This one's for you, GOPers

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Penn said:
We got way off line here on this one, it seems. Maybe I did not present the best type of case that I could have, fine.

Like I said, I support our rights as citizens to purchase a firearm of their choice for hunting, targetshooting, etc.

I guess I'm a little leery about some of the guns/firearms that I've seen in the Trade magazines that you and I apparently can purchase through a licensed
firearm dealer with a valid FFL number.

I've sold firearms before, so I'm familiar with the background checks one has to go through before purchasing a firearm. I've had the customer fill out the required form, then I would call it in to the BATF for approval or denial, and in some cases, the 3 day waiting period would arise, which resulted from a "red flag" the BATF found in their history.

We were not authorised to sell pistols, so I don't have much knowledge on that one, except I believe there was an automatic 10 day waiting period.
Is that how you understand it?

I just question the idea that an ordinary citizen should be able to purchase ANY BLESSED firearm he or she chooses.

Nothing should be prohibited from John Q. Public, as far as firearms go, for
him to purchase?

If our laws allow that, I'm not going to fall on my sword over it, I just feel a bit leery about it, OK?
Actually, I understand that waiting/cooling off periods are different in each state. The Brady Bill mandatory 5 day period expired back in 1998. Here is a link with state by state requirements for type of background check and associated waiting period.

As to being able to own any weapon of my choice I contend that is my right, but agree that certain types of weapons might require more control then others and that knowing the whereabouts of such weapons is a compelling interest of the government. Therefore registration of such weapons by the owners seems to be a reasonable compromise between the right of the people and the interest of the government.


Dancing Up A Storm
Ken King said:
Actually, I understand that waiting/cooling off periods are different in each state. The Brady Bill mandatory 5 day period expired back in 1998. Here is a link with state by state requirements for type of background check and associated waiting period.

As to being able to own any weapon of my choice I contend that is my right, but agree that certain types of weapons might require more control then others and that knowing the whereabouts of such weapons is a compelling interest of the government. Therefore registration of such weapons by the owners seems to be a reasonable compromise between the right of the people and the interest of the government.
Alright! :yay: After all the fussing and fighting we went through on this, we finally have come to some sort of an agreement!

To me, it would seem a common sense type of issue, as well.

Does a person really need to own a firearm that will shoot a .60 caliber slug, for arguements' sake, one that will travel 2,500 yds, with an accuracy of +/- 1 inch at the end of it's trajectory?

Somebody might argue: "Well, that's what I need when I hunt elk or moose in the Rockies." Whatever.

Heck, if I recall, you hunt deer with a black powder pistol that does not have much accuracy beyond 75 yards or so.

Yet, for your purposes, that firearm fills your needs just fine, and that is sound thinking the way I look at it.

Some folks out there, I wonder why they think they need a firearm with those capabilities, I suppose.

How about the safety issue; you have the firearm I mentioned above. You shoot at that elk, and you miss, but there's another hunter out there 1,800 yards downrange. He could very well be in danger.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Penn said:
Alright! :yay: After all the fussing and fighting we went through on this, we finally have come to some sort of an agreement!

To me, it would seem a common sense type of issue, as well.

Does a person really need to own a firearm that will shoot a .60 caliber slug, for arguements' sake, one that will travel 2,500 yds, with an accuracy of +/- 1 inch at the end of it's trajectory?

Somebody might argue: "Well, that's what I need when I hunt elk or moose in the Rockies." Whatever.

Heck, if I recall, you hunt deer with a black powder pistol that does not have much accuracy beyond 75 yards or so.

Yet, for your purposes, that firearm fills your needs just fine, and that is sound thinking the way I look at it.

Some folks out there, I wonder why they think they need a firearm with those capabilities, I suppose.

How about the safety issue; you have the firearm I mentioned above. You shoot at that elk, and you miss, but there's another hunter out there 1,800 yards downrange. He could very well be in danger.
Who is to say what any of us need? What I need or desire has nothing to do with what anyone else desires or needs.


