Tiger and #19...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
His current goings on, getting older, kids, the marriage, the HUGE money he has already earned, these are the real hurdles he faces in chasing down Jack.

I would not argue that he won't make it, not quite but, I will argue that the task certainly grows more difficult.

I add this to the conversation as well; close but, no cigar. Tiger used to either win a major or not even be close. Of late, he has added some majors that he came close but, didn't win. Jack Nicklaus, the greatest golfer of all time, actually has more 2nds and 3rds than major wins.

Add to this the coming army of youngsters who grew up watching Tiger, grew up thinking nothing is impossible on a golf course BECAUSE of Tigers play. Compare this to the people who have been getting stomped by him for over a decade who tend to wilt against him rather than relish the challenge and just beat him. He got a lot of wins against those types. Maybe not so much against the kids?

Tiger has an awful lot to overcome. An awful lot.


His current goings on, getting older, kids, the marriage, the HUGE money he has already earned, these are the real hurdles he faces in chasing down Jack.

I would not argue that he won't make it, not quite but, I will argue that the task certainly grows more difficult.

I add this to the conversation as well; close but, no cigar. Tiger used to either win a major or not even be close. Of late, he has added some majors that he came close but, didn't win. Jack Nicklaus, the greatest golfer of all time, actually has more 2nds and 3rds than major wins.

Add to this the coming army of youngsters who grew up watching Tiger, grew up thinking nothing is impossible on a golf course BECAUSE of Tigers play. Compare this to the people who have been getting stomped by him for over a decade who tend to wilt against him rather than relish the challenge and just beat him. He got a lot of wins against those types. Maybe not so much against the kids?

Tiger has an awful lot to overcome. An awful lot.

I will only say this latest incident with Tiger only soldifies my belief that playing great golf does not make a great golfer. I don't care if he does reach that number 19, until he changes his attitude he will never be great in my book. To put Tiger in the same class as Jack, Arnold, and even Phil is an insult to them.

One needs class both on and off the course.
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Larry Gude

Strung Out
I will only say this latest incident with Tiger only soldifies my belief that playing great golf does not make a great golfer. I don't care if he does reach that number 19, until he changes his attitude he will never be great in my book. To put Tiger in the same class as Jack, Arnold, and even Phil is an insult to them.

One needs class both on and off the course.

Oh, for crying out loud! So, Arnie and Jack and Gary kept out their debauchery/personal fights/car wrecks out of the papers! You have GOT to be kidding!!!


Oh, for crying out loud! So, Arnie and Jack and Gary kept out their debauchery/personal fights/car wrecks out of the papers! You have GOT to be kidding!!!

I'm primarily talking about their play on the course. Perhaps I missed it but how many acts of debauchery, personal fights (whatever that is), and car wrecks did Jack or Arnie get in? I realize we have a different media today that exaggerates any little event. Culminate that with the media obsession over Tiger and anything he does wrong will be magnified 10X. So, I happen to think he’s being treated unfairly.

And I'm not making any judgment about Tiger's incident. We don't have enough facts. But if his off-course behavior is anywhere reflective of his behavior on the course then nothing would surprise me. I happen to think Tiger's behavior on the course is routinely repugnant. Golf earned its name as the gentleman’s sport on the backs of Palmer and Nicholas because they played with class. Tiger – IMO – is no gentleman on the golf course . I never saw Jack or Arnold yell at fans, smash a club on the green or fairway, or blast out a rant of profanity when something didn’t go their way.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I'm . I happen to think Tiger's behavior on the course is routinely repugnant. Golf earned its name as the gentleman’s sport on the backs of Palmer and Nicholas because they played with class. Tiger – IMO – is no gentleman on the golf course . I never saw Jack or Arnold yell at fans, smash a club on the green or fairway, or blast out a rant of profanity when something didn’t go their way.

Are you out of your mind or are we talking about a different Tiger? Eldrick is noted by legions of players, especially lower down guys, as being the consummate gentleman on the course. Tough competitor? Sure. No class? Not that I have EVER heard.

How? :tap:

PS: There were no affairs or impure thoughts back in Jacks day. Especially by young men who damn near ruled the world. :tap:


Are you out of your mind or are we talking about a different Tiger? Eldrick is noted by legions of players, especially lower down guys, as being the consummate gentleman on the course. Tough competitor? Sure. No class? Not that I have EVER heard.

