Thornton Rally


New Member
Hello my name is Rickie Raley and I am a junior currently attending Leonardtown High School. I would like to announce to the community that there will be rally in Annapolis on Monday to push for the full funding of the landmark Thornton Plan. This piece of legislation that was passed a couple of years ago provides great increases in education spending to public schools throughout Maryland as well as higher standards. The public schools of this state need some financial help, especially here in St. Mary’s County, so that they can meet the standards from not only Thornton but the federal No Child Left Behind Act. Our state is in some budgetary problems but we must understand that the children of this nation are the future and they deserve the best education possible. If Thornton is fully funded, the students in the St. Mary’s County Public school system will be able to have a modernized education that will produce serious results. I hope that the parents, students, and general advocates of education here in St. Mary’s County decide to attend the Thornton Rally up in Annapolis. We can create a difference in this state so that tomorrow’s leaders receive a truly great education. Thank you for considering attending the rally and I hope to see you there.


Not dead yet.
Originally posted by *archimedes*
Where do you want them to get the money from? Social programs?

Silly! Don't you know that ALL you have to do to get money for the government is "tax the rich." That punishes them the way that they should be for being so evil, greedy and racist while it gets the money safely back into the government's hands where it belongs! :biggrin:


b*tch rocket
You know, I heard on the radio this morning that Charles County schools will be releasing their kids 2 hours early in order for them to attend this function. WTF? :confused: :cussing:
Originally posted by Christy
You know, I heard on the radio this morning that Charles County schools will be releasing their kids 2 hours early in order for them to attend this function. WTF? :confused: :cussing:
Montgomery county is giving students CREDIT for attending. :bs: