Thought formented on vacation...

As humans we...

  • ...use reason to achieve our passions as they, passions, are what drives us.

    Votes: 3 17.6%
  • ...use reason to control our passions, reason being the dominant of the two.

    Votes: 6 35.3%
  • ...should go back on vacation.

    Votes: 8 47.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


aps45819 said:
You spelled fermented wrong
I knew he meant 'fomented' but 'fermented' is equally appropriate within this gang!

Larry Gude

Strung Out

...seeings how we have a teeming mass of people dying to explore this, here we go;

The thought is that we, as individuals, are primarily driven by our wants, our passions, not by our reason. We simply use reason to help get what we want; passion dominates reason. Having the ability to reason we recognize that our wants can be a threat to ourselves and/or others and we consent, reasonably, to limits on our wants via...government.

We only limit our wants as a reasonable response to the governing that, in the US's case, we have consented to in the first place. Further, we have established a government, ideas of government that we can change as we see fit if the reasoning, the limitations that our government enacts restricts our passions too much.

If we were primarily driven by reason, would we need government? Put another way, if we were capable of governing ourselves as individuals. in a reasonable fashion, where would the need for formal government come from, an excess of reason?


Well-Known Member
Ya had me there for a while Larry-I thought this thread might be about wants, :drool: needs :hot:and passion :love: only to read it's about government..... :tantrum
I'll sit this one out :coffee:
Is this what your did on your summer vacation?? :smack:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
It's not about government...

Lilypad said:
Ya had me there for a while Larry-I thought this thread might be about wants, :drool: needs :hot:and passion :love: only to read it's about government..... :tantrum
I'll sit this one out :coffee:
Is this what your did on your summer vacation?? :smack:

...per se, it's about human nature and how we choose to live. It can be about sex, food, property, guitars, you name it; the concept is the same. I don't think government can't help but be a part of a discussion about human behavior. The larger question gets to the use of government, ideas of reasoning behavior, completing the circular relationship between our wants and our thoughts.

If reason rules, if we are motivated by reason, the breadth and scope of government would need be rather limited, yes? But we are more motivated by passion which isn't, by nature, reasonable, so, government need be a good bit more prevalent. Now, if government, good government, encourages reason and motivates reason then does it not serve the greater good far more so than government that emphasizes passion, wants, over reason?

Fun, huh?


Routinely Derailed
Larry, I think the reason vs. passion relationship varies for different people. Some folks are driven by their passion and will do whatever they think it takes to achieve their goal. For them, passion subjugates reason as a tool, a means to the end. Others have weaker passions but think a lot and plan whatever they do, so for them reason subjugates passion.


Methodically disorganized
Larry Gude said:
Now, if government, good government, encourages reason and motivates reason then does it not serve the greater good far more so than government that emphasizes passion, wants, over reason?
The reasoning government is the one in which America is grounded; the government of 'the Fathers'. The more passionate government is the one we see now.

The Fathers definitely knew a successful society could develop only with the right mix between the two factors. And they gave the People the right to explore their passions on the grounds of some simple, reasoned rules. It is interesting that, because of the freedom imparted to us by those early ideas, our government has shifted and evolved into what it is today.

But what is result of too much reason... communism? A passion-based system would be... anarchy?