Actually, I understand that waiting/cooling off periods are different in each state. The Brady Bill mandatory 5 day period expired back in 1998. Here is a link with state by state requirements for type of background check and associated waiting period. said:We got way off line here on this one, it seems. Maybe I did not present the best type of case that I could have, fine.
Like I said, I support our rights as citizens to purchase a firearm of their choice for hunting, targetshooting, etc.
I guess I'm a little leery about some of the guns/firearms that I've seen in the Trade magazines that you and I apparently can purchase through a licensed
firearm dealer with a valid FFL number.
I've sold firearms before, so I'm familiar with the background checks one has to go through before purchasing a firearm. I've had the customer fill out the required form, then I would call it in to the BATF for approval or denial, and in some cases, the 3 day waiting period would arise, which resulted from a "red flag" the BATF found in their history.
We were not authorised to sell pistols, so I don't have much knowledge on that one, except I believe there was an automatic 10 day waiting period.
Is that how you understand it?
I just question the idea that an ordinary citizen should be able to purchase ANY BLESSED firearm he or she chooses.
Nothing should be prohibited from John Q. Public, as far as firearms go, for
him to purchase?
If our laws allow that, I'm not going to fall on my sword over it, I just feel a bit leery about it, OK?
As to being able to own any weapon of my choice I contend that is my right, but agree that certain types of weapons might require more control then others and that knowing the whereabouts of such weapons is a compelling interest of the government. Therefore registration of such weapons by the owners seems to be a reasonable compromise between the right of the people and the interest of the government.