Tiki Bar Opening


My Sweetest Boy
Just to prepare yourself for Friday's festivities, take this test.  Whew, I'm still whirring.....



Sorry, but Dalmationlady and I will be missing this fun....  However, we got the mash and the music... so we'll have our own Tiki opening 25 miles south of the border (border of Lex Park... that is... lol)...

And if you see some little dark haired girl... in one of those gutters up there... burpin and slurpin... and hopefully not eating dirtin worms....  that'll be cariblue.... just throw a quarter or two her way and leave her be.... she'll be fine... lol    :roflmao:

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Re: Otter at last years Tiki Opening...

Dang! Those heels must of really hurt his feet. :ohwell:


New Member

My neighbor is the Manager of the TIKI Bar and YES it is Opening on Friday April 16th!:biggrin:


Originally posted by Ken King
For all going to the Tiki Bar across the Thomas Johnson Bridge from St. Mary's watch out on your return trip as a sobriety checkpoint will be set up on Rt. 4 just this side of the bridge.

I think that Gold Star will be running Limos and vans across the bridge again this year. Think he did pickups at the hotels and the old Western Steer parking lot


New Member
Yay I can finally post!!

I can't wait for the Tiki bar opening this year. I've got plenty of beads...what should a girl ask a guy to do so I can give em away?:confused: This will be the first year i go without a hotel room so what is up with parking and sobriety checkpoints? How do I get on the goldstar party shuttle?? Help me fellow tiki-ites! I want to :cheers: a few! or maybe a bunch!


Active Member
No Brainers

Wow, I didn't know ya'll were still around. I remember watching ya'll play down at Rasberries, which I think has transformed back into Monk's Inn again. That was a while back for sure.