Good, you haven't been...
...following this. Here you go:
Saddam sux's total ###, wants to be the next Saladin of the Arab world. Saladin unfied the Arab tribes some 1500 years ago (?) and is a legendary great leader in history. Thing is Saladin was not a vicious animal like the Hussein boys.
In the process, the road to "greatness", Saddam threatens the free flow of oil on the world market at market prices. This threatens the stability and predictability of our economy as energy problems are like dominos, we may not get much from Iraq but the effects resonate worldwide, a national security issue. "...provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare" stuff like that.
Whether you like Bush 41 or not Hussein promised to abide by UN rules (no nasty weapons, inspections to prove it) to keep his ### from being removed permanently.
For 12 years he has been dicking around. Clinton never felt it was a big deal though he constantly said it was. The UN felt it wasn't a big deal though they constantly said it was. They resolved to use force many times if compliance was not given. BOO.
W campaigned on kicking Iraqs ### (making them do what they agreed to do). He is now about done kicking their ### and, hopefully, the country will persue a decent, lawful society absent mass murderers. Hussien could have stopped it at ANY point by keeping his word to the UN. Somehow, that he didn't is W's fault.
This, dead Husseins, will help stabilize the region, having two democracies in the area. This will help stabilize the free flow of oil. This will help root out terrorists as our way of life (McDonalds, Hollywood, fishing shows, the NFL, beer and political argument forums where you don't get shot) slowly take hold in the area.
That last, free speech is the biggee. Soon, we will be able to have plenty of native born Iraqi Smalltowns bitching idly about every little thing without fear of being run through a blender.
Saddam's WMD program is (IS) based on fighting hoards of Iranians and is of negligible actual threat to us in terms of his military actually using them on us. He was told fact certain if he gassed us in '91 he would be nuked to oblivion. Fear works.
It, WMD, are a threat when you factor that an Iraqi intelligence officer coordinated the first World Trade Center attack. They are a threat when you consider the terrorist training camps in Iraq.
They are a threat when you consider Hussein tried to assassinate Bush 41. They are a threat when you consider the Daschle anthrax letters.
Somehow, unless we have perfect proof, people who hate Bush 43 cannot see, in any way shape or form, how Hussien might help terrorists attack us if he thought he could get away with it. Why would he think that? See the last 12 years.
These same people are now raising holy hell that the CIA, FBI, NSA, NIS, PDQ, CCC, PBS and whomever else couldn't put the pieces together pre 9/11. All they want is to attack Bush in any way because they hate him. They just do. They hate him more than Rush Limbaugh. They hate him more than John Wayne. They hate him more than Reagan. They hate him way worse then Saddam.
The thing is, they could focus on attacking Bush on good stuff, like the economy, taxes, missile defense, Social Security et al while getting a share of credit for getting rid of Hussein. They don't want that.
You tell me.
I think it is Beaten Voter Syndrome inflicted for 8 years and to this day by Bubba C.
It's the only constant.
Any more questions?