For your consideration ...
What the State Highway Administration really needs to do is keep those extremely faded painted turn lines always freshly painted. And instead of them being dashed, make them solid lines until the completion of the turn to keep people from crossing onto another lane. They should also add those solid painted turning lines at each turn lane into that intersection. Too many people, without those turn lines, tend to straighten what is supposed to be a partial radius turn, which then forces them then into a sharper turn to enter the road, many times coming extremely close to others turning, as well as getting too close to the first vehicles in line at their respective red light, or to the concrete medium sometimes even hitting them.
Oh yeah. And there should only be 2 left turn lanes onto 235 south and that third should be only for proceeding west on St Andrews Church Rd. It has always bothered me that they designed it that way. Making that left turn always makes people go much slower causing traffic to always get backed up for people simply needing to continue on to St Andrews Church Rd. In addition, make the middle lane a turn/thru lane since these two lanes match up with the two lanes to St Andrews Church Rd.
Oh yeah, and one more thing .... That entrance/exit into Wawa from/to St Andrews Church Rd. should be made into an entrance only, or, at a minimum, when exiting only be allowed to turn to go south on 235. Because, as many of you know, copious amounts of those exiting are selfish pricks that love to force themselves into a backlog of traffic for the sole purpose of crossing all lanes to go north on 235. Then there are those virtue signalers, (those oh so "nice" people), that will always let out those Wawa exiting vehicles to the detriment of everyone else behind them causing them to have to wait for the next signal change or longer. That practice should be banned.
Because often sometimes, it's easier to go south in order to go north that makes things go much smoother.
/End rant
What it kinda looks like now.
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