I would have never ever taken my kids into a place like that. Or anywhere else that expensive things will be destroyed when Wrestlemania breaks out.
my mother's memory seems to be wiped clean of all raising boys trauma as she always wants to take my son everywhere when we/they visit. He's four, and while he's a decent, smart kid, he's very much a typical button-pushing appropriately (mis)behaving four year old with a ton of energy to burn. Taking him anywhere stresses me TF out so I am very strategic about where and when we show up in public. As soon as he walked (8 months
) and was too independent/squirmy to strap to my back, we stopped going to a lot of those iffy places. I'd be mortified if my kid did something shitty in public and I could've prevented it. Accidents happen, but you increase the risk taking kids where they shouldn't be going.
We hardly ever sit down at a restaurant but when we do, unless it has a playground or he's fine with some coloring books (I always try to keep an activity bag ready in the car), I also bring the tablet with headphones as backup. Some people like to frown on that as if they think he never can eat a meal or do anything without it, but reality is that tablet is strictly for long car rides and restaurants. I am also all for child-free spaces.
If that's what the owners want, they're within their right to enforce it. Good for them
I'll visit them when I have a sitter, and likely enjoy it.