Right Where I Belong
In my personal experiences when it has come to individuals and guns..if someone wants a gun bad enough they are going to find a way to obtain that gun - regardless of whether it is legal or not. :shrug:


New party running in 2008

National Socialists To Seek Presidency In 2008 : National Socialist Movement To Transform Into Political Party ; National Socialist Movement
Date: Mon, 8 Nov 2004 14:25:40 -0800

National Socialists To Seek Presidency In 2008
National Socialist Movement To Transform Into Political Party

11/8/2004 2:25:40 PM
National Socialist Movement

Minneapolis, MN -- [Bill: Getting these guys on the ballot would not be
easy, but if they were
serious, I would gladly do their petition work -- though I don't think
can start petitioning until 2006 in most states (I know they can't in

Greetings Fellow American Patriots, (Press Release)

NS greetings, we would like to proudly announce our intention to field
National Socialist Movement candidates in the 2008 Presidential Race.
probable Candidates would be for the Presidency and Vice-Presidency of the
United States of America. We will announce the names of these individuals,
along with our Public Proclamation in 2007, and perhaps others running for
Public Office within The National Socialist Movement.

No openly National Socialist Candidate has ran for the Presidency of the
United States, since Commander George Lincoln Rockwell planned on doing
prior to his assasination in the 1960's. The National Socialist Movement
hearby declares its intention to change that, and give the American People
probable choice when they go to the ballot booths in 2008.

The American People deserve far better than to have to make an ill
choice between the lesser of two evils. Let them vote National Socialist

A vote for National Socialism on Election Day is a vote for the White
Hail Victory! Commander Jeff Schoep/ National Director: National Socialist

N.S.M. HQ P.O. Box 580669 Minneapolis, MN. 55458 U.S.A.

website: Phone Hotline #651-659-6307


Dancing Up A Storm
Charles said:
Do I read your post correctly that you want the Brown shirts to run this country?
I thought this sounded vaguely familiar; Brown Shirts: As in SkinHeads? :rolleyes:

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Suppose your desire is to shoot your neighbor?

...he desires to shoot you...and you want to stop him?

Suppose you daughter lives far away and declines the advances of some nut job who has a history of violence towards women and who illegally owns a firearm.

Suppose he threatens your daughter for turning him down. Suppose she is scared, lives alone, works late and wants to buy a handgun to protect herself?

She can't. Not right away. It takes time because we have so many freaks in this nation who are all for obscene TV commercials in the name of free speech, all for criminals rights where animals get away with gun crimes in the name of fairness and all AGAINST assumption of innocence in the case of deciding to PROTECT yourself because you feel threatened.

Our law enforcement is about solving crime, not crime prevention because everyone else is presummed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. UNLESS YOU WANT...HORROR of HORRORS!!!!!!...A GUN.

Your daughter, my daughter, in the meantime, while some nameless faceless beauracracy decides whether or not she has the right to protect herself with a firearm: :dead:

I will never, ever understand the mindset of any citizen that lives in a suppossedly free nation being afraid of someone carrying a pistol in their purse or under their jacket. Or near their bed. Or in their closet.


New Member
Penn said:
I thought this sounded vaguely familiar; Brown Shirts: As in SkinHeads? :rolleyes:
Yes. We have a nazi in our midst. Commander George Lincoln Rockwell.
JohnnyRebel are you old enough to know what that is all about?


New Member
Larry Gude said:
...he desires to shoot you...and you want to stop him?

Suppose you daughter lives far away and declines the advances of some nut job who has a history of violence towards women and who illegally owns a firearm.

Suppose he threatens your daughter for turning him down. Suppose she is scared, lives alone, works late and wants to buy a handgun to protect herself?

She can't. Not right away. It takes time because we have so many freaks in this nation who are all for obscene TV commercials in the name of free speech, all for criminals rights where animals get away with gun crimes in the name of fairness and all AGAINST assumption of innocence in the case of deciding to PROTECT yourself because you feel threatened.

