Tiki Bar Opening?



Anyone know when the TIKI BAR opens this year? Im craving a mai ti...:cheers: :dance:


Is there a way to sticky a Tiki Bar opening on this forum???

KaZamm, Top right corner of your screen. Pull down menu, select forum, and search for Tiki...


Set Trippin
Re: How does this go again?

Originally posted by Kyle
It doesn't.

I heard the TIKI has been sold and the Bridge is closed.
If the Tiki is gone, who is sponsering the mullet-cam this year? :biggrin:


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Re: Re: How does this go again?

Originally posted by mainman
If the Tiki is gone, who is sponsering the mullet-cam this year? :biggrin:
ESPN? I saw something earlier on TV about the Top 10 Sports Mullets :roflmao:


Set Trippin
Re: Re: Re: How does this go again?

Originally posted by RoseRed
ESPN? I saw something earlier on TV about the Top 10 Sports Mullets :roflmao:
I think I actually believe that...:lmao:


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Re: Re: Re: Re: How does this go again?

Originally posted by mainman
I think I actually believe that...:lmao:
I swear to Dog, I saw it on TV this evening. I wasn't the controller of the clicker, so I am not exactly sure what channel it was on. My guess was sports=ESPN.


Re: Is there a way to sticky a Tiki Bar opening on this forum???

Originally posted by dustin
KaZamm, Top right corner of your screen. Pull down menu, select forum, and search for Tiki...

Yeh, Thanks, Great IDEA...Been there done that.... Problem is there are 320 listings and nothing on the 2004 opening.. At least nothing i saw. Thanks for the info though.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Re: Re: Is there a way to sticky a Tiki Bar opening on this forum???

Originally posted by KaZamm1061
Yeh, Thanks, Great IDEA...Been there done that.... Problem is there are 320 listings and nothing on the 2004 opening.. At least nothing i saw. Thanks for the info though.
Bullsniff :cheesy:
No, I have not read any of the previous Tiki threads. Call me lazy. But I can tell you from past experience, John and Cathy normally opened the Friday after tax deadline day (April 15th) every year. So, if you want to take a chance, cruise over there on April 16th about 2-4pm.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Is there a way to sticky a Tiki Bar opening on this forum???

Originally posted by migtig
I ain't had no sleep for two nights now, and I don't like this insomnia BS. It SUX.
Ya know, I find a nice roundy session of sexual activity to greatly aid in my ability to sleep. Cures my insomnia every time.


Re: Re: Re: Is there a way to sticky a Tiki Bar opening on this forum???

Originally posted by migtig
You are such a damn lazy liar. I did the search and found no less than 6 threads on the tiki bar opening for this year. Can you click this link? Or will that be to difficult for you?

Damn, Still have the hate in ya.. You know for what its wourth i still like ya. Sorry your sex life isnt working.:confused: