TI-83 calculator


No Longer the Kid
It was required when I was in school for algebra, but we still had to show our work and all that... So basically, we could use the calculator to make sure our numbers were right (or what we though) and then still had to show how we came up with that answer...

As for knowing math, the basics, yes, but algebra, calc, stats, in all that, any job where you will be using it, 99.9% of the time, you have calculators, or computers which you do the math on.....atleast all the engineers I see or work with due all there math on calculators or the comp (young and old)


Super Genius
Softballkid said:
It was required when I was in school for algebra, but we still had to show our work and all that... So basically, we could use the calculator to make sure our numbers were right (or what we though) and then still had to show how we came up with that answer...
The only classes that I had where calculations were needed were my physics classes. However, the problems were designed to keep the calculations relatively simple (any $10 scientific calculator could do it...programmable calculators were forbidden) and if you got a calculation wrong, but used the correct method, you didn't lose many points.

Softballkid said:
As for knowing math, the basics, yes, but algebra, calc, stats, in all that, any job where you will be using it, 99.9% of the time, you have calculators, or computers which you do the math on.....atleast all the engineers I see or work with due all there math on calculators or the comp (young and old)
Yeah, I use a calculator at work...addition, subtraction, multiply, divide, occasional sine/cosine, and unit conversions. That's about it. Pretty much any scientific calculator would work. I have a virtual HP48GX on all of my computers simply because I like the RPN/number stack and it has a great set of unit conversions. I don't use any of the graphing or any other functions on it.


wandering aimlessly
We bought the TI-84 Silver. He needs it for Algebra I and every other math class in high school (4 years of math required). The Earth/Space Science class also required it. He'll use it in college as well. A wise investment (on sale for $105), at least I hope it is.


New Member
You know softballkid, you are correct that the engineers you see do all there math on calculators or the comp. The difference is that the old engineers use the calculator, the younger one rely on it


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Softballkid said:
It was required when I was in school for algebra, but we still had to show our work and all that... So basically, we could use the calculator to make sure our numbers were right (or what we though) and then still had to show how we came up with that answer...

As for knowing math, the basics, yes, but algebra, calc, stats, in all that, any job where you will be using it, 99.9% of the time, you have calculators, or computers which you do the math on.....atleast all the engineers I see or work with due all there math on calculators or the comp (young and old)

Still think that the point of math class is learning math. If it were about solving it with calculators, it ought to be called calculator class. I mean, you learn how to write, but later you take a typing class.


CageKicker Extraordinaire
SamSpade said:
Still think that the point of math class is learning math. If it were about solving it with calculators, it ought to be called calculator class. I mean, you learn how to write, but later you take a typing class.

They make you do it with your head first. Then, they teach you to use the calculator. Same principle with using short cuts in calc. Day 1: Here's the long way. Day 2: Noone ever uses that methode. We just make you do that so that you understand the background of what's going on. Here's the easy way- which you'll probably use for the rest of your life- except on the test.

As far as people thinking the Ti-83 Plus will be outdated... Its the same one I was told to get 9 years ago. The textbooks call for it, so I don't see it going anywhere.


I have a TI-85 that I got in 1993 and it will do just about everything that the newer calculators will do.

Young engineers dont rely on a calculator, no calculator can tell you how to solve a problem it can just do the calculations for you. Heck, in graduate classes I dont think I ever saw a number calculation on a test and it was rare in homework.


Super Genius
Just saw this one and thought you'd be interested:
Texas Instruments TI-84 Plus Graphing Calculator $64.95 shipped free, Aug 22, 2006
Back to school. Office Depot has the Texas Instruments TI-84 Plus Graphing Calculator $109.95 - $20 off coupon code: 25828894 Exp 9/15 - $25 rebate = $64.95 shipped free.


New Member
Yes it should be

SamSpade said:
Still think that the point of math class is learning math. If it were about solving it with calculators, it ought to be called calculator class. I mean, you learn how to write, but later you take a typing class.
But it isn't. How many of our illustrious "math teachers" actuallly have a degree in pure or applied mathematics?
Many have no more mathematical maturity beyond the class that they teach.


Yo Gabba Gabba
88stringslouie said:
But it isn't. How many of our illustrious "math teachers" actuallly have a degree in pure or applied mathematics?
Many have no more mathematical maturity beyond the class that they teach.
:yeahthat: I was always a math whiz (in Honors and AP classes), but got B's and C's because I didn't like homework. Junior year I failed Pre-Calculus not because I didn't try, but because my teacher didn't know what she was teaching. Come to find out, her degree was in Biology.


CageKicker Extraordinaire
Ehesef said:
:yeahthat: I was always a math whiz (in Honors and AP classes), but got B's and C's because I didn't like homework. Junior year I failed Pre-Calculus not because I didn't try, but because my teacher didn't know what she was teaching. Come to find out, her degree was in Biology.

I know exactly which teacher you're talking about (and seeing as how you're my age, may have been the same class). Did you fail, or did you drop out and become an aide? If you thought Pre-calc was bad, you should've tried Calc BC. It didn't help the students either that she was the only teacher that taught it and was on maternity leave when we should've been studying for the AP exam.

I'm not blaming her or the school for me failing the exam (mine was more due to drugs, alcohol and women), but I do believe that she and the school- for thinking that a sub could teach Calc BC for 6 weeks- did the others in the class more harm than good.


Yo Gabba Gabba
Chain729 said:
I know exactly which teacher you're talking about (and seeing as how you're my age, may have been the same class). Did you fail, or did you drop out and become an aide? If you thought Pre-calc was bad, you should've tried Calc BC. It didn't help the students either that she was the only teacher that taught it and was on maternity leave when we should've been studying for the AP exam.

I'm not blaming her or the school for me failing the exam (mine was more due to drugs, alcohol and women), but I do believe that she and the school- for thinking that a sub could teach Calc BC for 6 weeks- did the others in the class more harm than good.
It must have been the same class :lmao:

I didn't drop and become an aide because I had a C when I could drop it. As soon as the date to drop by passed, my grade plummeted to a D. Failed the second semester. Luckily, I was taking an AP Stats class at the same time, so I didn't have to retake the course.

This woman kicked me out of class for "voicing my frustration" with the content. Now granted, I could have been more tactful, but I didn't deserve to be kicked out of class. It got to the point that I was so lost and the sub was unable to help me that I just started doing the Algebra 2 work. That way the teacher would at least know that I didn't sit there doing nothing for an hour.


CageKicker Extraordinaire
Ehesef said:
It must have been the same class :lmao:

I didn't drop and become an aide because I had a C when I could drop it. As soon as the date to drop by passed, my grade plummeted to a D. Failed the second semester. Luckily, I was taking an AP Stats class at the same time, so I didn't have to retake the course.

This woman kicked me out of class for "voicing my frustration" with the content. Now granted, I could have been more tactful, but I didn't deserve to be kicked out of class. It got to the point that I was so lost and the sub was unable to help me that I just started doing the Algebra 2 work. That way the teacher would at least know that I didn't sit there doing nothing for an hour.

She was on maternity leave my senior year. So were you a year behind me, or did I read your posts wrong?

As to pre-calc, I seem to remember someone doing that, but can't for life of me remember your name. Of course, at that time I spent more time in hall trying to cool down than I did in the class room.

With Calc BC, had it not been for the other Josh, I don't think anyone would've learned anything. He was probably the only one that passed the AP exam- and that was his junior year. I'm curious as to what happened to him. The kid had more brain power than the rest of us combined.


Yo Gabba Gabba
Chain729 said:
She was on maternity leave my senior year. So were you a year behind me, or did I read your posts wrong?

As to pre-calc, I seem to remember someone doing that, but can't for life of me remember your name. Of course, at that time I spent more time in hall trying to cool down than I did in the class room.

With Calc BC, had it not been for the other Josh, I don't think anyone would've learned anything. He was probably the only one that passed the AP exam- and that was his junior year. I'm curious as to what happened to him. The kid had more brain power than the rest of us combined.
I was a Junior. In Honors Pre-Calc. I think I know the kid your talking about too. He's the one that got me through Chem. That kid was amazing. Brilliant.