Tim Thomas skips White House


my war
Not since HS. As an adult I am capable of making my own decisions and as long as my actions don't hurt my team, I'm free to do as I wish.

Not meeting with the POTUS has no detrimental affect on the team. Any other players not go?

Nah... he was the only one. Therefore I am sure others had objective feelings as well, but sucked it up... Your country is honoring you in a historic building, not necessarily the president...


Obama destroyed America
Nah... he was the only one. Therefore I am sure others had objective feelings as well, but sucked it up... Your country is honoring you in a historic building, not necessarily the president...
One friggin guy out of how many? Then why are the media making a big deal? It's a non-issue.

I see your point on the honoring and all but I don't believe this guy is any more American than Sadaam Hussein was. No way would I go see him.

I may revise my opinion on Clinton though. He didn't try to destroy the country like the Kenyan has.
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my war
One friggin guy out of how many? Then why are the media making a big deal? It's a non-issue.

I see your point on the honoring and all but I don't believe this guy is any more American than Sadaam Hussein was. No way would I go see him.

I may revise my opinion on Clinton though. he didn't try to destroy the country like the Kenyan has.

Well he is one guy, but arguably the best goaltender in hockey and definitely one of the Bruins biggest stars....

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Truth is perception my friend. If that's how you perceive it, it's your truth.

Med Part D is not a perception.

TARP is not a perception.

What we've lost the last 12 years in A'stan and Iraq is not a perception.

Immigration results are not a perception. The Stimulus and Obamacare are not perceptions.

Ron Paul is a kook...is a perception.


I know nothing
Americans #####ing about an American who exercised his right to stand behind his political morals...

Oh the irony


I know nothing
Nah... he was the only one. Therefore I am sure others had objective feelings as well, but sucked it up... Your country is honoring you in a historic building, not necessarily the president...

His country honoring him??? The majority of this country doesnt give a rats ass about hockey. Those who do, arent all Boston Fans...


my war
One friggin guy out of how many? Then why are the media making a big deal? It's a non-issue.

I see your point on the honoring and all but I don't believe this guy is any more American than Sadaam Hussein was. No way would I go see him.

I may revise my opinion on Clinton though. He didn't try to destroy the country like the Kenyan has.

Wonder if Clinton handed out cigars to the Stanley Cup winners...:confused:


I love Texas Road House
I wouldn't go. Why would I want to go see a POTUS that I despise?
Now I didn't "despise" Clinton but I still wouldn't go see him.

Even if you don't like Clinton. It may be worth the trip just to smell his fingers.


my war
Scotty Hartnell's quote from yesterday....:yay:

"I'm not a big political guy or whatever, but for me it's a team event and should be an honor to be in the White House no matter what your political views are," Hartnell said. "It would've been the right thing to do to go there and enjoy the day, and who's gonna say he'll ever have another opportunity like that to go there again?"