morganj614 said:Well, a good crock-o-doddle to you too, VV. Spring Festival tonight and how I wish that it would rain..have a good day.
Pegster710 said:You don't think rain would stop anything, do you?? They'll be out there cracking the , regardless!!
I don't work till Sunday!
BadGirl said:PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). There are clowns to the left of you, jokers to the right. It's fascinating to study people who are unaffected by those around them. It may not work in the real world, but it's a blast for after hours.
The dude who writes the horoscopes must know where I work.
Good morning, Dudes and Dudettes.
It's "Bring your spawn to work" dayK_Jo said:It's my Thursday. There sure are a lot of rugrats running around this place today. I thought people came to work to get away from their kids.
I forgot. My cats are gonna be pizzed.Mikeinsmd said:It's "Bring your spawn to work" day
cattitude said:CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). You're a lover, not a fighter. Alas, your possessive nature can make you seem a bit combative in social settings. Remember, your partner is with you for a reason. No need to be jealous.
morganj614 said:Oh, and there are the almost 3 year old twins that run 2 more.
I have wine waitiing for when I finally get home...LOL
TIGERLILY said:Ahh Nothing like a little communion to take the edge off a long day.
morganj614 said:I got an extra glass the other night when L poured the wrong kind...LOL.
Do you work tomorrow?
Mikeinsmd said:It's "Bring your spawn to work" day
K_Jo said:People have lost the whole meaning of "Bring Your Spawn to Work Day." They're walking through the halls with balloons. The parents are in shorts like it's Field Day. HR sent a message reminding people it's for kids 7 and up. This guy came in with three of his four daughters, all under age 5. One of them called Mrs. Jones a Whack-head. It's so effen LOUD in here!!! I can't concentrate on my posts!
virgovictoria said:Crock-a-doodle-dooooooo! <a href='' target='_blank'><img src='' alt='Rooster' border=0></a> (it would not let me write c o c k-a-doodle-dooo, how funny)