Tiger joke tread...


Nothing to see here
From the looks of the layout, thats probably the shortest drive I've ever seen Tiger have.


New Member
He pissed of the head greens keeper of his private home course by going out and playing on a random public course.


heard a song on a local radio station this morning, they did a song to the tune of "Eye of the Tiger" called "Lies of the Tiger" it was funny, shame I can't find it on the internet.


Did Tiger take his balls and putter and go to a new faster green because he got bored with Swedish turf?


Hell Hath No Fury – Like A Viking Scorned

Was Tiger perhaps trying to take flight
when he jumped into his car in the middle of the night?
How else to explain his behaviour manic
as he stepped on the gas in a state of panic.

Did he think he was hitting the tee
when he bashed his car into a tree?
Was he trying to practice a putting shot
when he walloped an immovable water spigot?

We have to imagine he was hurrying to avoid being berated
by someone who was a little bit irritated
Had he perhaps done something he should not
and in his peccadillo had just been caught?
If he had bothered to study some Scandinavian history
Elin’s behaviour should have been no mystery
for Vikings tend to react quite strongly
when they think they have been treated wrongly.

We have many examples of what happens when their ire
can lead to consequences best described as dire.
So he should be careful when next temped to push her over the edge
or she might come after him wielding his very best wedge.

At least we know now what to give a bride
when about a gift for her shower we must decide.
If we cannot find a nice silver dish for butter
we can always present a weighted putter.

Homer J

Power Chord
Why did he hit a fire hydrant AND a tree?

Couldn't decide if he wanted to use an iron or a wood. :drummer:


Obama destroyed America


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