Tim Thomas skips White House


Having Fun!
In reading your linked article, it seems as though he believes some things very strongly.
"I believe the Federal government has grown out of control, threatening the Rights, Liberties, and Property of the People.

This is being done at the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial level. This is in direct opposition to the Constitution and the Founding Fathers vision for the Federal government.

Because I believe this, today I exercised my right as a Free Citizen, and did not visit the White House. This was not about politics or party, as in my opinion both parties are responsible for the situation we are in as a country. This was about a choice I had to make as an INDIVIDUAL.

This is the only public statement I will be making on this topic. TT"

(source: original post link here)

Sounds like he is a man of principle and decided not to be a hypocrite. IMO, it sounds as though he lives by the old saying,

"A man who stands for nothing will fall for anything."

He chose to stand for something. Personally, I admire the guy for by-passing a chance to meet the President of the US (at a purely publicity event, and possibly a once in a lifetime event) in order to stand on a principle. :shrug:


my war
In reading your linked article, it seems as though he believes some things very strongly.

(source: original post link here)

Sounds like he is a man of principle and decided not to be a hypocrite. IMO, it sounds as though he lives by the old saying,

"A man who stands for nothing will fall for anything."

He chose to stand for something. Personally, I admire the guy for by-passing a chance to meet the President of the US (at a purely publicity event, and possibly a once in a lifetime event) in order to stand on a principle. :shrug:

Sure, I respect his beliefs, but they were there celebrating a championship... I mean, geez, how serious can you be! Loosen up and "take one for the team"...


Having Fun!
Sure, I respect his beliefs, but they were there celebrating a championship... I mean, geez, how serious can you be! Loosen up and "take one for the team"...

Perhaps his beliefs and principles mean just a bit more to him than his job...


Larry Gude

Strung Out
Sure, I respect his beliefs, but they were there celebrating a championship... I mean, geez, how serious can you be! Loosen up and "take one for the team"...

I disagree. They were ONLY celebrating a championship in a GAME. I tend to not like people taking these sorts of opportunities to make political statements. Thomas gets a pass because he is protesting BOTH parties.

And, with all the problems we have, is it a proper use of the Presidents time and government resources to do this? I think this is yet another symptom of the larger problems.

Good for Thomas.


Obama destroyed America
I wouldn't go. Why would I want to go see a POTUS that I despise?
Now I didn't "despise" Clinton but I still wouldn't go see him.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I wouldn't go. Why would I want to go see a POTUS that I despise?
Now I didn't "despise" Clinton but I still wouldn't go see him.

But, you'd go see Bush 43, right? And that would be because your politics are personal and have nothing to do with results, yes?

And that's why Thomas gets a pass; for him, this isn't personal. You set aside personal issues for the greater good. If it is a principle, you don't set it aside.



Obama destroyed America
But, you'd go see Bush 43, right? And that would be because your politics are personal and have nothing to do with results, yes?

And that's why Thomas gets a pass; for him, this isn't personal. You set aside personal issues for the greater good. If it is a principle, you don't set it aside.

It's very simple. I'm not going to see a POTUS that I don't agree with. If a pub POTUS was screwing up ths country as bad as this one, I would pass as well.

And don't say W screwed it up as bad. :nono: I believe even you know better than that.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
It's very simple. I'm not going to see a POTUS that I don't agree with. If a pub POTUS was screwing up ths country as bad as this one, I would pass as well.

And don't say W screwed it up as bad. :nono: I believe even you know better than that.

Objectively, yes he did. In fact, worse because he was supposed to be on our side. He made Obama possible. He left the GOP, and, worse, the nation, in the mess we are in because of his major policy decisions.

Med part D. Immigration. Energy. Entitlements. TARP. Bailouts. Yeah, Bush was worse, objectively, much worse.

That we have not come to grips with that fact is illustrated in this primary race. Day after day.


Dream Stealer
I would have gone :shrug: despite my opinions and dislike of the current way things are going..he is still POTUS and holds a high office that WE the People elected. I would have gone because it would have been an honor, no matter who the POTUS was at the time. Taking away from your teamates and trying to get press because of how "principled" you are is a wee bit annoying. Go, feel proud, and then come home and vote the way you feel.:coffee:


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
I would have gone :shrug: despite my opinions and dislike of the current way things are going..he is still POTUS and holds a high office that WE the People elected. I would have gone because it would have been an honor, no matter who the POTUS was at the time. Taking away from your teamates and trying to get press because of how "principled" you are is a wee bit annoying. Go, feel proud, and then come home and vote the way you feel.:coffee:
Can't agree with this, how are you supposed to feel "honored" by someone that you don't really have any respect for, this is especially true when he's just doing it to score his own PR points.


Dream Stealer
Can't agree with this, how are you supposed to feel "honored" by someone that you don't really have any respect for, this is especially true when he's just doing it to score his own PR points.

I guess I don't feel like it is honored by SOMEONE, but rather by SOMETHING..as in the POTUS. It's not like he opted out of a signing of a piece of law he disagreed with, or a fundraising dinner..it was an accolade by the president..it is hardly compromising your morals to do that.


my war
Can't agree with this, how are you supposed to feel "honored" by someone that you don't really have any respect for, this is especially true when he's just doing it to score his own PR points.

See, I feel as though you are being honored by the country and not the figurehead shaking your hand.


Obama destroyed America
Objectively, yes he did. In fact, worse because he was supposed to be on our side. He made Obama possible. He left the GOP, and, worse, the nation, in the mess we are in because of his major policy decisions.

Med part D. Immigration. Energy. Entitlements. TARP. Bailouts. Yeah, Bush was worse, objectively, much worse.

That we have not come to grips with that fact is illustrated in this primary race. Day after day.
You are out htere man, wayyyyy out there. :lmao:


Obama destroyed America
I would have gone :shrug: despite my opinions and dislike of the current way things are going..he is still POTUS and holds a high office that WE the People elected. I would have gone because it would have been an honor, no matter who the POTUS was at the time. Taking away from your teamates and trying to get press because of how "principled" you are is a wee bit annoying. Go, feel proud, and then come home and vote the way you feel.:coffee:
He took nothing away from his teammates and he was'nt doing it for the press. In fact he made a very short statement and was done.


Obama destroyed America
Yeah, probably. I mean, everything I mentioned is pretty much...uh...er...well, exactly...true.

True seems to be waaaaaayyyyy out of fashion these days.
Truth is perception my friend. If that's how you perceive it, it's your truth.


Obama destroyed America
Have you ever played team sports?
Not since HS. As an adult I am capable of making my own decisions and as long as my actions don't hurt my team, I'm free to do as I wish.

Not meeting with the POTUS has no detrimental affect on the team. The media is the one making a big deal (imagine that). Any other players not go?