This one's for you, GOPers


Not dead yet.
Glad to see that after all of the venom and nastiness that Carville still has a sense of humor. Maybe that will help break the ice and calm everybody down a little.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Or not. I said hello to the guy in the office next door this morning. He just stared straight ahead. He still hasn't spoken to me since the election. :duh:


Well-Known Member
2ndAmendment said:
Or not. I said hello to the guy in the office next door this morning. He just stared straight ahead. He still hasn't spoken to me since the election. :duh:
It's probably not political..........did you recently correct his English? :killingme


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
willie said:
It's probably not political..........did you recently correct his English? :killingme
No. He is the documentation guy and wants to correct the spelling of variables in C code :duh:

It is definitely political.


New Member
Hey, 2ndAmendment

You're obviously infatuated with guns. And you ask people to read the Consitution because you're so hot-n-heavy over the 2nd Amendment..

But have you ever read the first ####in' half of the 2nd Amendment??

Give it a rest, you wacko!

Oh, lemme guess.. You are pro-guns, pro-death penalty, pro-war, pro-life??? Those are some true values to live by!
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Staff member
PREMO Member
slomo said:
You're obviously infatuated with guns. And you ask people to read the Consitution because you're so hot-n-heavy over the 2nd Amendment..

But have you ever read the first ####in' half of the 2nd Amendment??

Give it a rest, you wacko!

Oh, lemme guess.. You are pro-guns, pro-death penalty, pro-war, pro-life??? Those are some true values to live by!

Awww... how sweet.

You signed up and made your first post just to let him know how you feel. I'm sure he'll be honored and value your ever so considerate opinion.

Have you considered circus work? :whistle:


Super Genius
slomo said:
You're obviously infatuated with guns. And you ask people to read the Consitution because you're so hot-n-heavy over the 2nd Amendment..

But have you ever read the first ####in' half of the 2nd Amendment??

Give it a rest, you wacko!

Oh, lemme guess.. You are pro-guns, pro-death penalty, pro-war, pro-life??? Those are some true values to live by!
UrbanPancake, is that you?


Asperger's Poster Child
ylexot said:
UrbanPancake, is that you?
That was my first thought, too. I disagree with 2nd's fundamentalist views on religion, but I respect the sincerity of his beliefs. Slomo sounds like he or she is just trying to bait 2nd for the sake of drama.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
slomo said:
You're obviously infatuated with guns. And you ask people to read the Consitution because you're so hot-n-heavy over the 2nd Amendment..

But have you ever read the first ####in' sentence of the 2nd Amendment??

Give it a rest, you wacko!
Have you EVER read the Constitution? Have your ever read the Second Amendment? This statement, " have you ever read the first ####in' sentence" indicates not. There is only one sentence in the Second Amendment.
Amendment II (1791)
A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.
So you must be a political liberal that believes that the dependent phrase "A well regulated militia" refers to the National Guard. Want the facts or is your mind made up?

The Second Amendment was approved in 1791. The act that created the National Guard wasn't enacted until 1903. You also apparently don't understand what the militia is. Five months after the adoption of the 2nd Amendment, May 1792, the Militia Act was passed. That act distinguished between the enrolled militia and the organized militia. Before the passing of that act, there was only the enrolled militia, which is the body of all able-bodied men between the ages of 17 and 44, inclusively, and it is the enrolled militia to which the 2nd Amendment refers. It couldn't refer to the organized militia because it didn't exist yet. The 2nd Amendment was to ensure that this body of citizens is armed and that's why the Founding Fathers thought to place it in the Bill of Rights. Legally, both militias still exist.

Even if you are over 44 or female, you still have the right to keep and bear arms. The dependent clause, "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, " does not stand alone, but the non-dependent portion, "the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed" can stand as a complete sentence. It is the right of the people that is guaranteed. The founders wanted the states and the people to be able to defend themselves against the federal government they were constituting. The people being armed with the latest weaponry, including canons, allowed for the common defense and was an attempt to keep from having a standing army. The founders found a standing army contrary to personal freedom since the central government could use the army to oppress the people. Even now, the army is only to be funded for no more than two years.
U.S. Constitution, Article 1, Section 8, clause 12
To raise and support armies, but no appropriation of money to that use shall be for a longer term than two years;
I certainly am not a "wacko", as you so maliciously put it. Please have your facts before attacking, and although I am trying to be kinder and gentler regarding English skills, they do count and yours are lacking.


slomo said:
You're obviously infatuated with guns. And you ask people to read the Consitution because you're so hot-n-heavy over the 2nd Amendment..

Hey 2nd! He's winkin' at you. I think he likes you.

slomo said:
Oh, lemme guess.. You are pro-guns, pro-death penalty, pro-war, pro-life??? Those are some true values to live by!

So you're anti-guns, anti-death penalty, anti-war and anti-life.

I'll bet you're great fun at parties. What do you do when you show up? Look around for people who've been there for a while, obviously well liked, and try to whiz on their shoes, or just try to slap the drink out of their hand?

Here's my prediction on our new friend: I'll bet before mid-week, you're going to be wondering why everyone's so mean to you. You'll finally write it off as a "clique-mentality", because everyone ELSE has the problem. Not you.

:loser: :loser: :loser:


Asperger's Poster Child
slomo said:
But have you ever read the first ####in' half of the 2nd Amendment??
I can't believe I'm going to reply to you...

I don't own guns, but even I know that most gun fans aren't Randy Weaver-type white separatists arming for Armageddon. Most gun fans are like most computer geeks--they love their gadgets and love talking about them. There's nothing unhealthy about it. When you post just to get someone riled up, you make a bad first impression. If you don't like guns, then state your opinion rationally instead of bashing other people.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
slomo said:
Oh, lemme guess.. You are pro-guns, pro-death penalty, pro-war, pro-life??? Those are some true values to live by!
I forgot to address this. Yes, I am pro Second Amendment, so were the founding fathers; they wrote it. Yes, I am pro-death penalty. It may not deter anyone else but the guy who did the crime certainly won't do it again. And, yes I am pro-life. You are against living? There is a solution, but I don't recommend it. I don't think you'll like it.

Only very self-centered, narcissistic people are pro-war. I know of none. So the answer there is no, I am not pro-war. I do think wars will and have to be fought. Aren't you glad the founders saw fit to fight the Revolutionary War, so you could exercise your First Amendment right of free speech and be so bellicose to me.


Dancing Up A Storm
That May Have Been...............

...................a hit and run zinger from one of our past disgruntled members.

It obviously had the obligatory baiting in it, the uninformed point of view, and to top it all off, he/she would not make it through a 3rd grade spelling bee. :razz:


Enjoying life!
Karma sent, 2nd. That had to be the best summarized defense of the Second Amendment I have read to date.