the most; Hardball.
Goldbergs point is probably correct among the mid level folks on down, the 'beleivers' but there isn't even a remote possibility that Dan Rather, Leher, McNeil, Mapes, Jennings, Judy Woodruff etc, etc, etc, don't know what they are doing.
They are agenda, not faith, driven. They are do'ers, movers and shakers, not followers.
A 12 step program for those who don't see might bear fruit. Dan ain't going to no meeting to get him off a 'bottle' that has no intention or desire to put down.
Hell, if they all just didn't know any better, there would be stories done for the simple novelty of it all. On top of that, these are some of the most trained and educated people on the planet.
Dan Rather, if nothing else, knows damn well what voice inflection and body launguage are all about. They know well exactly how they come off on camera.
BushCo story: Raise eyebrow, look stern, exhibit worry, foreboding.
ClintonCo story: Smile, hope, happy, happy, joy, joy.