Our law enforcement is about solving crime, not crime prevention because everyone else is presummed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. UNLESS YOU WANT...HORROR of HORRORS!!!!!!...A GUN.

Your daughter, my daughter, in the meantime, while some nameless faceless beauracracy decides whether or not she has the right to protect herself with a firearm: :dead:

I will never, ever understand the mindset of any citizen that lives in a suppossedly free nation being afraid of someone carrying a pistol in their purse or under their jacket. Or near their bed. Or in their closet.
You're right Pops. After reading Johnny rebs post, we better all be prepared.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Charles said:
You're right Pops. After reading Johnny rebs post, we better all be prepared.
If you don't want good karma from me, why do you keep posting things that make me go, "Yup"?


Super Genius
When I started reading the stuff about a socialist party, I thought the extreme left wing part of the dem party was breaking off (which would be good for them). Then I got to the "White Race" BS. I never thought of white supremacists as being socialists. I thought they were more totalitarian (the opposite end of the political spectrum).


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
As a point of reference, the Nazi party of WWII Germany official name translated to English is National Socialist German Workers Party.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Penn said:
We got way off line here on this one, it seems. Maybe I did not present the best type of case that I could have, fine.

Like I said, I support our rights as citizens to purchase a firearm of their choice for hunting, targetshooting, etc.

I guess I'm a little leery about some of the guns/firearms that I've seen in the Trade magazines that you and I apparently can purchase through a licensed
firearm dealer with a valid FFL number.

I've sold firearms before, so I'm familiar with the background checks one has to go through before purchasing a firearm. I've had the customer fill out the required form, then I would call it in to the BATF for approval or denial, and in some cases, the 3 day waiting period would arise, which resulted from a "red flag" the BATF found in their history.

We were not authorised to sell pistols, so I don't have much knowledge on that one, except I believe there was an automatic 10 day waiting period.
Is that how you understand it?

I just question the idea that an ordinary citizen should be able to purchase ANY BLESSED firearm he or she chooses.

Nothing should be prohibited from John Q. Public, as far as firearms go, for
him to purchase?

If our laws allow that, I'm not going to fall on my sword over it, I just feel a bit leery about it, OK?
I ask the question from my signature line, "What don't you understand about the word "infringed"? The Second Amendment says,
Amendment II (1791)
A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.
It does not say "..., the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall be limited to those that are for hunting." or "..., the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall be limited to those for use in the house." or "..., the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall be limited to those that have a range less than 300 yards.", or "..., the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall be limited to those that are approved by Penn."

On the contrary, the inclusion of "A well regulated militia", although not limiting the right, does indicate that the arms the people have the right to keep and bear could have military use. It was not uncommon for large landholders to own their own canon and for ship owners to have their ships armed with canon; they were privateers. See Many of the privately held heavy armament were pressed into service in support of the Army of the Colonists. The Second Amendment does not limit what arms can be kept and born. It may seem a bit far field, but a citizen (a felon commonly lost his rights of citizenship) could own a 30mm multi-barreled machine gun, a howitzer, a battleship, or an F-15 if they could afford them.

The range of most rifles, even a .22 long rifle, is more than a mile. A .243, .30-06, .308, 7mm, will go 7 miles. A .44 Remington Magnum handgun is accurate to a hundred yards or so and its rage is much farther than that. So limiting by range is just ridiculous.

Just because you own a WWII borderline antique that you don't shoot or you sold guns at Wal*Mart does not make you an expert.

By the way, I believe a true Gatling Gun is legal to own without restriction since it is an antique. I know antique firearms, including pistols, are not restricted from sales or shipping, even across state lines, and do not require an FFL for transfer or sale.
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ylexot said:
When I started reading the stuff about a socialist party, I thought the extreme left wing part of the dem party was breaking off (which would be good for them). Then I got to the "White Race" BS. I never thought of white supremacists as being socialists. I thought they were more totalitarian (the opposite end of the political spectrum).

Yep. Let the extreme Republicans become their own party. Yeah...... :lmao:
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