This Space for Rent
What inanimate object, animal, plant, and person you wouldn't want to come back as.
Inanimate object: Diaphragm for an elephant
Animal: Gay porcupine
Plant: A cucumber... I am afraid a certain forumite may buy me
Person: The "don't squeeze the charmin guy" -- can you imagine what hell his life is? Having your anniversary dinner and people tapping on your shoulder, "Don't squeeze the charmin, eh? Ya, ya.. don't squeeze the charmin!". Your eulogy, "We all know him for his toilet paper pinching technique". At the hospital getting a colonoscopy and as they put it up your rear they are saying, "Oh! Don't squeeze the charmin!"
What inanimate object, animal, plant, and person you wouldn't want to come back as.
Inanimate object: Diaphragm for an elephant
Animal: Gay porcupine
Plant: A cucumber... I am afraid a certain forumite may buy me
Person: The "don't squeeze the charmin guy" -- can you imagine what hell his life is? Having your anniversary dinner and people tapping on your shoulder, "Don't squeeze the charmin, eh? Ya, ya.. don't squeeze the charmin!". Your eulogy, "We all know him for his toilet paper pinching technique". At the hospital getting a colonoscopy and as they put it up your rear they are saying, "Oh! Don't squeeze the charmin!"