How? :tap:

PS: There were no affairs or impure thoughts back in Jacks day. Especially by young men who damn near ruled the world. :tap:

Eldrick, "the consumate gentleman", loses his temper at almost every turn when the game isn't going his way. The only reason these legions of players don't criticize his antics is because THEY are gentlement; they play and don't complain. Eldrick was touted as being trained by his dad to ignore noises and distractions. He is more distracted by the slightest of noises than any golfer out there. And not only is he easily distracted but he loses his temper at the one that distracted him. As a player I put him up with ther with the best. His behavior on the course? Not too different than what we've come to expect out of John daly.

And didn't expect you'd come up with any example of the other players' ill-behavior. All you could do was read their minds; minds just reeking with "impure thoughts". :rolleyes:
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Larry Gude

Strung Out
Eldrick, "the consumate gentleman", loses his temper at almost every turn when the game isn't going his way. The only reason these legions of players don't complain about his antics is because THEY are gentlement; they play and don't complain. Eldrick was touted as being trained by his dad to ignore noises and distractions. He is more distracted by the slightest of noises than any golfer out there. And not only is he easily distracted but he loses his temper at the one distracted him. As a player I put him up with ther with the best. His behavior on the course? Not too different than what we've come to expect out of John daly.

And didn't expect you'd come up with any example of the other players' ill-behavior. All you could do was read their minds; minds just reeking with "impure thoughts". :rolleyes:

I can't find the links and I am not going to bother looking. If your issue is him expressing anger, fine. I'll give you that. Maybe you should follow bridge?

What I am talking about is sportsmanship and class, not emotions, which is what I thought you were talking about. There are numerous stories over the years, including one this year, when a fellow player had a problem or a rules infraction they called on themselves and Tiger damn near went too far trying to find a way to help the guy out. His graciousness in defeat, his awareness of fellow competitors, his respect for the game, the courses, the players who preceded him. All high, high marks.

Tiger Woods style may offend you. His class and sportsman ship are as good as his record.


New Member
Larry is one that you CAN'T reach because you will not reverse his opinion. His five dollar words makes him think he will dupe your opinion because you are either dumb or ignorant.


I can't find the links and I am not going to bother looking. If your issue is him expressing anger, fine. I'll give you that. Maybe you should follow bridge?

What I am talking about is sportsmanship and class, not emotions, which is what I thought you were talking about. There are numerous stories over the years, including one this year, when a fellow player had a problem or a rules infraction they called on themselves and Tiger damn near went too far trying to find a way to help the guy out. His graciousness in defeat, his awareness of fellow competitors, his respect for the game, the courses, the players who preceded him. All high, high marks.

Tiger Woods style may offend you. His class and sportsman ship are as good as his record.

Perhaps you're a better man than I; able to overlook his temper. I happen to think it mars the atmosphere of the game. And, all-but-for-that, he would be a great player.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Tommy Bolt, circa 1950's, in an exhibition round, because of his reputation for...outbursts, was told he would be fined $100 per profane word. In an exhibition.

When Terrible Tommy, predictably lost it, a somewhat nervous official walked up to Tommy and Tom calmly handed him 4 $100 bills. When told the fine was only to be $100, Tom said...

"I know. I'm not done yet." :lol:

And he was noted as class guy and a sportsman.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Arnold Palmer, in his early days, flung a club into the bushes in anger and disgust after a particularly poor t shot. His older playing partner, I think the very same Bolt, told him he would not be a real pro until he learned to fling his clubs down the fairway so his caddy could pick it up on the way to the next shot.


Nothing to see here
Tommy Bolt, circa 1950's, in an exhibition round,
because of his reputation for...outbursts, was told he would be fined $100
per profane word. In an exhibition.


Larry Gude

Strung Out
Not in Tiger's case. :lol:

Most on the PGA seem to know how to keep #1 in check; at least on the golf course.

Think about what you are saying, for just a moment, so I don't have to get out the $6 words. OK? :lol:

Who is on the TV pretty much every shot, round after round after round? Tiger. You honestly think no one else ever stabs a club in the ground, says a bad word loud enough for the kids to hear it, kicks his bag?

Maybe you think Tiger shouldn't get po'd. Fine. You think the other guys are angels. I disagree. I think for as much as Tiger is on the TV and as little as other players are, in comparison, he's not doing bad.

So, as to class and sportsmanship, I think he'd be getting ripped all the time if he was found wanting by the other players. I don't hear that much.